
best time and day to post on ask metafilter

Post 54065 by realpseudonym deleted for the following reason: this would be for metatalk, not ask mefi


oh seven?

Post 54027 by jlowen deleted for the following reason: please continue this discussion in the identical recent thread


In response: How can I be a good girlfriend?

Post 53899 by Meemer deleted for the following reason: in response? how about reading the existing thread about this very topic. This is too open-ended and chatty on its own.


File-sharing for the faint-of-l33t

Post 53717 by thisjax deleted for the following reason: this is a little over the line for AskMe. See the MetaTalk thread for more.


Have you seen JeremiahBritt's dad?

Post 53710 by grapefruitmoon deleted for the following reason: I am very sorry but this is really not something that ask metafilter is for.

virtual harrassment

Post 53698 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How will Askville fail?

Post 53628 by mikemonteiro deleted for the following reason: this is not really a question, more of an axegrind. Since we are trying NOT to make AskMetafilter fail, would you mind asking again when you have a problem to be solved? Thank you.


trapped in the closet?

Post 53533 by petsounds deleted for the following reason: previously


The Best of Ask.Me?

Post 53420 by roofus deleted for the following reason: please take this to metatalk, thank you.


The implications of revenge

Post 53399 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Is porn harmful?

Post 53395 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Game help

Post 53381 by moonlite deleted for the following reason: this rally is not enough to go on. If you can't share more information about your game, perhaps you should name it yourself or discuss it with those who do know more details, thank you.

Should I Quit my Miserable Job?

Post 53337 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What now?

Post 53313 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Is it ever ethical for a whitehat to have fun with an exploit?

Post 53305 by fischler deleted for the following reason: the appropriate thing would be to email the admins about it privately.


Ergonomics and workplace rights in NY State?

Post 53228 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Bridget Jones: found dead and half eaten by wild dogs...

Post 53227 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Didn't the prodigal son actually apologize?

Post 53224 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

PLMK, MeFi 1337

Post 53218 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: send to metatalk, thank you.

I am evil and pathetic.

Post 53207 by JokingClown deleted for the following reason: please do not waste the time and the good will of the community on your adolescent jokes and experiments.


Why is the road construction process so lengthy?

Post 53178 by AlliKat75 deleted for the following reason: XYZ SUCKS AMIRITE??? phrasing matters, please try again next week.

Preparing emotionally for the inevitable

Post 53139 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Post 53131 by Mrs.Doyle deleted for the following reason: chatfilter


Where can I get an invite to Oink?

Post 53100 by drgonzo2k2 deleted for the following reason: not exactly what ask mefi is for


What's Your Biggest Secret Song?

Post 53012 by Matt_MP deleted for the following reason: this is chatfilter.

What should my "backup" transfer college be?

Post 52957 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Carnival in Brazil... Extra Cash?

Post 52848 by weiler63 deleted for the following reason: you already asked this before and got answers.

What would happen if the world stopped turning?

Post 52829 by Lucie deleted for the following reason: hypothetical chatfilter: read the FAQ please


what should i name my sock puppet?

Post 52738 by localhuman deleted for the following reason: this should be on metatalk

sickly sperm?

Post 52720 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:



Post 52706 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Friend says he 'likes me'

Post 52668 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Life after flunking out?

Post 52656 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

. = rip?

Post 52600 by alkupe deleted for the following reason: this does not belong here - please take mefi related questions to metatalk. also, it's in the FAQ.

marriage visa question

Post 52588 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What does a background check check?

Post 52543 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Cheesy Title?

Post 52537 by Mach3avelli deleted for the following reason: an almost identical question was asked five days ago

Ebay-Paypal coupon codes

Post 52536 by seeminglyshy deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for

where is my best friend?

Post 52519 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What kinds of friends should a married person have?

Post 52493 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Should I be upset?

Post 52490 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Are there any MeFites praticing Itlaq Yolu?

Post 52441 by Burhanistan deleted for the following reason: this is not what AskMe is for

How do couples meet a third for a threesome?

Post 52440 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Man chow?

Post 52388 by knave deleted for the following reason: this was just asked in october

japanese hip hop art

Post 52362 by Shanachie deleted for the following reason: hie thee to metatalk, thank you.



How will things change over the next 10 years?

Post 52187 by rolypolyman deleted for the following reason: crystal ball hypothetical filter

Birth control pill with antibiotic?

Post 52167 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


what are some things i can do to get back at my neighbours for exessive zoning calls?

Post 52037 by Chamunks deleted for the following reason: please no revengefilter posts.

Music I Haven't Heard

Post 51963 by frykitty deleted for the following reason: can you maybe repost this as less "what's your favorite x" chatfilter? this is sort of open ended.

What if WWII had gone differently?

Post 51953 by empath deleted for the following reason: hypothetical filter. you want soc.history.what-if.


Does Stop Sweating and Start Living Work?

Post 51860 by jimjohnson deleted for the following reason: don't post fake questions to drive sales on your website

Help me tie the Knot in 2 months

Post 51851 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Deception to get sex = Rape?

Post 51843 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Who faked thier own death?

Post 51796 by StickyCarpet deleted for the following reason: please read the guidelines. use google and spellcheck and avoid "who is your favorite x" questions

New QA site Anonymous, Confessions & Secrets

Post 51780 by stolenmojo9 deleted for the following reason: This is not a question and not for ask mefi


Please don't pass the marmite

Post 51668 by Zinger deleted for the following reason: chatfilter


Join us for Greece travel 2007?

Post 51625 by travelerjan deleted for the following reason: this is not what ask metafilter is for, please read the guidelines.


How to alert others re: an ebay scammer?

Post 51553 by longhornnation deleted for the following reason: don't use ask mefi to smear people that wronged you.


Post digits if possible

Post 51385 by about_time deleted for the following reason: poster's request

How to counteract Pfizer's spin on CBS?

Post 51337 by leyna howe deleted for the following reason: Don't use ask mefi to rant on something, and it helps if you explained the problem if there was one.


Talkin bout OJ Simpson again

Post 51320 by Sir Mildred Pierce deleted for the following reason: please take your OJ activism elsewhere. this is a thinly veiled "should you kill hitler as a baby" question

So many subcultures, so little time...

Post 51281 by ElectricBlue deleted for the following reason: chatfilter "I'll go first" "what's your favorite x"


Gift ideas for recent California bar exam passer

Post 51242 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Show Me The Moneyfilter: Phantom Stock Plan

Post 51184 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


desperate for software

Post 51122 by azriel2257 deleted for the following reason: don't use ask mefi for warez

Would a flood in the NYC subway drown or electrocute me?

Post 51098 by soulbarn deleted for the following reason: HYPOTHETICAL FILTER WTFFF


Post 51061 by jeffburdges deleted for the following reason: hypothetical chat please-use-spellchecker filter


Broaden my horizons, open my eyes.

Post 50991 by WinnipegDragon deleted for the following reason: chatfilter

where art thou ?

Post 50988 by sgt.serenity deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for


Photo Booth Hack

Post 50961 by smallerdemon deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for

On vs. In

Post 50894 by pembleton deleted for the following reason: identical question has been asked before

what makes it serious?

Post 50880 by someone else deleted for the following reason: chatfilter.


what a pet name really says

Post 50858 by Lisa S deleted for the following reason: what's the problem being solved here? Seems like chatfilter.

Sewing machine warez?

Post 50782 by obiwanwasabi deleted for the following reason: askme is really not for "where are the warez" posts


Houston Hockey Bar

Post 50772 by Doohickie deleted for the following reason: try it in metatalk

Sling into the slammer?

Post 50709 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:



Navingating Masculintiy

Post 50556 by leyna howe deleted for the following reason: ask mefi is for questions that can be answered, not for gauging audience opinion or just chatting about random stuff.

I don't belieeeeeve it!

Post 50535 by RokkitNite deleted for the following reason: chatchatchatchatchatchatchatfilter


Post-2006 election on talk radio?

Post 50473 by stam_broker deleted for the following reason: please go listen to the radio to determine what is on the radio.

Should I get my guy an Xbox 360 for the holidays?

Post 50459 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

i want to taste a painting

Post 50449 by pissfactory deleted for the following reason: obviousfilter.



congratulations, you’ve won your lawsuit! wait, what lawsuit?

Post 50254 by krautland deleted for the following reason: please save the axe-grindy part of your question for your own blog.

Shot Technique

Post 50252 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

The true north strong and $10,168

Post 50215 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

DSLR Christmas Gift Help!

Post 50204 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Can I survive the transition from sexy job to stable job?

Post 50192 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Can I creatively negotiate the best salary for myself in Canada, legally, without changing the bottom line?

Post 50187 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Who is more of an asshole?

Post 50185 by miles1972 deleted for the following reason: you're polling the audience for their opinion, not answers

How can I make this not such? Or perhaps great for me?

Post 50184 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Will there ever be world peace?

Post 50103 by herbiehancock00 deleted for the following reason: Is this chatfilter?



Post 49966 by BruceL deleted for the following reason: I'm not seeing a question anywhere in this rant.

fan mail for matt h.?

Post 49965 by localhuman deleted for the following reason: try the contact link


How many ping pong balls?

Post 49895 by Botunda deleted for the following reason: now that this question has been answered, it is becoming a train wreck. please go to the MeTa thread for more ping-pong ball/vagina discussion

Who is right and who is wrong?

Post 49861 by GIRLesq deleted for the following reason: this is not polltheaudiencefilter this is ask metafilter. what are you trying to do here?

Media is easy, working is hard

Post 49849 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for


Help find a counselor in DC.

Post 49757 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Transfer old Flickr account to me?

Post 49733 by secretsmile720 deleted for the following reason: this is not not not what AskMe is for.


Your account has expired, please open your wallet!

Post 49704 by reeddavid deleted for the following reason: this is not what AskMe is for, try craigslist.


Possessiveness in its varying degrees

Post 49649 by Phire deleted for the following reason: chatfilter


What's the #1 most-listened to song on your ipod?

Post 49570 by ORthey deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter, you answered your own question.


How to make the public take seriously the sometimes disasterous results of late fathering?

Post 49510 by leyna howe deleted for the following reason: this is not a question, it is a personal rant.



Post 49419 by Bageena deleted for the following reason: this is a nightmare

Word for Gay Marriage?

Post 49406 by CaptApollo deleted for the following reason: you answered your own question, which is one sure sign of chatfilter


What made you first grasp your own mortality?

Post 49352 by Black Spring deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. What's the problem you're trying to solve again?


Why do you misspell?

Post 49268 by TheRaven deleted for the following reason: post this to metatalk

Inflation, trade deficits, horrible war atrocities ... how are we supposed to do our big musical number with so many problems in the world?

Post 49241 by WCityMike deleted for the following reason: xyz sucks amirite questions do not go well here.


Why do I feel that I've gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now?

Post 49195 by ElectricBlue deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

like allofmp3 for magazines

Post 49174 by petsounds deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for.


Where to find a rare Weezer cover?

Post 49134 by JamesJD deleted for the following reason: this isn't what askme is for.


Whither Wayne?

Post 49066 by well_balanced deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, "what's the deal with x?" doesn't make a good question


How best to organize porn?

Post 49012 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Canadian Economic Policy Issues. Are You Still Awake?

Post 48977 by Idiot Mittens deleted for the following reason: poster's request

Gmail Login Problem Solved

Post 48975 by partner deleted for the following reason: please post into the existing thread, thanks.

Wii Availability?

Post 48958 by The Confessor deleted for the following reason: yeah this was just a few days ago...


Help send Michael O'Keefe (D.A.- Barnstable Mass) packing

Post 48703 by notmtwain deleted for the following reason: you already asked this question.


Are hospital given pregnancy urine tests ever wrong?

Post 48544 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Typical MeFi Guy Please Report To Reception

Post 48430 by MiguelCardoso deleted for the following reason: Is your question regarding MetaFilter, MetaTalk, or Ask MetaFilter? Post it to MetaTalk, which is designed for questions about the site itself.


Careers in Bestiality Pr0n

Post 48377 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What colour iPod should I get?

Post 48257 by John Shaft deleted for the following reason: if your question has one-word answers, you're probably polling the audience.

rush or reason

Post 48232 by four panels deleted for the following reason: hypotheticalfilter

marriage help in nyc?

Post 48208 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How to cope with a job I hate?

Post 48142 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Help me fire someone.

Post 47820 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: oops


Let the age-old debate be put to bed: bear vs monkey!

Post 47996 by es_de_bah deleted for the following reason: no hypothetical filter.



Post 47915 by bd deleted for the following reason: please ask this again when you have time to fill out the ellipsis part and categorize it properly, thank you.


UTI + Period = UTI.

Post 47838 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Lookin for Locals

Post 47817 by winks007 deleted for the following reason: please ask this over in metatalk

How can I view only the most popular AskMeFi questions?

Post 47799 by chefscotticus deleted for the following reason: thoughts? this i smore of a metatlk issue, is my thought. please feel free to re-ask there.

A short course in guilt?

Post 47779 by the giant pill deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. please explain what is the problem you're trying to solve.

Woke up this morning to find myself RICH

Post 47778 by flabdablet deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, please explain why you want to know, etc, otherwise this is just the same as many other similar questions


I'm down $200k. What do i do now?

Post 47759 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

What are some of the best movie scenes involving food?

Post 47753 by stokast deleted for the following reason: chatfilter - what is your favorite x. please rephrase and ask again.

Small fish being eaten, possibly in exchange for money. Please advise.

Post 47727 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

diagnose me

Post 47698 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Is a child's life worth more than an adults?

Post 47601 by vizsla deleted for the following reason: chatfilter or obviousfilter.

Is alcoholism a disease or a choice? A debate I overheard.

Post 47572 by TwilightKid deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. "if your motivation for asking the question is 'I would like to participate in a discussion about X,' then you shouldn't be doing it in AskMe."


Abortion for an affair

Post 47540 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Looking for Seattle military base used for art installation

Post 47489 by kensanway deleted for the following reason: poster's request

Beginning of the end

Post 47460 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Seeking residence out of a shelter.

Post 47393 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Because I'm a total BoingBoing whore.

Post 47369 by SassHat deleted for the following reason: askme is for your own questions, not everyone's lazyweb

Is Aquent any good?

Post 47367 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Gmail - the sequel

Post 47332 by fox_terrier_guy deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for, email me if you are still having this problem.

How do I get around gmail blocks at work?

Post 47325 by johnasdf deleted for the following reason: by request


Help someone find a job without pressuring them?

Post 47255 by fr0zen deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request


What Would You Do About This Recurring Dream?

Post 47197 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Worst Ever

Post 47179 by hwestiii deleted for the following reason: this sounds like polling people for political opinions, not answering a question.

why does the media create fear?

Post 47172 by brandz deleted for the following reason: please make more of an effort to ask your question if you want people to make an effort to answer it.

Pathetic Problems

Post 47162 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What to do with my startup?

Post 46821 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: huh.


The Onion... Gone Sour?

Post 47031 by ifranzen deleted for the following reason: please no "wtf is up with X questions" subjective etc etc

don't you have a boss on your ass?

Post 46995 by jmarq deleted for the following reason: try a blog for your rants instead?

Transporter, Food Replicator or Holodeck?

Post 46968 by emptybowl deleted for the following reason: don't post chatty hypotheticals here. it's not what the site is for


I want to believe.

Post 46938 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: chatfilter

Cheaters never win, and I want to win!

Post 46913 by Eringatang deleted for the following reason: now that this is on projects, you don't need it to be here.

What is your hardest problem?

Post 46902 by kaufmajm deleted for the following reason: chatfilter


Help me find a job I don't hate

Post 46835 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Martin Sheen for president?

Post 46827 by brina deleted for the following reason: hypotheticalfilter

What are the risks of safer sex?

Post 46825 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What is your favorite bottle of wine under $20 US?

Post 46756 by aebaxter deleted for the following reason: what is your favorite x chatfilter.

Gastronomic Delights

Post 46708 by johnny7 deleted for the following reason: chatfilter


Watching the wheels go 'round

Post 46586 by persona non grata deleted for the following reason: chatfilter


scuse me, do you drug test?

Post 46338 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

I'm nuts

Post 46314 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Swan swam back again, well swum swan!

Post 46300 by Powerful Religious Baby deleted for the following reason: this is probably not the place for this

How to bring up awkward family problems with boyfriend?

Post 46268 by Phire deleted for the following reason: poster's request


The policy of this country is a canal under American control.

Post 46258 by TwelveTwo deleted for the following reason: silly hypothetical question

Need Restaurant PnL and Menu Mix

Post 46231 by legotech deleted for the following reason: this should be in jobs, not askme


help me evolve?

Post 46209 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:
Post 46190 by pigwidgeon deleted for the following reason: please repost this or rephrase it as a non-chatfilterish question.


Post 46184 by stinkfinger deleted for the following reason: you have issues, AskMe is not the place for them.


Cold hands, cold heart

Post 46087 by unSane deleted for the following reason: hypotheticalfilter, "silly game" - and didn't we already do this with zombies?



Why do we write IANAL?

Post 45994 by unexpected deleted for the following reason: if this is about metafilter, take it to metatalk.

How to become an expatriot

Post 45988 by jamie939 deleted for the following reason: search for the dozens of identical questions posted before, and turn down the hysterics.

Am I just stupid?

Post 45926 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Ever seen a ghost?

Post 45823 by Jess the Mess deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, please see the faq


Help me find a job in Japan or China

Post 45726 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

IKnowYou'reNotaDoctorFilter: Does this sound like pre-diabetes or hypochondria?

Post 45715 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

when did sexy ever leave?

Post 45699 by blythe deleted for the following reason: Questions that are some version of "What is the deal with X?"or "X sucks, am I right?" tend to not go well on Ask MetaFilter.


Contre Le Sexism

Post 45604 by The Jesse Helms deleted for the following reason: please let this day end and this question with it.

The Time Diet

Post 45582 by Mr. Gunn deleted for the following reason: if this is not chatfilter, you need to explain it better.


What do you do when you're in love?

Post 45525 by airguitar deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, no?


$500 to bury a speeding ticket?

Post 45428 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Or do pets go bodily into heaven during the rapture?

Post 45350 by orthogonality deleted for the following reason: please stop, or try to make your post not sound like some LOL XIAN mefi thread.


Describe sex.

Post 45123 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Thought Experiment regarding light and mirrors...

Post 45026 by iurodivii deleted for the following reason: this exact question hasbeen asked before


Weekend at Bernies: How do you get a sequel out of that? How?

Post 44917 by Artw deleted for the following reason: please use the internets to answer this question


Post 44899 by sohcahtoa deleted for the following reason: you really could have fleshed this out some more


Why does my gas suddenly smell so bad?

Post 44882 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Society of the Screen

Post 44849 by strangeleftydoublethink deleted for the following reason: you're polling the audience for no known reason. chatfilter.

How can I get my cousin to back off?

Post 44832 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:



Be my crack international photography staff?

Post 44581 by stefnet deleted for the following reason: this is not what ask metafilter is for - maybe try craigslist?

Chicago Marathon in costume?

Post 44566 by blueshammer deleted for the following reason: this is not what ask metafilter is for, please try craigslist.


Clear Outlook's search term history?

Post 44498 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Buckminster Fuller is known to have stolen or plagiarized other people's ideas. Who are the victims?

Post 44492 by babyguru deleted for the following reason: please don't taunt happy fun buckyball

Registering out-of-state vehicles

Post 44478 by Zosia Blue deleted for the following reason: poster's request

Whatever happened to courtship?

Post 44437 by UbuRoivas deleted for the following reason: chatfilter


How to get a girl to work in my life?

Post 44421 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

What can really save us from ourselves ? Religion cannot. Popularity cannot. Good intentions cannot. Money cannot. Fame cannot.

Post 44407 by studentguru deleted for the following reason: just stop.

Good question/answer sites?

Post 44394 by zzztimbo deleted for the following reason: continue this, if you must, on metatalk.

Non-traditional engagement rings?

Post 44354 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Why are books and eyeglass cases too dangerous to qualify as carry-on?

Post 44312 by IndigoJones deleted for the following reason: this question was asked the day before yesterday

When to ask a question here

Post 44296 by vizsla deleted for the following reason: PUT THIS WHERE IT BELONGS ALREADY


What does

Post 44275 by beelerspace deleted for the following reason: poster's request


Post 44268 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Make me healthy

Post 44258 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

How to solve insecurity?

Post 44251 by wibbler deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request

All about Indian Outsourcing...

Post 44236 by SlyBevel deleted for the following reason: "this is a huge, multi-faceted question" please stick to one question a week like everyone else.


How do I fix these identifiable problems in my life?

Post 44171 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

What would Richard Dean Anderson do?

Post 44170 by shoepal deleted for the following reason: hypothetical filter


How much can I borrow in a car loan?

Post 44136 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


No, I'm not really planning this.

Post 44035 by jokeefe deleted for the following reason: hypothetical chatfilter

How to score a Scid-I interview?

Post 44020 by Football Bat deleted for the following reason: this is not what ask metafilter is for.


What would you put on your apocalypse shelf?

Post 43854 by jon_kill deleted for the following reason: hypothetical chatfilter


What happened to me?

Post 43754 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

What's a great idea to get a product noticed on an international level?

Post 43750 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Want to have a picnic today with my kids. Is it too late to schedule it?

Post 43732 by notmtwain deleted for the following reason: you need to be asking a lawyer, not askmetafilter


What are your sexual buttons?

Post 43712 by stoneegg21 deleted for the following reason: chatfilter.

Connecting to someone who may be a little closed off

Post 43711 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Derogatory names for phone jockeys.

Post 43701 by Imperfect deleted for the following reason: name my X questions don't really fly anymore. We have several per day now.

Why do you figure so many more boys than girls start bands?

Post 43677 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Can I make it after all?

Post 43648 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


pregnant dilemma

Post 43635 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

How to rid my computer of bedbugs

Post 43627 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Asking a single question.

Post 43605 by BrodieShadeTree deleted for the following reason: this is still chatfilter.

That blurry Monster hypnotizes me.

Post 43584 by starman deleted for the following reason: chatfilter


Where's this video?

Post 43531 by sublivious deleted for the following reason: if it's metafilter related, ask on metatalk.

Looking for a UK IT partner!

Post 43508 by RedMosquito deleted for the following reason: this is not really what ask metafilter is for

MetaTalk is not working

Post 43491 by caddis deleted for the following reason: in meta now


What to do?

Post 43446 by farishta deleted for the following reason: if this is about metafilter, post to metatalk.


What is my ethical responsibilty?

Post 43400 by Surfurrus deleted for the following reason: too easy to google details, removed at poster's request.



What's the most offensive racist joke you've heard?

Post 43059 by Meatbomb deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for. see metatalk thread for more.

First impressions of a new photography website I'm working on

Post 43052 by dvjtj deleted for the following reason: not really what ask mefi is for, this polling the audience thing. submit it to projects or ask a specific question


Cheerios, Capt'n Crunch, Crispix please.

Post 42991 by pdf74 deleted for the following reason: chatfilter - metachat sometimes loves this sort of question, possibly try there?

What are some weird food combinations that actually taste good?

Post 42972 by sjvilla79 deleted for the following reason: chatfilter "I'll go first"

Microsoft Access 2002 -- Problems Running Report

Post 42967 by Gator deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

pretty please

Post 42933 by verisimilitude deleted for the following reason: no, no no no, this is not no no what ask metafilter is for, no.

Is my sitge an attractive sight?

Post 42914 by Postroad deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for. check your email.


Do you take pretty girls less seriously?

Post 42892 by arrhn deleted for the following reason: pollfilter. this is not what ask metafilter is for.

What are your friends opinions on the Occupried Territories / Lebanon / Israel

Post 42866 by sien deleted for the following reason: chatfilter - read the paper for public opinion.

Who has had more than one great idea?

Post 42822 by dragonsi55 deleted for the following reason: chatfilter.


Post 42820 by mathowie deleted for the following reason: testing

My poop hurts me...when I poop at all.

Post 42797 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Help me win the love of my life back.

Post 42741 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How do I add money to my e-gold account?

Post 42728 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


I'd get them legally, but $35 for a CD?

Post 42626 by Jeanne deleted for the following reason: this is not what ask me is for.


What kind of spender are you ?

Post 42557 by jacobean deleted for the following reason: chatfilter.


if it comes back it is meant to be...

Post 42547 by godaweful deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. If you're asking this for a reason, please explain what it is.


Oink Invite

Post 42430 by |n$eCur3 deleted for the following reason: this is not what ask metafilter is for

Help Getting Someone to Work WITH Me?

Post 42408 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How soon can one take a pregnancy test?

Post 42358 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Is This a Nigerian Scam?

Post 42331 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Imagine you're a wife-beating slave owner

Post 42279 by TrashyRambo deleted for the following reason: bizarro hypothetical filter


Post 42260 by mathowie deleted for the following reason: testing...


Eenie Meenie Miney Mo...

Post 42208 by hot little pancake deleted for the following reason: if your mind is made up, then this is just surveyfilter/chatfilter.


Help me plan a life changing and/or life reaffirming vacation

Post 42195 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Internet Advice Advice

Post 42176 by ZackTM deleted for the following reason: this IS too meta, please take to metatalk, thank you.

Can MetaFilter Cope with new media?

Post 42164 by Funmonkey1 deleted for the following reason: METATALK, please. thank you.


Can anybody please help me narrow this into a narrower question? What are some of the real world concepts we need to get a handle on in order to read or learn with intelligence......

Post 42122 by studentguru deleted for the following reason: This is still way too open-ended, you may have misunderstood the last reason for deletion.

How did people in the USSR react to the Moscow coup?

Post 42109 by k8t deleted for the following reason: ask metafilter is not survey filter


Is it okay to abandon a friend?

Post 41955 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

How to put a cat to sleep?

Post 41942 by the giant pill deleted for the following reason: sorry, this is not the place for advice on killing others' pets.

Deskchair Philosophers on the loose

Post 41920 by jaimystery deleted for the following reason: chatfilter

There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking.

Post 41919 by SeizeTheDay deleted for the following reason: civics essay filter - what is the problem to be solved?


Will an insured vehicle be covered if the driver isn't?

Post 41599 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: asked previously

How would everybody knowing the hour of their death affect society?

Post 41821 by Chorus deleted for the following reason: hypothetical chatfilter.

How do I get my money?

Post 41819 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:



Post 41774 by The Boy deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for.


Two decades of occasional pot use - should I worry?

Post 41631 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Is Ritalin really that bad?

Post 41546 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Remarriage after divorce?

Post 41538 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

am i acting right?

Post 41512 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

I want you, you kinda want me, does this make for family?

Post 41494 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


"Oriental spa" : how do I stop going ?

Post 41482 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


London headhunters?

Post 41383 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Can you withdraw money from a 401k?

Post 41328 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Vanity vs. Lust

Post 41272 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Microsoft Interactive Training

Post 41206 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

How skanky is it?

Post 41181 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Help me convince my parents *not* to get a faster internet connection.

Post 41180 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

To what extent do you allow your emotions dictate important decisions?

Post 41170 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How do I keep my career and social problems from disrupting my psychotherapy?

Post 41074 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

For the depressed girl: WW or Smaller Steps?

Post 41069 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Setting up a charitable foundation

Post 41028 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

moving to a new city with an ex

Post 41024 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Whats the deal with America?

Post 41005 by Funmonkey1 deleted for the following reason: chatty axegrindfilter


Dealing with friends who rip you off

Post 40975 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Post-DUI UI?

Post 40936 by baphomet deleted for the following reason: what a mess

Good vibes with sex?

Post 40918 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


seducing my boss

Post 40912 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How to stop quivering from crying?

Post 40855 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How does one find a good drug dealer?

Post 40779 by timnyc deleted for the following reason: Try craigslist, not here


Yeah, you go have your babies, you, you baby-haver!

Post 40695 by schroedinger deleted for the following reason: "Um, and this question is valid because it has tremendous socio-political implications..." don't goof around with ask mefi.

how to get invited?

Post 40678 by quantumonkey deleted for the following reason: this isn't really what askme is for.

What should I listen to?

Post 40676 by rjt deleted for the following reason: this is way, way too open ended


Why was my fortune cookie EMPTY, and what does it mean?

Post 40592 by orangeshoe deleted for the following reason: kind of silly. I lost my keys, what does that mean?!

how do you learn to do the hard thing

Post 40565 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

With loose skin folds looming, how can I even WANT to lose weight?

Post 40554 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

bed bugs help

Post 40540 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


i need an invite!

Post 40420 by thecjm deleted for the following reason: sorry, not what askme is for. try metachat or one of the irc channels?

Please help me debunk this list of factoids.

Post 40409 by loquacious deleted for the following reason: metafilter is not snopes. please take this to metachat or elsewhere.


Would anyone like to comment on their experiences with ecstasy?

Post 40371 by isopropyl deleted for the following reason: chatfilter


what's with porno?

Post 40365 by foraneagle2 deleted for the following reason: what the hell?

Unintended consequences

Post 40359 by Doohickie deleted for the following reason: if this is from metachat, you are in big big trouble

She was good for nothing

Post 40331 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

When are the Intel iMacs going to get a speed bump?

Post 40329 by blueplasticfish deleted for the following reason: this is nothing but pure specualtion.... conversation.

Are clearances and sanity mutually exclusive?

Post 40291 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Move on or learn my lessons?

Post 40269 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

myspace images

Post 40246 by hokie409 deleted for the following reason: poll the audience!


How to pay for residential treatment programs

Post 40198 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Help me less of a flake or not one at all

Post 40158 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What are some of the real world concepts we need to get a handle on in order to read or learn with intelligence (e.g necessary versus sufficient, as in

Post 40094 by studentguru deleted for the following reason: This is way too open-ended. Try again next week with something specific and more focused.

San Francisco software developer salary?

Post 40093 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

How do you deal with it when your partner does something you think is silly?

Post 40070 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Naming a child

Post 40065 by randomthoughts deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, this would be better suited to metachat.


What cool

Post 40026 by joe lisboa deleted for the following reason: questions asked and well-answered previously

Was my homosexuality caused by my birth?

Post 40017 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Can you read this? Help me make sense of all this page.

Post 40005 by wogbat deleted for the following reason: post it to metatalk


is ann coulter anorexic?

Post 39971 by brandz deleted for the following reason: It's best to ask her directly, since no one here can answer it

Mensa madness

Post 39950 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Magazine PDF Download Directories?

Post 39778 by taita_cakes deleted for the following reason: not really what askme is for.


How does smoking marijuana cause bloodshot eyes?

Post 39600 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: answer is easily googleable.


Post 39645 by jduckles deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, polling the audience.


Got a Gmail invite for me?

Post 39596 by Aquaman deleted for the following reason: not reallly what askme is for.

What is the best time and day to post a question in ask.metafilter.com forum in order to get maximum number of responses??

Post 39579 by studentguru deleted for the following reason: use metatalk for this


American Credit

Post 39505 by Mean Mr. Bucket deleted for the following reason: hypothetical filter AND chatfilter.

How do I get on with my life?

Post 39490 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Help me understand the shared economics of a long term relationship.

Post 39459 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

No problem

Post 39447 by terrier319 deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, this would be better in metachat.


Freckle juice?

Post 39349 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Plantar's warts falling out?

Post 39347 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Who's going to drug test me?

Post 39340 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Am I trapped or is it all in my head?

Post 39329 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Are you a winker?

Post 39282 by umlaut deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, this would be better in metachat.


Family law attorney for multi-state battle.

Post 39158 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What, exactly, does "faking an orgasm" entail?

Post 39058 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Why do my orgasms seem better when I'm sick or ill?

Post 38996 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Who do you trust more ?

Post 38985 by jacobean deleted for the following reason: Doesn't seem like a good way to use ask mefi

Sketchy girl?

Post 38981 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Should my father show nepotism?

Post 38942 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Easy as uno, dos, tres

Post 38912 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: what? ask me is not for random polls.

That's Not A Legend. THIS is a legend.

Post 38903 by scrump deleted for the following reason: there are words near the submit box on askme, please read them.


so much to say and no way to say it

Post 38789 by talitha_kumi deleted for the following reason: please post this in metatalk

Slip me some skin.

Post 38781 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Exploration of male orgasm

Post 38738 by five fresh fish deleted for the following reason: you answered your own question.


Best exercise for post-sex sore abs?

Post 38674 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Can Movies Inspire?

Post 38639 by fellion deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, this would be better in metachat.


Share scare

Post 38507 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Polite People

Post 38477 by jacobean deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, might want to re-ask on metachat


Heard from God lately?

Post 38453 by Neiltupper deleted for the following reason: God told me to delete this for this reason and to that I say, amen.


Teach Me How To Embrace The Cock

Post 38381 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Adopting one's partner's likes/dislikes

Post 38362 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Coping with change

Post 38348 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

How do I fall out of love?

Post 38345 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Do non-lame sex manuals exist?

Post 38277 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Token Cheesy Title: No More Mr. Nice Guy

Post 38268 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Try-Before-You-Buy -- except we never wanted to buy

Post 38266 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Tips or Experiences with the Physical Portion of the Firefighting Test

Post 38264 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Would you buy a small piece of art?

Post 38263 by bleucube deleted for the following reason: lame mis-use of ask mefi



Post 38136 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Couples counselor in ny

Post 38006 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


In Search of

Post 37974 by rinkjustice deleted for the following reason: http://faq.metafilter.com/#70

Away from blighty

Post 37936 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Why do I feel like my life is a movie and I'm an actor in it?

Post 37923 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What are decent starting rates for webcam performers?

Post 37888 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Wrinkle free

Post 37746 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Why do I ache? (aside from the usual existential angst)

Post 37701 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Strange morning breath issues

Post 37662 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:



Post 37659 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


lawsuit + credit = lame?

Post 37456 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Single biggest regret?

Post 37437 by skepticallypleased deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, might want to re-ask on metachat

What to do with a flaky husband?

Post 37431 by b33j deleted for the following reason: by request


Too bleak...

Post 37370 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Drug tests for a marathon man...

Post 37369 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Rape, “she never said no,” “he crossed the line”? Help make “consent” crystal clear.

Post 37328 by cybercoitus interruptus deleted for the following reason: this makes little sense, it appears to be chatting about consent without a purpose


stop waffle house mouth

Post 37273 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Help me clear my academic conscience before I graduate.

Post 37226 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Negotiating with Credit Card Companies

Post 37192 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Overstaying a US visa

Post 37176 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Kids: Angels or Anchors?

Post 37170 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

In all seriousness, what's wrong with Michael Jackson?

Post 37142 by bjork24 deleted for the following reason: What's the deal with x? doesn't make for an answerable or useful question.

If I was the CEO I would...

Post 37136 by Izzmeister deleted for the following reason: hypotheticals are frowned upon here.


Do you let your time-travelling self sleep with your partner?

Post 37096 by obiwanwasabi deleted for the following reason: ask mefi isn't for silly hypotheticals


Emotional abuse?

Post 37011 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

No (more) Free Lunch

Post 36998 by cgs deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request


Have antidepressants fucked up my brain?

Post 36890 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Freewheelin' or Brake?

Post 36553 by UnclePlayground deleted for the following reason: as requested


What are some interesting LARP sites?

Post 36497 by k8t deleted for the following reason: this is a "what is your favorite X" question

Have you been beaten with a pussy willow?

Post 36494 by voidcontext deleted for the following reason: this isn't really a question, more of a open chatfilter


Why didn't Texas City go boom?

Post 36453 by pipesplus deleted for the following reason: this is what metatalk is for.


How can I not hurt after this short term relationship?

Post 36330 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


I'm so confused, I guess I'm just an American Idiot

Post 36273 by beth deleted for the following reason: posters request


Sorry this is so lame

Post 36134 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


who's the most oppressed group in the USA?

Post 36110 by brandz deleted for the following reason: please define your question into an answerable form


What tunes do you have to hear again?

Post 35960 by Todd Lokken deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, this is not what askme is for

Thanky thanky

Post 35957 by mad_little_monkey deleted for the following reason: not what ask metafilter is for, at all.


Ferret Bandito

Post 35783 by myodometer deleted for the following reason: Probably not a good idea to ask for tips on smuggling and law breaking in this public forum.


kaycee nicole, the second coming?

Post 35740 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Why is there something rather than nothing?

Post 35715 by shivohum deleted for the following reason: hypotheticalfilter. what is the problem to be solved here?

Is Justice a zero-sum game?

Post 35673 by gregb1007 deleted for the following reason: hypothetical "what if your parents had never been born" chatfilter

don't want no herpes simplex

Post 35667 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Is it possible to see if someone has looked at your profile (or who has)?

Post 35646 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

getting a callback from a resume - how?

Post 35645 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

When was the last time you changed your mind?

Post 35617 by hoverboards don't work on water deleted for the following reason: chatfilter

Heal your Headache

Post 35608 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: