
Vanity vs. Lust

Post 41272 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Microsoft Interactive Training

Post 41206 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

How skanky is it?

Post 41181 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Help me convince my parents *not* to get a faster internet connection.

Post 41180 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

To what extent do you allow your emotions dictate important decisions?

Post 41170 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How do I keep my career and social problems from disrupting my psychotherapy?

Post 41074 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

For the depressed girl: WW or Smaller Steps?

Post 41069 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Setting up a charitable foundation

Post 41028 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

moving to a new city with an ex

Post 41024 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Whats the deal with America?

Post 41005 by Funmonkey1 deleted for the following reason: chatty axegrindfilter


Dealing with friends who rip you off

Post 40975 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Post-DUI UI?

Post 40936 by baphomet deleted for the following reason: what a mess

Good vibes with sex?

Post 40918 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


seducing my boss

Post 40912 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How to stop quivering from crying?

Post 40855 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How does one find a good drug dealer?

Post 40779 by timnyc deleted for the following reason: Try craigslist, not here


Yeah, you go have your babies, you, you baby-haver!

Post 40695 by schroedinger deleted for the following reason: "Um, and this question is valid because it has tremendous socio-political implications..." don't goof around with ask mefi.

how to get invited?

Post 40678 by quantumonkey deleted for the following reason: this isn't really what askme is for.

What should I listen to?

Post 40676 by rjt deleted for the following reason: this is way, way too open ended


Why was my fortune cookie EMPTY, and what does it mean?

Post 40592 by orangeshoe deleted for the following reason: kind of silly. I lost my keys, what does that mean?!

how do you learn to do the hard thing

Post 40565 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

With loose skin folds looming, how can I even WANT to lose weight?

Post 40554 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

bed bugs help

Post 40540 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


i need an invite!

Post 40420 by thecjm deleted for the following reason: sorry, not what askme is for. try metachat or one of the irc channels?

Please help me debunk this list of factoids.

Post 40409 by loquacious deleted for the following reason: metafilter is not snopes. please take this to metachat or elsewhere.


Would anyone like to comment on their experiences with ecstasy?

Post 40371 by isopropyl deleted for the following reason: chatfilter


what's with porno?

Post 40365 by foraneagle2 deleted for the following reason: what the hell?

Unintended consequences

Post 40359 by Doohickie deleted for the following reason: if this is from metachat, you are in big big trouble

She was good for nothing

Post 40331 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

When are the Intel iMacs going to get a speed bump?

Post 40329 by blueplasticfish deleted for the following reason: this is nothing but pure specualtion.... conversation.

Are clearances and sanity mutually exclusive?

Post 40291 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Move on or learn my lessons?

Post 40269 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

myspace images

Post 40246 by hokie409 deleted for the following reason: poll the audience!


How to pay for residential treatment programs

Post 40198 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Help me less of a flake or not one at all

Post 40158 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What are some of the real world concepts we need to get a handle on in order to read or learn with intelligence (e.g necessary versus sufficient, as in

Post 40094 by studentguru deleted for the following reason: This is way too open-ended. Try again next week with something specific and more focused.

San Francisco software developer salary?

Post 40093 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

How do you deal with it when your partner does something you think is silly?

Post 40070 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Naming a child

Post 40065 by randomthoughts deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, this would be better suited to metachat.


What cool

Post 40026 by joe lisboa deleted for the following reason: questions asked and well-answered previously

Was my homosexuality caused by my birth?

Post 40017 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Can you read this? Help me make sense of all this page.

Post 40005 by wogbat deleted for the following reason: post it to metatalk


is ann coulter anorexic?

Post 39971 by brandz deleted for the following reason: It's best to ask her directly, since no one here can answer it

Mensa madness

Post 39950 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Magazine PDF Download Directories?

Post 39778 by taita_cakes deleted for the following reason: not really what askme is for.


How does smoking marijuana cause bloodshot eyes?

Post 39600 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: answer is easily googleable.


Post 39645 by jduckles deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, polling the audience.


Got a Gmail invite for me?

Post 39596 by Aquaman deleted for the following reason: not reallly what askme is for.

What is the best time and day to post a question in ask.metafilter.com forum in order to get maximum number of responses??

Post 39579 by studentguru deleted for the following reason: use metatalk for this


American Credit

Post 39505 by Mean Mr. Bucket deleted for the following reason: hypothetical filter AND chatfilter.

How do I get on with my life?

Post 39490 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Help me understand the shared economics of a long term relationship.

Post 39459 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

No problem

Post 39447 by terrier319 deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, this would be better in metachat.


Freckle juice?

Post 39349 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Plantar's warts falling out?

Post 39347 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Who's going to drug test me?

Post 39340 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Am I trapped or is it all in my head?

Post 39329 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: