
best time and day to post on ask metafilter

Post 54065 by realpseudonym deleted for the following reason: this would be for metatalk, not ask mefi


oh seven?

Post 54027 by jlowen deleted for the following reason: please continue this discussion in the identical recent thread


In response: How can I be a good girlfriend?

Post 53899 by Meemer deleted for the following reason: in response? how about reading the existing thread about this very topic. This is too open-ended and chatty on its own.


File-sharing for the faint-of-l33t

Post 53717 by thisjax deleted for the following reason: this is a little over the line for AskMe. See the MetaTalk thread for more.


Have you seen JeremiahBritt's dad?

Post 53710 by grapefruitmoon deleted for the following reason: I am very sorry but this is really not something that ask metafilter is for.

virtual harrassment

Post 53698 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How will Askville fail?

Post 53628 by mikemonteiro deleted for the following reason: this is not really a question, more of an axegrind. Since we are trying NOT to make AskMetafilter fail, would you mind asking again when you have a problem to be solved? Thank you.


trapped in the closet?

Post 53533 by petsounds deleted for the following reason: previously


The Best of Ask.Me?

Post 53420 by roofus deleted for the following reason: please take this to metatalk, thank you.


The implications of revenge

Post 53399 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Is porn harmful?

Post 53395 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Game help

Post 53381 by moonlite deleted for the following reason: this rally is not enough to go on. If you can't share more information about your game, perhaps you should name it yourself or discuss it with those who do know more details, thank you.

Should I Quit my Miserable Job?

Post 53337 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What now?

Post 53313 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Is it ever ethical for a whitehat to have fun with an exploit?

Post 53305 by fischler deleted for the following reason: the appropriate thing would be to email the admins about it privately.


Ergonomics and workplace rights in NY State?

Post 53228 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Bridget Jones: found dead and half eaten by wild dogs...

Post 53227 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Didn't the prodigal son actually apologize?

Post 53224 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

PLMK, MeFi 1337

Post 53218 by allkindsoftime deleted for the following reason: send to metatalk, thank you.

I am evil and pathetic.

Post 53207 by JokingClown deleted for the following reason: please do not waste the time and the good will of the community on your adolescent jokes and experiments.


Why is the road construction process so lengthy?

Post 53178 by AlliKat75 deleted for the following reason: XYZ SUCKS AMIRITE??? phrasing matters, please try again next week.

Preparing emotionally for the inevitable

Post 53139 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Post 53131 by Mrs.Doyle deleted for the following reason: chatfilter


Where can I get an invite to Oink?

Post 53100 by drgonzo2k2 deleted for the following reason: not exactly what ask mefi is for


What's Your Biggest Secret Song?

Post 53012 by Matt_MP deleted for the following reason: this is chatfilter.

What should my "backup" transfer college be?

Post 52957 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Carnival in Brazil... Extra Cash?

Post 52848 by weiler63 deleted for the following reason: you already asked this before and got answers.

What would happen if the world stopped turning?

Post 52829 by Lucie deleted for the following reason: hypothetical chatfilter: read the FAQ please


what should i name my sock puppet?

Post 52738 by localhuman deleted for the following reason: this should be on metatalk

sickly sperm?

Post 52720 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:



Post 52706 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Friend says he 'likes me'

Post 52668 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Life after flunking out?

Post 52656 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

. = rip?

Post 52600 by alkupe deleted for the following reason: this does not belong here - please take mefi related questions to metatalk. also, it's in the FAQ.

marriage visa question

Post 52588 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What does a background check check?

Post 52543 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Cheesy Title?

Post 52537 by Mach3avelli deleted for the following reason: an almost identical question was asked five days ago

Ebay-Paypal coupon codes

Post 52536 by seeminglyshy deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for

where is my best friend?

Post 52519 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What kinds of friends should a married person have?

Post 52493 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Should I be upset?

Post 52490 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Are there any MeFites praticing Itlaq Yolu?

Post 52441 by Burhanistan deleted for the following reason: this is not what AskMe is for

How do couples meet a third for a threesome?

Post 52440 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Man chow?

Post 52388 by knave deleted for the following reason: this was just asked in october

japanese hip hop art

Post 52362 by Shanachie deleted for the following reason: hie thee to metatalk, thank you.



How will things change over the next 10 years?

Post 52187 by rolypolyman deleted for the following reason: crystal ball hypothetical filter

Birth control pill with antibiotic?

Post 52167 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: