
Lend Me A Hand!

Post 59695 by davidmsc deleted for the following reason: OMG WTF BBQ but seriously don't


Risks of downloading from Usenet

Post 59647 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Stopping Cerazette

Post 59580 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

How do you get into freelance journalism?

Post 59566 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Family problems: What if my parents get a divorce, who would get my sister?

Post 59555 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Is lying on one's resume a crime?

Post 59547 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Help me locate the strangest porn ever produced

Post 59492 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Can I Legally Post This To MeFi Music?

Post 59486 by gummi deleted for the following reason: hi, this needs to go into metatalk.


Post 59419 by Infernarl deleted for the following reason: this is a chatfilter question.


Choosing Professionals

Post 59316 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


How should I handle my long term relationship woes?

Post 59261 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Hey, something shiny!

Post 59170 by b1tr0t deleted for the following reason: make more of an effort next time please.

Posting problem, MetaFilter.

Post 59138 by ClaudiaCenter deleted for the following reason: Metatalk for site-related questions, CC.


If you had only three days left... what would you do?

Post 59087 by Botunda deleted for the following reason: chatfilter

Hollywood or Bust

Post 59061 by melangell deleted for the following reason: Idle chatfilter speculation on well-trod gossip-rag philosophy? This reads like a USA Today opinion poll.


A DC area lawyer for illegal immigrants?

Post 59012 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Just one squirt. I want atleast 4-5. [18+]

Post 58997 by Devileyezz deleted for the following reason: Please don't post the same question more than once.

Really Stupid Filter

Post 58990 by meta x zen deleted for the following reason: Go on, pull the other one.

My stiff upper lip is failing me.

Post 58987 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Lawyers in London?

Post 58913 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:



Post 58773 by item deleted for the following reason: pllllbbbtt

Never trust a skinny chef?

Post 58747 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


What to do about friend who acts as if fight didn't happen?

Post 58733 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


I just want to call Infinite Loop on that red phone

Post 58644 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Wedding reception contract blues

Post 58623 by kyleg deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for - put it in jobs if it's a job


What to do with an abandoned unicorn?

Post 58592 by pokermonk deleted for the following reason: Oh jesus christ.

Word-play for Women: What Works?

Post 58581 by dropkick deleted for the following reason: Poorly executed query, to put it gently.

Basic SQL query question.

Post 58577 by herbiehancock00 deleted for the following reason: Sockpuppet homework help? Sorry, Leo.

i need a code

Post 58554 by rare_g deleted for the following reason: Vague requests for warez assistance are not a good use of AskMe.

Working for Razorfish in NYC

Post 58550 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Can a wife get inside if hubby locks the doors?

Post 58516 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:



Post 58443 by Eideteker deleted for the following reason: "I'm hoping this isn't considered too hypothetical" is a really bad sign.

If all man made items were to suddenlyty disappear, how many years would it take to bring us back up to our present state of technology?

Post 58435 by Unsomnambulist deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter.


monitor looks terrible

Post 58341 by cg1 deleted for the following reason: What the hell?

enabling death

Post 58319 by four panels deleted for the following reason: as asked, this is not an AskMe answerable question


Need a name for a summer camp

Post 58271 by unclejeffy deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request

How to find out who my true friends are?

Post 58236 by apple deleted for the following reason: Friend don't let friends post chatty questions.


what do you think about during sex?

Post 58232 by krautland deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter.

Can you identify the city in this picture?

Post 58210 by kiwitobes deleted for the following reason: Idle bet-settling is not a good use of AskMe.


Is Islam really a religion of peace?

Post 58102 by KimikoPi deleted for the following reason: this is not a good question for ask metafilter. please try to rephrase it without the eye rolling next time.



tell me how to live my life!

Post 57972 by scrim deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter.


Post 57942 by Freecola deleted for the following reason: Awfully chatty.

Help me get past this

Post 57926 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: