
How important is ethnicity still?

Post 63776 by markesh deleted for the following reason: chatfilter -- this is sort of an open-ended essay topic, not really a problem to be solved.


An annoying colleague with the biggest petpeeve of mine.

Post 63717 by icollectpurses deleted for the following reason: This is pretty bloggy and chatfiltery.

who is editing my posts??

Post 63675 by metasonix deleted for the following reason: this needs to go on MetaTalk

Info. on how to donate a kidney for money

Post 63667 by Tnuocca deleted for the following reason: you can not really ask this question here.

Just in time for

Post 63661 by Gordion Knott deleted for the following reason: How is this not just martial-arts chatfilter?


I'll drown my beliefs to have you be in peace. True Love Waits?

Post 63554 by banannafish deleted for the following reason: chatfilter

The physics of spherical mirrors

Post 63534 by exacta_perfecta deleted for the following reason: this question has pretty much been asked before.


What fictional character deaths have affected you emotionally?

Post 63473 by Tuffy deleted for the following reason: chatfilter

how should I do it

Post 63458 by alkupe deleted for the following reason: I guess we're done here.


What's the best question anyone has ever asked you?

Post 63420 by Jhaus deleted for the following reason: This isn't a great question, it's chatfilter.


Post 63341 by LairBob deleted for the following reason: Dang it all, LairBob, we told you not to look too long into the abyss.


Buttered Pop-Tarts

Post 63281 by caddis deleted for the following reason: you are in so much trouble young man


Where can I find springfolders for objectdesktop 2002?

Post 63206 by PowerCat deleted for the following reason: please don't use askme to get software for free. You have a few good links here if you want to purchase it.

Better get some sunglasses

Post 63157 by tdreyer1 deleted for the following reason: Well, it's chatfilter, but at least it's really mean-spirited.


How to get a new identity in Canada?

Post 63057 by Vamier deleted for the following reason: This is probably not a great idea for askme.


What are your favorite quotes about film/filmmaking?

Post 63052 by mrunderhill deleted for the following reason: chatfilter.


Am I missing something here?

Post 62953 by humannaire deleted for the following reason: please ask this in metatalk.


food for those lacking teeth

Post 62692 by mustcatchmooseandsquirrel deleted for the following reason: This was answered pretty well previously.

A walking corpse by any other name...

Post 62685 by clockworkjoe deleted for the following reason: This seems pretty dang silly and open-ended. Zombies != free pass for chatfilter, prior softiness bedamned.


Expect a vampire real estate boom in Arizona if this works out

Post 62418 by CRM114 deleted for the following reason: thought experiments are not really right for AskMe, no matter how sciencey they sound. plus this threatens to diverge into LOL CATHOLIX

Does this guy like me or what?! (part deux)

Post 62376 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: The old thread is four days old. I've moved this there. See metatalk.

How can I find replacement audio for Kanzen Master: Kanji 2 Kyu?

Post 62377 by vorfeed deleted for the following reason: sorry, this is not what AskMe is for - try CL.


Who's getting short-shifted?

Post 62292 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's requst.

Help me become a professional shop lifter.

Post 62270 by complience deleted for the following reason: hey, come back here with that banhammer


Why isn't this being reported nationally?

Post 62194 by Debaser626 deleted for the following reason: chatfiltery - this isn't really what ask me is for.

What are (and what are your favorite) indie rock anthems?

Post 62160 by skechada deleted for the following reason: chatfilter.


Ever see a cat eat like a kid?

Post 62053 by lois1950 deleted for the following reason: c(h)atfilter

Looks tasty!

Post 62031 by sourwookie deleted for the following reason: maybe you could leave this topic the hell alone?


Help me find the good side of rap

Post 61895 by subajestad deleted for the following reason: humongous i'll-go-first chatfilter non-question


Anybody have Joost invites?

Post 61831 by slhpatterson deleted for the following reason: This is not what ask mefi is for

I Feel Like Judas

Post 61790 by [expletive deleted] deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry, but this is not appropriate for AskMe


CPE, unh, what is it good for?

Post 61733 by yomimono deleted for the following reason: poster's request.