
late night inspiring-but-likely-crap idea filter

Post 65881 by holympus deleted for the following reason: This kind of broad philosophical brainstorming isn't solving a problem, it's chatfilter.


Where do we go from here?

Post 65743 by pantsonfire deleted for the following reason: chatfilter - don't be jerks everyone.

The importance of Schweitzer

Post 65735 by pelican deleted for the following reason: More information about Albert Schweitzer if available on the Internet. It's not clear from your question what if any research you've done so far.

Lamborghini loudness: intentional or incidental?

Post 65713 by blapst deleted for the following reason: this is a rant diguised as a question.


Free the Cuban Five?!?

Post 65666 by PWA_BadBoy deleted for the following reason: grind your axe someplace else -- ask your question when you can do it without it sounding like this.


Post 65617 by chuckdarwin deleted for the following reason: "Whence the phenomenon of sleep" might be a pretty answerable question, but given the presentation, this seems like let's-talk-about-sleep chatfilter.


The Berlin Wall

Post 65563 by Meatbomb deleted for the following reason: 'Best answer gets painted on the wall'? Please don't use AskMe to run your personal graffiti contest.


By what criteria do you rule out potential significant others?

Post 65470 by mintchip deleted for the following reason: This is way too broad and open-ended; chatfilter.


Post 65432 by amsterdam63 deleted for the following reason: hypothetical nofilter.


Mefites running thai cooking blogs, please report.

Post 65395 by J-Garr deleted for the following reason: Probably should go in Metatalk.


How do you

Post 65337 by Tbola deleted for the following reason: This, just as posted, would be fine as a Metatalk post. Please take it to Metatalk.

Did you kiss him?

Post 65334 by Falconetti deleted for the following reason: happy ending.


Job search while employed

Post 65228 by spacefire deleted for the following reason: this exact question has been asked several times before.


Stop Telephone Harassment

Post 65186 by pdxusa deleted for the following reason: this is not the right place for this.


How common is it for parents to leave their small children alone?

Post 65099 by ArchBr deleted for the following reason: this is a rant disguised as a question -- how are people seriously supposed to answer "are you people lunatics"? "um yes actually we are lunatics, thanks for asking"



Post 64956 by Frasermoo deleted for the following reason: this is for MeTa if you haven't gotten an answer already.


Did fortune deal us the

Post 64838 by hodyoaten deleted for the following reason: sorry, this is chatfilter with no point.

What do you know about that's awesome?

Post 64827 by lgyre deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, no problem to be solved.


Is MSA worth it in the end?

Post 64753 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

What did you say that offended the Christian?

Post 64745 by Osmanthus deleted for the following reason: This is not a good use of askme. Take it to Metatalk if you want to discuss site policy.


How would you help the world heal from the unrecognized presence of a deviant kind?

Post 64436 by humannaire deleted for the following reason: this is really a chatfilter "I'll go first" question.


Can you trade stamps in?

Post 64333 by pearlybob deleted for the following reason: Pretty much asked previously.


Why the heck isn't mefi loading!?

Post 64259 by mjao deleted for the following reason: this has been done before and mefi related questions go to metatalk


Musical Instrument Battle

Post 64158 by takeyourmedicine deleted for the following reason: I'd wade in with a 1976 Gibson Chatfilter.

How can I get MetaFilter to work with my Mac?

Post 64143 by vlotty deleted for the following reason: answered previously, in metatalk


What music makes you emotional?

Post 64106 by timory deleted for the following reason: chatfilter.

What do you do with a crappy boss?

Post 64101 by dy deleted for the following reason: poster's request


Is Carbon Fiber really worth the cost of a new bike?

Post 63945 by mathowie deleted for the following reason: whoops, fixed a bug just now.

Sourdough starter in London

Post 63907 by louigi deleted for the following reason: this is not really what ask metafilter is for.