
Why would somebody make this bizzare website?

Post 70573 by keep_evolving deleted for the following reason: I think people already answered this and this page is causing all sorts of trouble.

life as it becomes

Post 70541 by breakfast_yeti deleted for the following reason: chatfilter.


It's What I Heard

Post 70472 by terrier319 deleted for the following reason: this is "I'll go first" chatfilter.


Memorable spaces that tickle your fancy?

Post 70334 by moreandmoreso deleted for the following reason: this is really chatfilter

I won the lottery - now what?

Post 70314 by indigo4963 deleted for the following reason: Bribing the mefi admin staff to overlook your having posted brazen hypothetical chatfilter to AskMe?

Is 94 tablets of cyclobenzaprine enough?

Post 70291 by atomgrid deleted for the following reason: This really isn't a good idea.

sex, interrupted.

Post 70280 by kbanas deleted for the following reason: oops, didn't check with girlfriend before posting about sex life!



Post directly

Post 70025 by pubblicitae deleted for the following reason: Not really sure what the heck you're asking, here. Check your email.

Out of Africa??? Why?

Post 70020 by nintendo deleted for the following reason: Africa is a big and tricky question, but this is kind of a ranty conspiracy theory with token question marks more than an answerable question about the region's geopolitics and such.

What in the world??

Post 70005 by lain deleted for the following reason: this is a rant not really disguised as a question.


Who has the most Standard American accent?

Post 69914 by strangeguitars deleted for the following reason: "Every answer is okay" opinion polls really aren't what askme is intended for.

If you build it, will they come?

Post 69912 by tehloki deleted for the following reason: If you're pretty sure something should be posted to Metatalk and not here, posting it here's a pretty bad idea, tehloki.


Cross post from my personal blog?

Post 69910 by strontiumdog deleted for the following reason: nope, don't post it. we've already done the cheney said foo in 1994 bit.


Lingua Franca

Post 69513 by mrducts deleted for the following reason: This is pretty hypothethical; you're asking people to guess about something that's functionally unverifiable, arguably unpredictable, and doesn't present in any practical sense a problem to be solved. Please avoid this kind of chatfilter on AskMe.


Where do bogus right-wing email forwards come from?

Post 69378 by paul_smatatoes deleted for the following reason: this is a chatfiltery rant disguised as a question. please rephrase it as a problem you're trying to solve and ask again later.


IQ Test: Odd-man-out / AOL / Google / MSN / Yahoo

Post 69304 by seeminglee deleted for the following reason: IQ test questionnaires are not really what AskMe is intended for.

How can we pick post-marriage names that satisfy our contradictory criteria?

Post 69279 by crinklebat deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


What does $400 billion in opportunity cost look like?

Post 69253 by pivotal deleted for the following reason: this is a. hypothetical whatifffilter b. not going well

New blog promotion

Post 69245 by pubblicitae deleted for the following reason: hi, you can't do this here. Please read the FAQ and try posting again next week.


What should I get with this Best Buy giftcard.....?

Post 69103 by zacharyseibert deleted for the following reason: is this really a "what should I buy at the store" question? if so, it's way too broad.


Porn, soccer or other?

Post 68825 by hatchetjack deleted for the following reason: This question as stated is really so broad and unanswerable that it's hard to see it as anything but chatfilter. If you can find some way to rework this to be answerable, maybe try again in a week.



Post 68544 by Bageena deleted for the following reason: this is not okay for AskMe - I'll email and explain


what to do with $100?

Post 68406 by bliss322 deleted for the following reason: This is wide, wide open as presented; yea, even unto Chatfilter.


what would your global warming freeway blog say?

Post 68314 by specialk420 deleted for the following reason: Askme should be used to solve problems, not run contests. Besides which, "I'll start"?

Help me find a NOLA dentist!

Post 68311 by mitzyjalapeno deleted for the following reason: -- jessamyn

Chicago Temp Agencies

Post 68304 by ao4047 deleted for the following reason: Someone asked this same question very recently. There don't seem to be any key details that differ in this one, so, hey.