
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

Post 77485 by ialas deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter. -- cortex

How do I ask my parents to support me financially while I change careers?

Post 77482 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request -- mathowie

Lets Go Mountaineers

Post 77479 by wv kay in ga deleted for the following reason: I love the WV mountaineers, but AskMe is sort of for solving problems not a group hug. -- jessamyn

Prometheus Rises Again

Post 77444 by wittgenstein deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is pretty darned chatty. -- cortex

WIll trade USD for Euros...

Post 77409 by photodegas deleted for the following reason: If your question is where to get the Euros, you might try a bank. However, you didn't really ask a question here, and you did seem to request mefites to exchange money with you, so you're kind of two marks off target with this. -- cortex


demonoid is gone and I am sad. Is there anything else like it?

Post 77372 by Grod deleted for the following reason: semi-legal request coupled with a send me an invite doubly cursed this post. -- mathowie

What do they wear to school?

Post 77348 by yeara deleted for the following reason: this is really not what AskMetaFilter is for. Is there a problem you are trying to solve? If so, please include it in the question, don't just survey the audience. -- jessamyn

Charlatans or Serious Thinkers?

Post 77341 by Sam.Burdick deleted for the following reason: Askme is not a place to post chatty things that aren't solid enough for the blue, and this seems to be very chatty indeed. -- cortex

test post

Post 77339 by pb deleted for the following reason: just a test -- pb

Why the hell can’t I be in charge of my own parmesan cheese distribution?!

Post 77313 by milarepa deleted for the following reason: this is a rant disguised as a question, please ask again when you can not make your question sound like you're starting a fight with the service industry, thanks, -- jessamyn


Explain this biking behaviour?

Post 77162 by Cosine deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much a rant, not a question. Not a good fit for AskMe, and that's setting aside the clusterfuck of a fight that biking-culture threads tend to devolve into around here. -- cortex

How does anyone become president of the united states?

Post 77151 by emptyinside deleted for the following reason: this is chatfilter. -- jessamyn

Accepting contract work while looking for a career?

Post 77142 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

What are some underrated/overrated movies and tv shows?

Post 77115 by missjamielynn deleted for the following reason: This is far too broad for askme; it's chatfilter. -- cortex


What is the best book you've ever read?

Post 76998 by JPowers deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for - open ended what is your favorite X is just chatfilter. -- jessamyn


Why do you think Tom Cruise is gay?

Post 76955 by serazin deleted for the following reason: this exact question has been asked before -- jessamyn

Good gifts for a chemo patient?

Post 76734 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: -- jessamyn


What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season?

Post 76818 by adriana deleted for the following reason: This is not what askme is for. See the FAQ's Chatfilter entry if you're not clear why. -- cortex

Help us dye our cat!

Post 76815 by TwelveTwo deleted for the following reason: Pretty much exactly this question, previously. -- cortex

father of the year

Post 76778 by anonydude deleted for the following reason: My sympathies, but this is not really something AskMe can answer. -- cortex


Bulova Watches

Post 76728 by JakeMoreThan deleted for the following reason: banned for being an SEO spammer -- mathowie -- mathowie


Post 76724 by gmodelo deleted for the following reason: This is way crazy broad "what's your opinion on topic foo" for askme. You're basically asking for a bull session on health care. -- cortex


How do I get a US IP address?

Post 76675 by meech deleted for the following reason: deleted at poster's request -- mathowie

What should my credit limit be?

Post 76665 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

boyish dudes cool again?

Post 76663 by Salvatorparadise deleted for the following reason: This is kind of hopelessly chatty, but I wish you luck in your boyish, blond adventures. -- cortex


If you could back in time, how far back could you go while still retaining the ability to reproduce with a human of that era?

Post 76576 by matkline deleted for the following reason: Hypothetical science-fiction chatfilter. -- cortex

Help me deal with this holiday dilemma

Post 76528 by rolypolyman deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


To live on a solid-gold island where the rivers flow with tequila.

Post 76481 by TheManChild2000 deleted for the following reason: surveying the audience questions are not what askme is for - -- jessamyn


I want to become a prostitute.

Post 76461 by TigerCrane deleted for the following reason: even though there are some places where prositution isnt illegal, it's illegal most places in the US which is where the MeFi server lives. -- jessamyn


It really was like a train wreck - I couldn't look away.

Post 76344 by mitzyjalapeno deleted for the following reason: There's a kernel of a good question here about reactions to tragedy/trauma/grisliness, but, yes, this is pretty dang chatty as presented. If you want to try again next week, that's fine. -- cortex

Why did my post get pulled?

Post 76316 by AngryVICTIM deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for -- jessamyn


What do I do when I realize I've been living with my roommate too long?

Post 76295 by thefamousmoe deleted for the following reason: It's not really clear what your question is supposed to be here; it seems like maybe you should wait and see if this is still worth asking about in a few days, and be clearer what the problem is. -- cortex

Favorite movies

Post 76289 by MaryDellamorte deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. "What's your favorite x" without restrictions isn't really what this place is here for. -- cortex


Are you attracted to Ryan or Jim?

Post 76207 by Brandon1600 deleted for the following reason: This is pretty dang chatty. Like Chatfilter chatty. And Jim, totally. -- cortex

How do I screw my neighbor?

Post 76155 by pikaboy202 deleted for the following reason: Don't use askme to plot malicious revenge. This is not cool. -- cortex


How to minimize traffic tickets for minor speeding?

Post 76104 by East Manitoba Regional Junior Kabaddi Champion '94 deleted for the following reason: don't use askme to break the law with your sock puppet account, please. -- jessamyn

Careful what you say on the internet: Which MetaTalk/ AskMe thread?

Post 76063 by takeyourmedicine deleted for the following reason: I'm glad you got your answer, takeyourmedicine, but this sort of question goes in Metatalk, not AskMe. -- cortex


Survey: experiences at the dentist

Post 76013 by SilentSalamander deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for -- jessamyn


Post 75983 by tom123 deleted for the following reason: sidestepping askme guidelines with sock puppet - please contact the admins if this is in error. -- jessamyn


How did the 20th century go so wrong?

Post 75946 by exphysicist345 deleted for the following reason: There's an interesting question at the core of this, but you've set it up with a really provocative premise and given no detail on what you're looking for or why. There's a discussion in Metatalk. -- cortex


A contract on the fat man

Post 75873 by Smedleyman deleted for the following reason: Hypothetical chatfilter = coal in stocking. -- cortex


And You're Staaaanding heeeeerrrre Beeeesiiiddeeeee Meeeee! Doo doo dooo dooo dododododo

Post 75828 by Large Marge deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

High road? What high road?

Post 75808 by hiptobesquare deleted for the following reason: revengefilter posts are specifically against the rules, sorry. -- jessamyn


Experts in chosen field

Post 75705 by terminus deleted for the following reason: This is way broad with zero context; it's a cross between a poll and chatfilter. If you have a specific goal here and aren't just prompting idle conversation, consider trying this again with a clearer approach next week. -- cortex


If you can design your own theme park, what would you put in it?

Post 75593 by BigBrownBear deleted for the following reason: chatfilter -- jessamyn


Aspirin + Pot

Post 75461 by Dayvan_Cowboy deleted for the following reason: If you already know the answer, you don't need a bunch of non-doctors to chat about it. -- jessamyn


It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Post 75374 by deedeep deleted for the following reason: That's a pretty great list, but dumping it into an askme question probably isn't the way to go here. The wiki might be a pretty good idea, though. -- cortex

Aw, c'mon! He doesn't *like* Bit-O-Honey!

Post 75364 by Lucinda deleted for the following reason: chatfilter - if you're trying to solve a problem, please feel free to explain what it is. -- jessamyn



Post 75208 by four panels deleted for the following reason: Why are you asking such a subjective yes/no question without any context whatsoever? Is this a poll? This doesn't make sense. -- cortex

Generation Y- The Millenial Generation: Let's generalize

Post 75187 by ets960 deleted for the following reason: This is really overly broad as presented; it's hard to know what you're expecting other than a round-table on generational perception, and that's not really AskMe material. -- cortex