
What online fads will go mainstream next year?

Post 110452 by NickDouglas deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


Pretty, Beautiful, Cute, which are you, and which do you want do be deemed?

Post 110275 by emhutchinson deleted for the following reason: This is pretty broadly chatfiltery as presented. -- cortex


What are your New Year's resolutions?

Post 110065 by kellygreen deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


Eternal Cuteness

Post 110020 by fucker deleted for the following reason: this seems like one giant insincere goof on a holiday when mods might not be around. -- mathowie


Want to send me some coffee?

Post 109646 by allen.spaulding deleted for the following reason: I hope you get your coffee somehow, but this kind of isn't okay for AskMe. -- cortex

I made christmas disappear!

Post 109640 by changeling deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request -- mathowie


Help light our tree!

Post 109566 by ThePinkSuperhero deleted for the following reason: CHRISTMAS IS SAVED!!!!! -- jessamyn


She's been climbing out of the pool earlier, none of the guests wear bathing suits.

Post 109428 by Substrata deleted for the following reason: this is not going well and seems like more of a quiz than a problem to be solved. -- jessamyn



Stuff from the internet is great!

Post 108634 by pulled_levers deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


Is a course syllabus a contract?

Post 108467 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn


Clever fashion and style tips.

Post 108450 by tomble deleted for the following reason: This seems pretty firmly in chatfilter territory. -- cortex


Want to swop ????

Post 108332 by Scandinavian deleted for the following reason: This kind of reads like you're asking how to pull of immigration fraud, which isn't really an okay use of AskMe. If this is just terrible phrasing, consider trying again next week with more information about what exactly your situation is. -- cortex


Multiple Divx Movies on One DVD after Mac the Ripper (Clueless)

Post 108014 by UnholyJudas deleted for the following reason: Looks an awful lot like you're using a sock account to get around the 7-day askme limit here. Please check your email if there's some confusion. -- cortex


How does one make the best of the blue?

Post 107974 by le morte de bea arthur deleted for the following reason: Yeah, definitely Metatalk with this, not AskMe. If it's about the site in any way, it almost definitely doesn't go here. -- cortex


How many unique naked women are on the internet?

Post 107941 by cynthia_rose deleted for the following reason: pretty much unanswerable and everyone is making with the yuk-yuks so I'll just close this up -- mathowie

Secret Santa Needed - Where to Find One?

Post 107895 by watercarrier deleted for the following reason: nothing personal but it looks like this particular issue is settled, so we're gonna close this up lest AskMe become AskFor. Thanks for understanding. -- jessamyn



Post 107878 by grateful deleted for the following reason: I am thankful for fairly straightforward guidelines. -- cortex

the move to parenthood

Post 107869 by plexi deleted for the following reason: You chose an awfully provocative way to ask this question, and it's fairly chatty besides. -- cortex


Same on the outside, different on the inside

Post 107712 by qvtqht deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Economics gives me a headache

Post 107709 by rtimmel deleted for the following reason: pretty darned recently -- cortex


How do I get a following on my blog?

Post 107488 by BoldStepDesign deleted for the following reason: This is so not okay it isn't funny. -- cortex


Post 107466 by gman deleted for the following reason: This has been asked in other ways a number of times and is pretty chatfiltery. You're welcome to BBQ it if you like, but I think this should probably go. -- cortex


Dear Sir/Madam, sorry I didn't tell you I was going to Africa...

Post 107382 by whoaali deleted for the following reason: revenge/fuckery posts aren't really what askme is for, time-sensitive ones even less so. -- jessamyn

Annoying meme

Post 107379 by Mephisto deleted for the following reason: Rants are not questions; this should not be here. -- cortex

I need yer best yucks

Post 107345 by Franklin76 deleted for the following reason: this question has been asked before and including your own jokes seems a little ... odd. -- jessamyn

Books, books, books...

Post 107327 by ashaw deleted for the following reason: This is unspecific to the point of being pure chatfilter. -- cortex


Obama T-shirts

Post 107282 by ChloeMills deleted for the following reason: this is sort of a rambly I'm-not-sure-what-the-question-is question which might be good over at bigbigquestion but it's a bit of a stretch for here. -- jessamyn


Children are delicious, nom nom nom.

Post 107173 by A Terrible Llama deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

pH info needed before 5pm Central!

Post 107166 by tzikeh deleted for the following reason: this is pretty much "do my friend's homework for me" filter. -- jessamyn


send me to itunes page

Post 107055 by crapples deleted for the following reason: at poster's request -- mathowie

Weather Underground Model Citizens

Post 107016 by billysumday deleted for the following reason: this has turned into an "XYZ sucks AMIRITE" thread which is being overmoderated. If you wanted answers, consistently being fighty about it has made that not possible. Feel free to ask again later or take what you already have. -- jessamyn


How do I tell my doctor that she messed up?

Post 106986 by timory deleted for the following reason: deleted at poster's request -- mathowie


define post-modern in your own terms

Post 106891 by figTree deleted for the following reason: this seems like an "I want to talk about X" question as opposed to you having a problem to solve. Sort of a chatfilter thing. -- jessamyn


Obnoxious things people do

Post 106820 by wireless deleted for the following reason: This is seeming like Chatfilter: Kvetch Edition. There's a metatalk thread, fwiw. -- cortex


Stupid Statement Blog Entry

Post 106779 by davidmsc deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex



Post 106620 by plexi deleted for the following reason: ask again without the insults and snark and this would be an okay question for ask metafilter. -- jessamyn


Does this seem fair to you?

Post 106571 by terrier319 deleted for the following reason: This is, yeah, honestly a bit more rant-ish chatfilter than is likely to go well. -- cortex


What did you do to promote Barack Obama online during the election season?

Post 106321 by kingtaj deleted for the following reason: this is chatfilter -- it might be a better fit for politicalfilter or elsewhere, but there's no problem to be solved here along with an "I'll go first" aspect. -- jessamyn

Can a celebrity really force me to give her my domain?

Post 106315 by uncoolcentral deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn


Is Moola.com Legit?

Post 106145 by cc5alive deleted for the following reason: What the fuck. Just, seriously, what the fuck. Get bent. -- cortex

How can I embarrass a local racist?

Post 106128 by boy detective deleted for the following reason: This is verging into "help me wreak vengence" territory, which is really not okay for askme. -- cortex

Why is there a war in Afghanistan?

Post 106100 by watercarrier deleted for the following reason: This question was worded poorly and is going badly. -- mathowie


The inductive loops is there for a reason, Lady

Post 106071 by moof deleted for the following reason: ranty "man i hate it when people do this" stuff is pushing pretty far into chatfilter territory. -- cortex

Why are we so blind?

Post 106011 by jackypaper deleted for the following reason: this is not really a question, anyone who doesn't agree with you can't really honestly answer this the way you have framed it. -- jessamyn


Who's broken? Metafilter or me?

Post 105906 by gman deleted for the following reason: yep, this should be there, all's well with the world. -- jessamyn

She always starting some shit...

Post 105900 by sixcolors deleted for the following reason: revenge questions are against the rules of MeFi, plus are you for real? -- jessamyn


What happened to this guy's skin and male privarte part? (photos)

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.


Asbestos in your cereal?

Post 105676 by johannahdeschanel deleted for the following reason: What in the heck? This is not an Ask Mefi question. -- cortex


Explain why I should vote for Obama.

Post 105637 by TSGlenn deleted for the following reason: Honestly, this is pushing pretty far into "I defy you to prove me wrong" book-length territory and is a bit of a nightmare in the offing. There might be a core question in here that could reasonably work, but this is not I think a good idea as is. -- cortex

What is cash gifting GGS?

Post 105591 by gpgip deleted for the following reason: cash gifting questions are against the rules here. -- mathowie


Cash Gifting Information

Post 105520 by getxposed deleted for the following reason: dude seriously NO NO NO NO NO -- jessamyn -- jessamyn


I can follow a trail of my own hair home

Post 105382 by pea_shoot deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Test Question

Post 105306 by pb deleted for the following reason: Test complete! -- pb


Truth fears no questions.

Post 105133 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request -- mathowie

"Copper Isotope" a scam?

Post 105090 by stuehler deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Found it, thanks!

Post 105032 by digitalprimate deleted for the following reason: Do not start new threads to update us on AskMe results. -- cortex

Hating the phone

Post 105016 by annsunny deleted for the following reason: You have my sympathies, but this is not what askme is for. -- cortex

Tell me about writing term papers for money.

Post 104983 by GilloD deleted for the following reason: turns out it's illegal in at least a couple states, so I'm gonna take this down. -- mathowie



Post 104680 by gman deleted for the following reason: Belongs in Metatalk, if it belongs anywhere at all... -- vacapinta

Temporary Blindness - What?

Post 104679 by howgenerica deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry but this is over the line for something you shoudl be asking the internet. Please take your friend to the emergency room and let us know how it comes out in metatalk. -- jessamyn


Have you grown up on antidepressants?

Post 104620 by toomuchkatherine deleted for the following reason: this is really not what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn


Here's your sign

Post 104322 by dawson deleted for the following reason: VOTE 103749! -- cortex


Something just isn't right...

Post 104248 by sixcolors deleted for the following reason: This is pretty weird and chatfiltery. -- cortex


Can You Be Two Places at the Same Time?

Post 104128 by Rev. Mo deleted for the following reason: This isn't really a question so much as metaphysical chatfilter. -- cortex


If every woman in the world stopped wearing clothes and wore only earmuffs, would the male population be horny for ears?

Post 104070 by querty deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

San Francisco leprechaun shop?

Post 104067 by EmbarrassingQuestionsSockpuppet deleted for the following reason: Yeah, brazenely sockpuppeting your way around the time limits isn't okay. -- cortex

Why is fire hot?

Post 104034 by Taksi Putra deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

How does the blind man pee at night?

Post 104031 by jclovebrew deleted for the following reason: This reads more like a Zen koan. Perhaps resubmit with more context? -- vacapinta


Washington Mutual sent me a check for $40 - I don't know why?

Post 103957 by doomtop deleted for the following reason: figured out, poster's request. -- jessamyn

Will I become a momster?

Post 103906 by juva deleted for the following reason: congrats on your news, but this is a chatfilter question. -- jessamyn

Please to asplain

Post 103884 by chuckdarwin deleted for the following reason: I'm glad you got an answer you like, but "am I crazy or does x suck" questions aren't so great. -- cortex


OK for nonsmoker to pop a quit-smoking lozenge?

Post 103789 by Quarter Pincher deleted for the following reason: do not please do this here. -- mathowie

Stop me if you've heard this one before ...

Post 103763 by Marisa Stole the Precious Thing deleted for the following reason: Yeah, site-specific stuff needs to go in Metatalk, not AskMe. -- cortex

Yarr! Dragons!

Post 103758 by Wolof deleted for the following reason: if you're genuinely curious, don't insult everyone who might possibly answer your question. feel free to try again next week. -- jessamyn


What if gas prices have been artificially depressed?

Post 103616 by reenum deleted for the following reason: This is kind of equal parts chatfilter and conspiracytheoryfilter as you've presented it, and AskMe-as-Metachat-Doover isn't really a cool way to frame it besides. -- cortex


Where are all my forecasters at?

Post 103598 by SkinnerSan deleted for the following reason: This is pretty open-ended and chatty for askme. -- cortex

What would Miss Manners do?

Post 103565 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: check the earlier one (accidental double) -- mathowie


Turning Ten--what was special about it, if it was?

Post 103449 by emhutchinson deleted for the following reason: this is a very nice question, but it's really the textbook definition of no-problem-to-solve chatfilter. -- jessamyn


What's the weirdest thing you've helped your kid dress up as?

Post 103293 by Slarty Bartfast deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is hypothetical avant garde kid costume chatfilter. -- cortex

Why eat vegan?

Post 103287 by zentrification deleted for the following reason: please ask this at a lateer time when it doesn't seem like so much of a stunt post or a continuation of an argument currently in progress. thanks. -- jessamyn

Helpa Hobo Travel

Post 103215 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Is the Ku Klux Klan a group with legitimate concerns

Post 103127 by clueless22 deleted for the following reason: This seems like the sort of thing you could do any independent reading on at all before hitting askme for; a more nuanced and specific version of this might be okay, but this is just silly and vague. -- cortex


How does one become an occult expert?

Post 103120 by Roman Graves deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

Take it to the grave?

Post 103116 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: -- jessamyn


Are my travel videos any good?

Post 103023 by Scientifik deleted for the following reason: yeah, post your video site on projects. this is too self-promotional for ask mefi -- mathowie


2 for 1 special, movies and automotive sociology

Post 102913 by docmccoy deleted for the following reason: don't ask two questions in one, also the second one is pure chatfilter -- mathowie


What are the most important political issues?

Post 102839 by lunchbox deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex

De Gustibus

Post 102812 by bardic deleted for the following reason: Next up: what is the most flagged chatfilter question ever? -- cortex


Have you met anyone from ask.metafilter.com?

Post 102738 by KateHasQuestions deleted for the following reason: Site-related questions need to go on Metatalk, not AskMe. -- cortex

Itemize the $700,000,000 bill

Post 102701 by mkultra deleted for the following reason: This has come up a couple times really recently, see below. -- cortex


Do you remind your SO if you are not sexually satisfied?

Post 102665 by InterestedInKnowing deleted for the following reason: is this anything but a poll question? -- jessamyn


Are things really this bad or is it just an election year?

Post 102584 by itsamonkeytree deleted for the following reason: do not do this here, thank you. -- jessamyn


What would Jack Bauer do?

Post 102478 by Funmonkey1 deleted for the following reason: This is unanswerable chatfilter. -- cortex

We're just friends (...or are we?)

Post 102463 by jma deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter -- cortex


I really need to find a person on the internet!

Post 102406 by freddymetz deleted for the following reason: Not so much with the Missed Connections askmes, please. -- cortex


Where have all the real men gone?

Post 102212 by hadjiboy deleted for the following reason: This is really pretty rambly and unclear; if you can find a way to cut this down to some core answerable question, maybe give it a shot next week. -- cortex


How can I get into the cable box on the outside of my apartment!?

Post 102157 by Fareed deleted for the following reason: don't use askme for this. -- jessamyn

Write Zooey or Bad Idea?

Post 102127 by assoctw deleted for the following reason: The magic 8-ball says signs point to delete. -- cortex


Seeking San Francisco area artist who needs photos of their art items.

Post 102085 by jcdill deleted for the following reason: this isn't a question and is more appropriate for craigslist, not here. -- mathowie

Please trade toeshoes with me!

Post 102078 by grippycat deleted for the following reason: Way too craigslistly/want-ads for AskMe. -- cortex

Where is the best place to find bootlegged concert videos ?

Post 102019 by carefulmonkey deleted for the following reason: as much as I appreciate your quest, AskMe is really not a good place to look for torrenty bootleggish stuff. -- jessamyn


We met in Bali in '96. I never knew his last name. Never got his card. I'm not even sure he was American.

Post 101992 by AnyGuelmann deleted for the following reason: This is bearing too close to craigslist/missed-connection stuff for AskMe, and is probably pushing too far into personal/identifying information besides. -- cortex

How much is that Blizzcon Lunch Box in the window...?

Post 101976 by Detuned Radio deleted for the following reason: This uncomfortably resembles an attempt to boost traffic to your friend's ebay auction, which is really not okay. -- cortex

McCain and Zapatero

Post 101973 by East Manitoba Regional Junior Kabaddi Champion '94 deleted for the following reason: TPM is going to do the work on this one, no need for original research that looks suspiciously like googlebombing (word for word the same as the TPM post) -- jessamyn

Cheap RFID card writer needed for Mifare Classic cards wanted.

Post 101913 by complience deleted for the following reason: You just asked this a few weeks ago. -- cortex


Need help with Backup Exec

Post 101702 by Zinger deleted for the following reason: If you're looking to hire a mefite, you need to use Jobs, not Ask. -- cortex


Post 101657 by Mukta deleted for the following reason: This is way, way too vague. -- cortex


"Pullin' for Palin?" Really?

Post 101636 by M.C. Lo-Carb! deleted for the following reason: this is sort of an over the top OMG question which isn't going to get any real answers and is turning into a sexism derail which maybe needs to be in metatalk. -- jessamyn


Is suicide painless?

Post 101483 by RussHy deleted for the following reason: this is too borderline to be okay in AskMe -- jessamyn

Any good (very specific) overseas job leads?

Post 101472 by BrianBoyko deleted for the following reason: AskMe really shouldn't be used specifically as a job-hunting forum. Best of luck with your search, but this isn't okay. -- cortex


"From the new coffee table book, the shoulder scars of the far east..."

Post 101207 by elbadasso deleted for the following reason: It looks like you're using multiple accounts to dodge teh 7-day askme limit. Don't do that. Any questions about this, drop us a line in the contact form. -- cortex


need somewhere to stay

Post 101016 by sgt.serenity deleted for the following reason: this is really not what askme is for. -- jessamyn

How to not get TOO excited about a new relationship?

Post 100990 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: weird system-burp double -- cortex

Random commentary requested

Post 100985 by Estragon deleted for the following reason: please do not use sock puppets to get around the question limit. if this is in error, please do let us know. -- jessamyn


Who needs my money most?

Post 100871 by MrMoonPie deleted for the following reason: Just recently. -- cortex


Looking for help with international distribution in Mexico, UK, Canada and worldwide for electronics accessories. Free HDMI cables for best answers.

Post 100841 by weiler63 deleted for the following reason: The free offer thing is weird, please don't do that. -- mathowie

So close, yet so far

Post 100786 by wavering deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

Economist comment

Post 100783 by jasondigitized deleted for the following reason: please ask this over at metatalk. -- jessamyn


Post 100781 by plexi deleted for the following reason: this is an unknowable sort of wtf-ish question. -- jessamyn


Work Hard, Play Hard

Post 100710 by decathecting deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

What to do/listen to in the car when driving to college campus 15-30 min away?

Post 100702 by thesonofmorgoth deleted for the following reason: this seems a lot like a question asked by a sock puppet to get around the seven day limit in a non-emergency situation. if we are incorrect please let us know. -- jessamyn


CO or CO2, that is the question...

Post 100599 by twine42 deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Is love a pie or is it infinite?

Post 100591 by emhutchinson deleted for the following reason: chatfilter -- mathowie


Where can I download X-1 - New York is so cool?

Post 100453 by likeapen deleted for the following reason: this is not really what askme is for. -- jessamyn


How do I spoof ESPN360.com?

Post 100375 by b_thinky deleted for the following reason: Login spoofing/begging is really not what AskMe is for. -- cortex

Karagarga invite

Post 100311 by BrnP84 deleted for the following reason: this is now what askme is for. -- jessamyn


Better living through wisdom of the ages

Post 100259 by bbranden1 deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex


dream vacation

Post 100143 by parallax7d deleted for the following reason: Two months without chatfilter. -- cortex


Cooking. Love it? Hate it? Why?

Post 100089 by philosophistry deleted for the following reason: this is chatfilter. -- jessamyn

Eyes and who is taller

Post 100083 by bsexton deleted for the following reason: this is a little too homeworky. we can help you with problems but this seems a little close to "do my homework FOR me" -- jessamyn


Are my site stats being manipulated or am I just paranoid?

Post 99929 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Making an OS X Widget, need facts!

Post 99794 by cjorgensen deleted for the following reason: This really is pretty Chatfilter Meets Poll-The-Audience; you might be better off setting up a simple website to collect submissions and posting that to Projects, or maybe consider this for politicalfilter.com . -- cortex


I heard the news today, oh boy

Post 99451 by Kerasia deleted for the following reason: this is a chatfilter question, what is the problem to be solved? -- jessamyn


Mac security questions

Post 99245 by BoldStepDesign deleted for the following reason: As a general rule, you really need to stick to one specific question -- loading up 9 separate questions in one askme is essentially going against the spirit of guidelines. -- cortex

You are the president of the U.S. Now deal with the Russians.

Post 99211 by dcrocha deleted for the following reason: textbook chatfilter. -- jessamyn

Just eat the cookie, already, and don't choke on the paper.

Post 99206 by bryon deleted for the following reason: oh screw it, this is unanswerable. Try big big question. -- jessamyn

Girl-Do-Over: help correct one of guy film history's most tragic episodes

Post 99194 by rileyray3000 deleted for the following reason: Toooootal chatfilter. -- cortex - also what the hell is wrong with people today??? -- jessamyn


A cultural wasteland?

Post 99110 by up in the old hotel deleted for the following reason: What? This isn't a question. -- cortex

What in the world is going on with my sleep these days?

Post 99095 by isoman2kx deleted for the following reason: this question appears to be posted within seven days of a question by a sock puppet, please contact us if this is NOT the case. -- jessamyn

Custom made pens

Post 99084 by jmoore3 deleted for the following reason: Really, really not okay. -- cortex


How to watch the Olimpics on line?

Post 99048 by semmi deleted for the following reason: posted previously -- jessamyn

First reactions.

Post 98998 by kalapierson deleted for the following reason: this is a chatfilter question. if there is a problem you are trying to solve, please list it, otherwise it's just a polling question which are not really okay here. -- jessamyn


How can I get Wireless internet when i need it

Post 98929 by ptsampras14 deleted for the following reason: this thread is turning into a total pain in the ass. Using AskMe to crack WEP encryption is really not what askme is for. -- jessamyn


Objection! Overruled! Does this actually happen like in tv shows?

Post 98808 by slavlin deleted for the following reason: this is pretty much a double of a question from a few weeks ago. -- jessamyn

Send us tips for AskAsheville.com please

Post 98800 by AskAsheville deleted for the following reason: Don't use ask mefi to promote your sites -- mathowie

How to get XP to recognize a second monitor?

Post 98783 by Dasein deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request -- mathowie


Atom Smasher

Post 98673 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: -- jessamyn


How do you propagate an emoticon?

Post 98582 by zorro astor deleted for the following reason: number one: do not use AskMe to propogate your internet meme. This question does not pass the smell test of "is not self-promoting in and of itself" If it's not time-sensitive, ask again next week without the hard sell? -- jessamyn

Who cares about Brett Fav-ray?

Post 98566 by ChickenringNYC deleted for the following reason: this is a rant disguised as a question. -- jessamyn


Bookstrore bathroom

Post 98526 by holdkris99 deleted for the following reason: This really is basically the same question as the old one folks are mentioning. holdkris99, if you can't get to that question via a proxy I'll be happy to mail you the contents of the thread. -- cortex

Start export business. What is the best way to approach a new supplier?

Post 98501 by herbiehancock00 deleted for the following reason: Do not use multiple accounts to violate the askme 7-day limit. -- cortex

Answer your own question, years later.

Post 98474 by Wild_Eep deleted for the following reason: off to metatalk with ye! -- jessamyn


Let's dance about architecture

Post 98379 by thebordella deleted for the following reason: chatfilter -- jessamyn



Post 98341 by Dumsnill deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Unintentionally Hilarious Music

Post 97990 by FuManchu deleted for the following reason: this is pretty much a chatfilter question. -- jessamyn

How to help my friend pick up her child internationally?

Post 97988 by sephira deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


When will the greatest Web 2.0 hoax ever be over?

Post 97889 by shipbreaker deleted for the following reason: If your question is a series of complaints followed by a zealous answer to your own question, you're really not using AskMe correctly. -- cortex

No, I'm not lazy. I just need a robot to scoop cat poo for me. Any suggestions?

Post 97885 by willie11 deleted for the following reason: posted previously but I do appreciate the turdburgler tag -- jessamyn


Getting money back from a graduate school program that failed to deliver!

Post 97822 by Rocket26 deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

How do I find a buyer for an unlisted high-end home?

Post 97790 by ultraultraboomerang deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

Looking for words unique to your family

Post 97780 by rongorongo deleted for the following reason: this is really one of those "everyone's answer is right" chatfilter question, but maybe it's suited to bigbigquestion or elsewhere? -- jessamyn


Tell me about your psychological issues.

Post 97665 by giggleknickers deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

What keeps you going?

Post 97631 by 235w103 deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


What songs make you wonder whether humanity should even bother?

Post 97504 by Beardman deleted for the following reason: I'm very sorry, but I was busy earlier and this is a terribly chatfilter question for AskMe. -- jessamyn


Stuff What You Say With Your Word-Hole

Post 97447 by turgid dahlia deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex

truth and/or consequences?

Post 97420 by Artful Codger deleted for the following reason: this is just going to be more "I don't know but I read the same article as you did...." talk. MetaTalk is always an option. -- jessamyn


How to help friend with chronic insomnia/sleeping pill addiction who tried to commit suicide?

Post 97263 by Prajna deleted for the following reason: suicide questions are really outside the scope of what AskMe should be helping with. -- jessamyn

I just want to watch a movie

Post 97218 by strangeleftydoublethink deleted for the following reason: this is not what metafilter is for at all, don't do this here. -- jessamyn


How to accept someone who's a "masseuse", a goldigger and an old men snatcher?

Post 96959 by pixxie deleted for the following reason: this isn't really a good use of Ask MetaFilter. Not any question people can answer, more like a personal diary/blog entry -- mathowie

Tasting it again, for the first time.

Post 96955 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: I don't understand what is going on here, but I do understand what "please delete this" means. -- jessamyn

I'm tired of talking about me. What do *you* think of me?

Post 96950 by DirtyCreature deleted for the following reason: this is a loose variant of "XYZ sucks AMIRITE" where XYZ = americans. -- jessamyn

Meta-Metafilter Filter Question

Post 96905 by captnkurt deleted for the following reason: post this to metatalk instead -- mathowie


What kind of marriage/partnership do you have?

Post 96849 by ultraultraboomerang deleted for the following reason: this is sort of a poll-the-audience chatfilter question - what is the problem you're trying to solve. maybe good for bigbigquestion? -- jessamyn


Non-Violent History

Post 96540 by billtron deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, sorry. -- mathowie


Access help

Post 96502 by seeminglyshy deleted for the following reason: this needs to go in the jobs section. -- jessamyn

Why can't an anonymous person reply?

Post 96483 by ceberon deleted for the following reason: this needs to go to metatalk or feel free to email one of us. -- jessamyn


The Literary Executor's role, to burn or not to burn?

Post 96412 by Fizz deleted for the following reason: This is kind of way too open and chatty for AskMe, but as folks have kind of said you could probably turn this into a nice post on Metafilter proper. -- cortex


Is it because of D.A.R.E?

Post 96273 by sixcolors deleted for the following reason: this is not a good way of asking this question. You are asking a question that you then attempt to answer yourself, so while it may not be chatfilter, it is also not a good question for AskMe. -- jessamyn

I should've done that years ago...

Post 96226 by paterg deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex


ROCK STAR cooler

Post 95974 by skaramatthew deleted for the following reason: This is not what askme is for. -- cortex

Hangin' with the Beautiful People... where?

Post 95942 by unixrat deleted for the following reason: Hot chicks chatfilter. -- cortex


Mrs. Robinson Filter: Is it always a bad idea?

Post 95766 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request - no way to anonymize replies, sorry! -- jessamyn


Tell me more about Asheville

Post 95722 by AskAsheville deleted for the following reason: Wow. This is really not okay. -- cortex

I want a fresh, delicious slice of life AND I want to eat it...

Post 95682 by aikidoka deleted for the following reason: There isn't really anything like an answerable question here. Maybe winnow this down to something not so broad and chatty and try again next week? -- cortex

How to make the best of a technical interview without any directly related experience?

Post 95677 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: dupe -- cortex

How would a time-travelled economy work?

Post 95660 by lord_yo deleted for the following reason: hypothetical chatfilter - maybe take this to bigbigquestion? -- jessamyn


Why we need trails..

Post 95607 by hobbes deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


How to find Mefites by geography

Post 95524 by lometogo deleted for the following reason: Like the folks said, site-specific questions should go over in Metatalk. No big deal, it happens. -- cortex

Sweet talk a doctor and win drugs

Post 95516 by Jason and Laszlo deleted for the following reason: you can't reallt do this here. -- jessamyn


You say you want a Revolution...

Post 95389 by Mr_Chips deleted for the following reason: Dude, wtf? -- cortex



Post 95264 by querty deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this really isn't a good use of AskMe. -- cortex


Apocalyptic reading?

Post 95198 by Debaser626 deleted for the following reason: SIGNS OF THE APOCALYPSE AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! -- cortex

No alarms and no surprises..

Post 95188 by bradly deleted for the following reason: Books are awesome, but this is kind of hopelessly broad even unto, yea, chatfilter. -- cortex


I don't know what that means, but it sounds awesome!

Post 95000 by SpacemanStix deleted for the following reason: This is pretty darned chatty, nominal personal-compilation buffering or no. -- cortex

I think the husband did it ...

Post 94997 by essexjan deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Does the Burger King Kids club have a membership card? I need some useless ID.

Post 94907 by rileyray3000 deleted for the following reason: You're basically asking how to cheat Costco out of a membership fee? This seems kind of less-than-cool. -- cortex


Test Question

Post 94794 by pb deleted for the following reason: Test complete! -- pb

Press play!

Post 94779 by driant deleted for the following reason: pretty much already asked and answered -- jessamyn

The other half of the sky

Post 94756 by DirtyCreature deleted for the following reason: Not sure what the question is exactly... -- vacapinta


What do I need to do to eat tomatoes again?

Post 94659 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn


A question related to questions on ask metafilter

Post 94603 by razzman deleted for the following reason: this is pretty much a metatalk question, no? -- jessamyn


I'm a verb?

Post 94544 by cometwendy deleted for the following reason: this is a site injoke, probably needs to be in metatalk. -- jessamyn

You are the Puppetmaster. Use Flash to Rearrange My Digs.

Post 94501 by WCityMike deleted for the following reason: You really could just followup in your question from last week where this first came up; as it is, you're kind of posting an askme sequel that's essentially asking people to go off to another site instead of answering questions, which is moving into kind of weird territory here. -- cortex -- cortex

How do a post a question?

Post 94477 by Alisa Hardigree deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Love of my life

Post 94393 by nougat deleted for the following reason: Really darned chatty, this. -- cortex


Looking for advice for a luddite sex columnist who wants to start blogging professionally.

Post 94369 by MonkNoiz deleted for the following reason: plonk -- cortex

When the parking wars go nuclear.

Post 94338 by rileyray3000 deleted for the following reason: This is an incredibly bad use of askme. Don't use the site to rant and plot revenge -- cortex


A math PhD story

Post 94246 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Post 94211 by pb deleted for the following reason: That was a test. -- pb


What is most likely to kill the human race?

Post 94159 by Suparnova deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. -- jessamyn

Electric Eye

Post 94121 by SamuelF deleted for the following reason: You've framed this a lot more like MacGuyver chatfilter hour than an apparent attempt to solve an existing problem. -- cortex


Anyone know of sperm banks that provide pictures of donors?

Post 94050 by missed deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Floss or I'll beat you.

Post 93907 by Christ, what an asshole deleted for the following reason: This is really chatty. -- cortex


How not to die of black plague

Post 93858 by concreteforest deleted for the following reason: This is pretty well into hypothetical chatfilter, and you could really be having some of this discussion in the thread you were inspired by on top of that. -- cortex

What font is this and how can I figure these questions out on my own?

Post 93792 by dnthomps deleted for the following reason: don't do this here. -- jessamyn


Direct fights to London for $1400

Post 93708 by plexi deleted for the following reason: this needs to be a different sort of question to work well here, this question is not really what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn

Looking for long-term antidepressant users around age 30.

Post 93689 by toomuchkatherine deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for. -- jessamyn

Help me save my vacation! (Laptop trouble in Israel)

Post 93688 by dudeman deleted for the following reason: this is realy not what askme is for -- jessamyn


Not my job (but I guess I should know that)

Post 93561 by nax deleted for the following reason: this probably needs to go to big big question, it's a little open-ended and chatty for here. -- jessamyn


You will go to sleep or I will put you to sleep!

Post 93443 by CXImran deleted for the following reason: sketchy indeed. -- mathowie

Is criticism allowed here?

Post 93375 by metasonix deleted for the following reason: (a) Dude, we don't hate you at all, though that blog entry was really a pretty shitty response to your dislike for our work, and (b) this goes in Metatalk, not AskMe. -- cortex


Ayúdenme, Boricu@s!

Post 93335 by pb deleted for the following reason: This was a test repost. -- pb

Comic book torrents?

Post 93307 by flag it and shut up deleted for the following reason: generally speaking torrent questions are sketch here. you have gotten some good answers but we'll be closing this. -- jessamyn


Son of Airplane on a Conveyor Belt

Post 93279 by flotson deleted for the following reason: This is basically Son of Hypothetical Chatfilter. -- cortex

Had a prostitute?

Post 93253 by xmutex deleted for the following reason: this is chatfilter. -- jessamyn

Less Sleep = More Alert. Why?

Post 93250 by zobot deleted for the following reason: this exact question was asked a week ago. -- jessamyn


What are your design pet peeves when you travel?

Post 93137 by NancyB deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much chatfilter. Besides that, if you're an editor for a travel mag, that'd be a good thing to disclose if you're farming for ideas. -- cortex

I should have opened the box. I didn't.

Post 93130 by timmins deleted for the following reason: You're not asking a question, you're telling a story and then asking for people to tell their own. This is chatfilter. -- cortex

How to do a Non-Spam Mass Mailing?

Post 93103 by Quisp Lover deleted for the following reason: please talk to me about what you are doing here that you can not be doing here. -- jessamyn


"We see in six dimensions - don't tell anyone"

Post 92903 by brozek deleted for the following reason: we've pretty much done exactly this question before -- jessamyn


Craftsman fantasies?

Post 92878 by mjewkes deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

What is your best "secret ingredient"?

Post 92871 by jeremias deleted for the following reason: this is really chatfilter - maybe better for BBQ? -- jessamyn



Post 92831 by paulinsanjuan deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. Includes the classic "I'll go first." -- vacapinta


Disadvantages of being a man

Post 92738 by Jaltcoh deleted for the following reason: this is chatfilter, yes, yes it is. -- jessamyn

Should I say Hi?

Post 92731 by notreally deleted for the following reason: Yep, wrong place. Questions about the site go on Metatalk. -- cortex

How can I save on gas?

Post 92729 by VictoriaSavi deleted for the following reason: Askme isn't for lobbing softball questions to your astroturfing corporate clients. -- cortex

The endless wait.

Post 92667 by Gordion Knott deleted for the following reason: this is a chatfilter question. -- jessamyn


The ultimate final best-of definitive list of short fiction anthologies

Post 92642 by jbickers deleted for the following reason: an almost identical question was asked about three hours ago. -- jessamyn

Sometimes a Cigar is Just a Good Smoke

Post 92624 by generic230 deleted for the following reason: this is prett ymuch a chatfilter "I'll go first" question -- jessamyn

Is sex in America really so out of control?

Post 92568 by Anthony84 deleted for the following reason: This seems a lot more like a ranty blog entry than an actual question. -- cortex


Help me make a portable gin and tonic

Post 92454 by incomple deleted for the following reason: If you'd like to ask your actual question next week without the ridiculously provocative framing, that would probably be okay. -- cortex


FailingAmericaFilter: Something out of a zombie flick?

Post 92129 by jofuu deleted for the following reason: This is hopelessly broad an hypothetical chatfilter. -- cortex


Can you please rename my website?

Post 92085 by cjorgensen deleted for the following reason: this not really what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn


Some Call Him The Punnoisseur

Post 92003 by spiderskull deleted for the following reason: this is sort of chatfiltery, maybe better for BBQ? -- jessamyn

Are you satisfied with your over average IQ and relatively low income

Post 91981 by lemur deleted for the following reason: This maybe needs to go over to Big Big Question. xo, the fulfilled -- jessamyn

What albums do you consider 'perfect'?

Post 91955 by WinnipegDragon deleted for the following reason: posted previously - really it's the exact same question -- jessamyn

Are we being scammed out of 500 bucks and an apartment?

Post 91946 by baphomet deleted for the following reason: closed at poster's request -- mathowie

Test Question Only

Post 91945 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: test complete -- pb

How do you know if a therapist will be helpful?

Post 91934 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

How to cope with crippling career regrets?

Post 91933 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


It's the truth, I swear!

Post 91813 by markovich deleted for the following reason: hypothetical chatfilter. -- jessamyn


Am I going to jail?

Post 91755 by cvoixjames deleted for the following reason: this is a really good question to ask an attorney and NOT MetaFilter. -- jessamyn

My nipples explode with joy

Post 91737 by flotson deleted for the following reason: This seems pretty silly and for-the-hell-of-it and not really trying to solve anything resembling a real problem. -- cortex

Dating site defy common sense

Post 91726 by browolf deleted for the following reason: This is basically a blog entry mixed with some chatfilter. AskMe is for solving specific problems, not starting discussions. -- cortex


First Home Jitters!

Post 91690 by Saucy Intruder deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Let's play House! (Tip: it's not Lupus.)

Post 91659 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


My cock is like a tentpole

Post 91520 by Hugh Jorgan deleted for the following reason: Sod off. -- cortex

What's the most interesting book you've read since May '07?

Post 91494 by Tnuocca deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


Why do I bite? How can I stop?

Post 91440 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:

Books vs. Everything Else

Post 91429 by sixcolors deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

Does anyone know where I can pre-order wii fit?

Post 91419 by m94402 deleted for the following reason: this is not a good question for ask metafilter -- jessamyn


Llama bed n breakfast central Oregon

Post 91346 by america5 deleted for the following reason: Please don't casually use multiple accounts to get around question limits. -- cortex

Linking in comments

Post 91289 by pianomover deleted for the following reason: This sort of how-to-use-the-site question needs to go in Metatalk, not AskMe. -- cortex


Cold feet, or bad idea?

Post 91242 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request -- mathowie

Has the stress of my relationship problems and getting to REALLY know someone made my partner less attractive to me?

Post 91235 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn

What foods do you eat when you feel a cold/flu coming on?

Post 91241 by miss-lapin deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex


Breathtaking articles on what it looks like and feels like to die

Post 91097 by Jireel deleted for the following reason: Questions about Metafilter itself (including "where did I see this?" queries) should be posted in Metatalk, not AskMe. -- cortex


Who will be the next president?

Post 91023 by dcrocha deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. -- jessamyn

What pranks can I pull on my boss?

Post 91007 by samuel1613 deleted for the following reason: revengefilter is against the rules, sorry. -- jessamyn

What if?

Post 91003 by larry_darrell deleted for the following reason: this really need to be phrased in some totally different way for it to not just be chatfilter. -- jessamyn

Seeking amazing MeFite post

Post 90954 by slf deleted for the following reason: Yup: tamim, and questions about mefi go in metatalk. -- cortex


Best Mother's Day

Post 90850 by bkiddo deleted for the following reason: "what's your favorite X" is pretty much the definition of chatfilter. -- jessamyn

Are you as frustrated as I am about increasing blog readership?

Post 90798 by glowpost deleted for the following reason: this is not what ask metafilter is for. -- jessamyn


Family therapist near Pasadena, CA?

Post 90705 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Therapist/Psychologist recommendation for West Nashville?

Post 90616 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason:


Pen Tricks/Spinning. Where to Start?-Tips,Advice,Resources, etc.

Post 90495 by Javed_Ahamed_Aux deleted for the following reason: um, you can't do this here. please ask us if you have any questions. -- jessamyn

greasemonkey script request: fetch title attribute on myspace links

Post 90494 by takeyourmedicine deleted for the following reason: This might be okay as a volunteer gig on Jobs, but "write this script for me" requests aren't really in the scope of AskMe. -- cortex


Did Freud like people?

Post 90468 by bexb39 deleted for the following reason: it's almost impossible to make a good question for AskMe in four words, this doesn't cut it. -- jessamyn


George Bush would never lie to me!

Post 90412 by serazin deleted for the following reason: This is just kind of a chatty poll. What problem are you trying to solve? -- cortex

Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polkda dot hivemind.

Post 90393 by TomMelee deleted for the following reason: Yeah, no. -- cortex

To the top!

Post 90352 by yclipse deleted for the following reason: we pretty much did this two days ago -- jessamyn


How can I view my graduate applications' recommendation letters?

Post 90325 by lpctstr; deleted for the following reason: posted just yesterday -- jessamyn


Is it easier to smuggle booze into Bonnaroo or is it easier to just find it in the campsite

Post 90243 by carefulmonkey deleted for the following reason: yeah this is all sorts of broken, this question. -- jessamyn

Web remote control

Post 90226 by wongcorgi deleted for the following reason: Please don't use spare accounts to shave all of thirteen minutes off the 1-week askme wait. -- cortex

What's going on in the North West of England?

Post 90172 by Tnuocca deleted for the following reason: This is the sort of thing that people generally use blogs for, not askme. -- cortex


Can I break off my long-term relationship and leave my girlfriend feeling empowered?

Post 90083 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Sing to me

Post 90038 by Snoogylips deleted for the following reason: chatfilter - what is the problem to be solved here? -- jessamyn