
Need a cleaning lady. Stat.

Post 82472 by Medieval Maven deleted for the following reason: if you are looking for how to find a cleaning lady that may need to be clearer - memail me and we can rewrite. Otherwise this needs to be in jobs if this is a help wanted ad. -- jessamyn

What's coming next?

Post 82463 by booksprite deleted for the following reason: chatfilter - what is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn


Math is dead. Long live math!

Post 82393 by Smilla deleted for the following reason: Yep, pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex

Let the procrastination games begin!

Post 82344 by Christ, what an asshole deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


Help me steal a street sign!!

Post 82273 by nataliecay deleted for the following reason: tips on breaking the law are kind of a no-no here. -- mathowie


MetaTalk DNS failure?

Post 82184 by spock deleted for the following reason: take to metatalk if problem persists? -- jessamyn



Post 82083 by PowerCat deleted for the following reason: I'd say "imponderable and unanswerable" is a good start on what's wrong with this post. There are some decent links in the comments you've gotten, so I hope that helps you out, but this way too crazily broad and subjective a question they way you've asked it. -- cortex


Pizza query

Post 82047 by tom123 deleted for the following reason: as written this is a pretty unanswerable question -- jessamyn

What kind of person is never insulted or offended?

Post 82021 by PoopyDoop deleted for the following reason: This is pretty stream-of-consciousness and chatfiltery. If you want to rethink this and nail it down to a more specific answerable question, you might try again next week, but as it is the fact that you're asking for "random thoughts" kind of sums up the problem with the post. -- cortex

Am I paranoid?

Post 82012 by snowjoe deleted for the following reason: An open-ended bull session on impeaching these guys is probably a really bad idea for an ask metafilter question. -- cortex


Best three books of your favourite genre.

Post 81877 by eurasian deleted for the following reason: This is straight-up chatfilter. If you're just looking for books to read with no specific target or constraints, there are a lot of existing threads you can check out. -- cortex


List some coincidences

Post 81754 by prior deleted for the following reason: This is waaaay too broad and surveyish, especially with the "even yourself" angle. Chatfilter. -- cortex

Unlocking AOL filing cabinet without a password

Post 81746 by Tnuocca deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


A matter of ems and ens—dashes!

Post 81634 by oxford blue deleted for the following reason: "Yep, this looks like a rare genuine askme quadruple," declared Mr. C-----. -- cortex


What would you do with a lot more money?

Post 81600 by jesirose deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

Why do people's farts smell like their houses?

Post 81594 by (bb|[^b]{2}) deleted for the following reason: . -- jessamyn


Having an online store - my way!

Post 81495 by healthyliving deleted for the following reason: this is AGAINST the RULES. Please ask a quesiton in the future that does not seem so spammy. Check the FAQ if you need help with this. -- jessamyn -- jessamyn

do vegans swallow?

Post 81478 by ashbury deleted for the following reason: You may not have intended this as a joke, but point blank like this without any context, explanation of what factors you're concerned with or why, or any indication really that you're anything but bored and sitting in front of askme kinda makes this seem like a bad idea. -- cortex


Help me design a thermostat scale!

Post 81406 by UbuRoivas deleted for the following reason: please don't use AskMe to continue your weird jokes from other parts of the site. Thank you. -- jessamyn



Post 81341 by JakeMoreThan deleted for the following reason: banned for being an SEO spammer -- mathowie -- mathowie

Automated jobs?

Post 81329 by oteric deleted for the following reason: Some context for why you're asking or what specific problem you're trying to solve would go a long way toward making this not chatfilter. As it is, this is way too general. -- cortex


Which gender????

Post 81294 by GoodJob! deleted for the following reason: This is kind of wacky and unanswerable; it's pretty much chatfilter as you've presented it. -- cortex

Tips and Tricks

Post 81227 by jasondigitized deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


Scaring my security deposit out of a slumlord

Post 81173 by zoomorphic deleted for the following reason: The mention of your landlord's religion pretty much doomed it. Try again next week without that detail -- mathowie


What does it mean to be Metal? (Re)(de)constructing a definition of Metalness. \m/

Post 81119 by yuletide deleted for the following reason: Uh, you seem to be answering a question, not asking one. This isn't remotely what AskMe is for. -- cortex


A new kind of accelerated mortgage?

Post 80903 by mada deleted for the following reason: This looks an awful lot like spam. An awful lot. -- cortex

Can anyone connect me to a DoubleClick Recruiter for Chicago?

Post 80895 by adi deleted for the following reason: this is not at all what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn


Slang of the Future?

Post 80655 by JMB1138 deleted for the following reason: This is pretty chatfiltery, indeed. -- cortex

Osama or Obama?

Post 80651 by tr45vbyt deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much unanswerably speculative; Doug's the only person who could know for sure. -- cortex


How much "Tylenol" is in hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5-50?

Post 80616 by Evangeline deleted for the following reason: this is pretty "I need a doctor" for AskMe and you answered it yourself as well. -- jessamyn


What's your favorite conspiracy theory?

Post 80513 by christy deleted for the following reason: This is pretty chatty the way you're presenting it. -- cortex

TrueCrimeFilter: Who killed Chandra Levy?

Post 80492 by Pastabagel deleted for the following reason: this is total hypotheticalfilter. maybe you could rephrase to ask why the case isnt' solved but really, this isn't what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn

What's your secret?

Post 80480 by mikespez deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex

Notable notary?

Post 80469 by dirtynumbangelboy deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for. looks like you're set, but take stuff like this to jobs or MeTa. -- jessamyn


Meeting Presidential Candidates

Post 80432 by tomcosgrave deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


I miss oink.

Post 80240 by chunking express deleted for the following reason: don't use mefi for invite codes -- mathowie


What Social Networking features should I add to my Website?

Post 80130 by shshao deleted for the following reason: please make sure that your question to askme can IN NO WAY be seen as a promotion of your own site. Take this to projects if you need to. -- jessamyn

Stress and the City

Post 80064 by Hwaet deleted for the following reason: This is pretty darned open-ended and chatty. If you have something specific you're looking for besides just a general bull session about stressful jobs, you're going to need to offer some detail and context next time around. -- cortex

Raucous Caucus

Post 80058 by paulinsanjuan deleted for the following reason: This is not what Ask Metafilter is for. -- cortex


Are you happy?

Post 79982 by fjardt deleted for the following reason: Uh, this is really, really, really Chatfilter. -- cortex

Please Help Me With Ebay Horror

Post 79935 by watercarrier deleted for the following reason: Man did this get ugly. If all you're going to do is yell at your fellow mefites for trying to help, maybe don't bring the question to AskMe in the first place. There's a discussion brewing in Metatalk, if you want to discuss this. -- cortex


Jpanese Bug Fights

Post 79887 by Benzle deleted for the following reason: this is really not what AskMe is for -- if you have a specific question that can make this not look like hype for a site no one knows about, please feel free to repost next week. -- jessamyn