
What can I do about my Dymaxion?

Post 87547 by McLir deleted for the following reason: We've been asked to surpress this question on behalf of the good, decent, hard-working American folks at the General Motors company. We're also confiscating your geodesic dome and your nanotubes, for bein' sassy. -- cortex

Spring cleaning

Post 87543 by TheWhiteSkull deleted for the following reason: double -- jessamyn

Where is she? I need the Z!

Post 87465 by @homer deleted for the following reason: You've got my sympathies, but this is really pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex


What's the deal... with New York City questions?

Post 87287 by the littlest brussels sprout deleted for the following reason: When your question is really a metaquestion about the site itself, you should post it in Metatalk, not AskMe. For what its worth, I reckon there are just a hell of a lot of mefites in and around NYC. -- cortex


Forex Signal Alert Service | Forex Ring Leader Reviews

Post 87254 by tradestationcoder deleted for the following reason: Boy are you ever banned. -- cortex


Post 87236 by pb deleted for the following reason: And we're done testing, thanks. -- pb

Better looking car, 350z or RX-8?

Post 87214 by nimkip deleted for the following reason: This right here is chatfilter. -- cortex


I fink my kitty is broke...? Definitely sending me broke :) Hairy bastard.

Post 86763 by mu~ha~ha~ha~har deleted for the following reason: this is a rant disguised as a question. please try to make it a question without all the ranting and calling the vet a cunt if you don't mind. -- jessamyn


Web hosting swap?

Post 86604 by BishopsLoveScifi deleted for the following reason: Askme really isn't intended for setting up swaps or proposing co-op ideas. -- cortex

Cars are Coffins!

Post 86587 by cameron.case deleted for the following reason: this is a rant disguised as a question and one that is easily answered by google and one that you seem to know the answer to anyhow. -- jessamyn

Birth Control Vs. The Internet

Post 86580 by kristymcj deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

Unusual Person

Post 86571 by Huplescat deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for askmetafilter. it seems like some sort of poll? -- jessamyn

Back In Time

Post 86560 by It ain't over yet deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. this might be better for big big question or you might find some likeminded peopel to talk abotu it with over at metachat. if it doesn't have a problem to be solved and everyone's answer is equally valid, it's not really right for AskMe -- jessamyn


another test post with a bit...

Post 86400 by pb deleted for the following reason: this concludes our test. -- pb

"This is a test"

Post 86393 by pb deleted for the following reason: this concludes our test. -- pb

Donate an Obama DVD to me?

Post 86374 by wavejumper deleted for the following reason: Don't use askme for dealmaking or trading stuff. -- mathowie


FriendFilter: Help me make sense of my friend .

Post 86013 by kldickson deleted for the following reason: You asked essentially the same question three weeks ago; this is pushing pretty dangerously into repeat territory when you could add any new details to a followup comment in that thread. -- cortex

The World's Best...

Post 85988 by nyu2 deleted for the following reason: please don't do this here. Ask a specific question and have a peroblem to be solved, don't poll the audience. -- jessamyn

Funny Facebook Stories

Post 85945 by Glinner deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter. -- cortex

tims074 fraud or not?

Post 85935 by ebayfraud? deleted for the following reason: Please don't do this here. -- jessamyn


Six degrees of rock and roll

Post 85853 by jonmc deleted for the following reason: This is precisely the sort of fun-yet-blatently-chatfilter stuff that inspired Big Big Question, which is why (a) it was asked there and (b) it's getting deleted here. -- cortex

retail store refuses to refund/exchange damaged product.

Post 85838 by sparkyhighvoltage deleted for the following reason: Using AskMe to try and publicly spike people by name is pretty much completely not okay. -- cortex


To marry or not to marry?

Post 85744 by anniepants deleted for the following reason: user closed their account -- jessamyn


Villains of Verona?

Post 85658 by bobdylanforever deleted for the following reason: probably not the best way to form the question. seems like a plug for some band -- mathowie


what other job in your field would you go for?

Post 85581 by AceRock deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

Acquire me! I'll take you to dinner first!

Post 85477 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: question got borked, reposting later... -- mathowie


Dude hangs a dog as an art project

Post 85479 by Pasa la bola chetu deleted for the following reason: like you said, this is not really a question, and nto really a great post to metafilter, while we're at it. feel free to email if you need more guidance on this. -- jessamyn


If a guy works at a cosmetics counter, is he by default gay?

Post 85328 by sardonicsmile deleted for the following reason: What on earth were you thinking, posting this? Please go read everything regarding AskMe on this page, especially the bit about "chatfilter". -- cortex


Craigslist flagging

Post 85255 by princeofpersiaxz deleted for the following reason: please don't do this here -- jessamyn


(insert random Billy Corgan joke here)

Post 85139 by holdkris99 deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much textbook chatfilter -- mathowie

If you had 12 months to live, *realistically* what would you do with your remaining time?

Post 85130 by ~Sushma~ deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. -- jessamyn


The best advice your doctor ever gave you

Post 85016 by HotPatatta deleted for the following reason: this is really better suited to big big question, as it is it's an open ended what is your favorite X chatfilter question. -- jessamyn