
Unintentionally Hilarious Music

Post 97990 by FuManchu deleted for the following reason: this is pretty much a chatfilter question. -- jessamyn

How to help my friend pick up her child internationally?

Post 97988 by sephira deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


When will the greatest Web 2.0 hoax ever be over?

Post 97889 by shipbreaker deleted for the following reason: If your question is a series of complaints followed by a zealous answer to your own question, you're really not using AskMe correctly. -- cortex

No, I'm not lazy. I just need a robot to scoop cat poo for me. Any suggestions?

Post 97885 by willie11 deleted for the following reason: posted previously but I do appreciate the turdburgler tag -- jessamyn


Getting money back from a graduate school program that failed to deliver!

Post 97822 by Rocket26 deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

How do I find a buyer for an unlisted high-end home?

Post 97790 by ultraultraboomerang deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

Looking for words unique to your family

Post 97780 by rongorongo deleted for the following reason: this is really one of those "everyone's answer is right" chatfilter question, but maybe it's suited to bigbigquestion or elsewhere? -- jessamyn


Tell me about your psychological issues.

Post 97665 by giggleknickers deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

What keeps you going?

Post 97631 by 235w103 deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


What songs make you wonder whether humanity should even bother?

Post 97504 by Beardman deleted for the following reason: I'm very sorry, but I was busy earlier and this is a terribly chatfilter question for AskMe. -- jessamyn


Stuff What You Say With Your Word-Hole

Post 97447 by turgid dahlia deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex

truth and/or consequences?

Post 97420 by Artful Codger deleted for the following reason: this is just going to be more "I don't know but I read the same article as you did...." talk. MetaTalk is always an option. -- jessamyn


How to help friend with chronic insomnia/sleeping pill addiction who tried to commit suicide?

Post 97263 by Prajna deleted for the following reason: suicide questions are really outside the scope of what AskMe should be helping with. -- jessamyn

I just want to watch a movie

Post 97218 by strangeleftydoublethink deleted for the following reason: this is not what metafilter is for at all, don't do this here. -- jessamyn


How to accept someone who's a "masseuse", a goldigger and an old men snatcher?

Post 96959 by pixxie deleted for the following reason: this isn't really a good use of Ask MetaFilter. Not any question people can answer, more like a personal diary/blog entry -- mathowie

Tasting it again, for the first time.

Post 96955 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: I don't understand what is going on here, but I do understand what "please delete this" means. -- jessamyn

I'm tired of talking about me. What do *you* think of me?

Post 96950 by DirtyCreature deleted for the following reason: this is a loose variant of "XYZ sucks AMIRITE" where XYZ = americans. -- jessamyn

Meta-Metafilter Filter Question

Post 96905 by captnkurt deleted for the following reason: post this to metatalk instead -- mathowie


What kind of marriage/partnership do you have?

Post 96849 by ultraultraboomerang deleted for the following reason: this is sort of a poll-the-audience chatfilter question - what is the problem you're trying to solve. maybe good for bigbigquestion? -- jessamyn


Non-Violent History

Post 96540 by billtron deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, sorry. -- mathowie


Access help

Post 96502 by seeminglyshy deleted for the following reason: this needs to go in the jobs section. -- jessamyn

Why can't an anonymous person reply?

Post 96483 by ceberon deleted for the following reason: this needs to go to metatalk or feel free to email one of us. -- jessamyn


The Literary Executor's role, to burn or not to burn?

Post 96412 by Fizz deleted for the following reason: This is kind of way too open and chatty for AskMe, but as folks have kind of said you could probably turn this into a nice post on Metafilter proper. -- cortex


Is it because of D.A.R.E?

Post 96273 by sixcolors deleted for the following reason: this is not a good way of asking this question. You are asking a question that you then attempt to answer yourself, so while it may not be chatfilter, it is also not a good question for AskMe. -- jessamyn

I should've done that years ago...

Post 96226 by paterg deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex


ROCK STAR cooler

Post 95974 by skaramatthew deleted for the following reason: This is not what askme is for. -- cortex

Hangin' with the Beautiful People... where?

Post 95942 by unixrat deleted for the following reason: Hot chicks chatfilter. -- cortex


Mrs. Robinson Filter: Is it always a bad idea?

Post 95766 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request - no way to anonymize replies, sorry! -- jessamyn


Tell me more about Asheville

Post 95722 by AskAsheville deleted for the following reason: Wow. This is really not okay. -- cortex

I want a fresh, delicious slice of life AND I want to eat it...

Post 95682 by aikidoka deleted for the following reason: There isn't really anything like an answerable question here. Maybe winnow this down to something not so broad and chatty and try again next week? -- cortex

How to make the best of a technical interview without any directly related experience?

Post 95677 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: dupe -- cortex

How would a time-travelled economy work?

Post 95660 by lord_yo deleted for the following reason: hypothetical chatfilter - maybe take this to bigbigquestion? -- jessamyn


Why we need trails..

Post 95607 by hobbes deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


How to find Mefites by geography

Post 95524 by lometogo deleted for the following reason: Like the folks said, site-specific questions should go over in Metatalk. No big deal, it happens. -- cortex

Sweet talk a doctor and win drugs

Post 95516 by Jason and Laszlo deleted for the following reason: you can't reallt do this here. -- jessamyn