
Asbestos in your cereal?

Post 105676 by johannahdeschanel deleted for the following reason: What in the heck? This is not an Ask Mefi question. -- cortex


Explain why I should vote for Obama.

Post 105637 by TSGlenn deleted for the following reason: Honestly, this is pushing pretty far into "I defy you to prove me wrong" book-length territory and is a bit of a nightmare in the offing. There might be a core question in here that could reasonably work, but this is not I think a good idea as is. -- cortex

What is cash gifting GGS?

Post 105591 by gpgip deleted for the following reason: cash gifting questions are against the rules here. -- mathowie


Cash Gifting Information

Post 105520 by getxposed deleted for the following reason: dude seriously NO NO NO NO NO -- jessamyn -- jessamyn


I can follow a trail of my own hair home

Post 105382 by pea_shoot deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Test Question

Post 105306 by pb deleted for the following reason: Test complete! -- pb


Truth fears no questions.

Post 105133 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request -- mathowie

"Copper Isotope" a scam?

Post 105090 by stuehler deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Found it, thanks!

Post 105032 by digitalprimate deleted for the following reason: Do not start new threads to update us on AskMe results. -- cortex

Hating the phone

Post 105016 by annsunny deleted for the following reason: You have my sympathies, but this is not what askme is for. -- cortex

Tell me about writing term papers for money.

Post 104983 by GilloD deleted for the following reason: turns out it's illegal in at least a couple states, so I'm gonna take this down. -- mathowie



Post 104680 by gman deleted for the following reason: Belongs in Metatalk, if it belongs anywhere at all... -- vacapinta

Temporary Blindness - What?

Post 104679 by howgenerica deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry but this is over the line for something you shoudl be asking the internet. Please take your friend to the emergency room and let us know how it comes out in metatalk. -- jessamyn


Have you grown up on antidepressants?

Post 104620 by toomuchkatherine deleted for the following reason: this is really not what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn


Here's your sign

Post 104322 by dawson deleted for the following reason: VOTE 103749! -- cortex


Something just isn't right...

Post 104248 by sixcolors deleted for the following reason: This is pretty weird and chatfiltery. -- cortex


Can You Be Two Places at the Same Time?

Post 104128 by Rev. Mo deleted for the following reason: This isn't really a question so much as metaphysical chatfilter. -- cortex


If every woman in the world stopped wearing clothes and wore only earmuffs, would the male population be horny for ears?

Post 104070 by querty deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

San Francisco leprechaun shop?

Post 104067 by EmbarrassingQuestionsSockpuppet deleted for the following reason: Yeah, brazenely sockpuppeting your way around the time limits isn't okay. -- cortex

Why is fire hot?

Post 104034 by Taksi Putra deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

How does the blind man pee at night?

Post 104031 by jclovebrew deleted for the following reason: This reads more like a Zen koan. Perhaps resubmit with more context? -- vacapinta


Washington Mutual sent me a check for $40 - I don't know why?

Post 103957 by doomtop deleted for the following reason: figured out, poster's request. -- jessamyn

Will I become a momster?

Post 103906 by juva deleted for the following reason: congrats on your news, but this is a chatfilter question. -- jessamyn

Please to asplain

Post 103884 by chuckdarwin deleted for the following reason: I'm glad you got an answer you like, but "am I crazy or does x suck" questions aren't so great. -- cortex


OK for nonsmoker to pop a quit-smoking lozenge?

Post 103789 by Quarter Pincher deleted for the following reason: do not please do this here. -- mathowie

Stop me if you've heard this one before ...

Post 103763 by Marisa Stole the Precious Thing deleted for the following reason: Yeah, site-specific stuff needs to go in Metatalk, not AskMe. -- cortex

Yarr! Dragons!

Post 103758 by Wolof deleted for the following reason: if you're genuinely curious, don't insult everyone who might possibly answer your question. feel free to try again next week. -- jessamyn


What if gas prices have been artificially depressed?

Post 103616 by reenum deleted for the following reason: This is kind of equal parts chatfilter and conspiracytheoryfilter as you've presented it, and AskMe-as-Metachat-Doover isn't really a cool way to frame it besides. -- cortex


Where are all my forecasters at?

Post 103598 by SkinnerSan deleted for the following reason: This is pretty open-ended and chatty for askme. -- cortex

What would Miss Manners do?

Post 103565 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: check the earlier one (accidental double) -- mathowie


Turning Ten--what was special about it, if it was?

Post 103449 by emhutchinson deleted for the following reason: this is a very nice question, but it's really the textbook definition of no-problem-to-solve chatfilter. -- jessamyn


What's the weirdest thing you've helped your kid dress up as?

Post 103293 by Slarty Bartfast deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is hypothetical avant garde kid costume chatfilter. -- cortex

Why eat vegan?

Post 103287 by zentrification deleted for the following reason: please ask this at a lateer time when it doesn't seem like so much of a stunt post or a continuation of an argument currently in progress. thanks. -- jessamyn

Helpa Hobo Travel

Post 103215 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Is the Ku Klux Klan a group with legitimate concerns

Post 103127 by clueless22 deleted for the following reason: This seems like the sort of thing you could do any independent reading on at all before hitting askme for; a more nuanced and specific version of this might be okay, but this is just silly and vague. -- cortex