
Safe and Smart on Metafilter - where is it?

Post 112912 by verb deleted for the following reason: Asked and answered, but questions about metafilter and mefiana should really go in Metatalk, no AskMe. -- cortex

How to find old askmefi answers?

Post 112858 by devnull deleted for the following reason: Feel free to repost in Metatalk -- vacapinta


Do you wipe with your dominant hand?

Post 112837 by daboo deleted for the following reason: this is sort of a survey question and I don't think it can be saved form chatfilterdom. what is the problem you're trying to solve? -- jessamyn


On the shoulders of would be giants

Post 112738 by jasondigitized deleted for the following reason: this is really better suited to Big Big Question, it's chatfiltery. What is the problem you're trying to solve? -- jessamyn

Name this era

Post 112697 by ikahime deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


What will the Dow Jones be in one year?

Post 112645 by Jackson deleted for the following reason: this is a hypothetical guessfilter. We don't know and wild-ass guesses aren't really what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn

I've been a wayward jerk; what now?

Post 112629 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: Looks like this was posted in bad faith by someone other than the purported author. That's really, really not okay. -- cortex

Could you marry for money without love?

Post 112613 by teg4rvn deleted for the following reason: not cool dude -- jessamyn



Post 112489 by cortex deleted for the following reason: yep -- cortex


Old friend: New lover

Post 112477 by puckish deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


What is better? Macs or PCs?

Post 112379 by rintako deleted for the following reason: this is sort of an open ended chatty question. If you have a specific problem you're trying to solve please be sure to include it next time. -- jessamyn

The power of language

Post 112344 by mpls2 deleted for the following reason: This is pretty dang silly and chatfiltery, perfunctory-nod-to-NLP framing or no. -- cortex

Abre los ojos.

Post 112333 by Zé Pequeno deleted for the following reason: This does seem pretty chatty and hypothetical, yeah. Let's not have an eyestravaganza in askme. -- cortex

Employee Computer monitoring Solution

Post 112295 by closebeauty deleted for the following reason: I dont believe this was posted in good faith -- vacapinta -- vacapinta


Please help me stop the spiders from eating my face off.

Post 112167 by Steph1en deleted for the following reason: less lulzy more question next time please. -- jessamyn

It is dark. You are likely to be greeted by a shushi chef.


What will you wish you'd done before you died?

Post 112078 by loser8008 deleted for the following reason: I am Jack's Blatant Chatfilter. -- cortex

What one article should President-elect Obama read tonight?

Post 112070 by T.D. Strange deleted for the following reason: I think speculating on what some third party should be reading is pretty much indisputibly chatfilter, yes. -- cortex


Lost in transmission

Post 112008 by scribbler deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Is it possible to get by without working?

Post 111618 by archagon deleted for the following reason: A bit too open-ended and hypothetical to accurately answer. maybe try again and next time provide more details and specifics. -- mathowie

Are my skinny guy standards too high?

Post 111607 by Groovytimes deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

nero wolfe

Post 111554 by clavdivs deleted for the following reason: without more details this is pure undistilled chatfilter. -- jessamyn

Find me some rectal exam porn please?

Post 111538 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: I thought this was going to be an okay anonyme but the community thinks otherwise. -- jessamyn


Bad egg

Post 111347 by tellurian deleted for the following reason: wtf? -- mathowie


Between Annapolis and hard place

Post 111277 by trotter deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

Spell the Letter E!

Post 111213 by lester's sock puppet deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Help me locate an old MeFi post!

Post 111123 by archimago deleted for the following reason: Heya, questions about the site itself should go over in Metatalk. Go ahead and repost this there. -- cortex


Book Proposal

Post 111063 by CollectiveMind deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry you're having trouble and yet this isn't the sort of question AskMe can really help you with -- jessamyn

Does David Miscavige believe that shit?

Post 111058 by Joe Beese deleted for the following reason: this is not a good post for AskMe, please review the posting guidelines. AskMe is not for ranty post too thin for MeFi and it's not for "XYZ sucks AMIRITE???" posts. -- jessamyn

Dublin smoke

Post 111057 by snoktruix deleted for the following reason: sorry, we don't do mostly illegal requests like this. -- mathowie

Question about a self help book.

Post 111047 by murp0837 deleted for the following reason: Go ahead an post this over in Metatalk. -- cortex

A movie made from movies

Post 111005 by namewithhe1d deleted for the following reason: this is not a question, more of an exercise and not good for AskMe -- jessamyn


How can I sabotage my roommate's incense?

Post 110903 by SilverTail deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad


Lack of Diversity in Seattle?

Post 110876 by bdoop21 deleted for the following reason: This is more of a blog entry than a question. -- cortex


What kind of people are into SCAT?

Post 110765 by sixcolors deleted for the following reason: since this isn't time sensitive, can you rephrase it and ask next week without all the loaded language? -- jessamyn


Matt/cortex--I'm sorry, please forgive me!

Post 110710 by hadjiboy deleted for the following reason: This is so very not okay, dude. Email us or something, but don't do this. -- cortex


What other movies feature classical music-loving villains?

Post 110620 by Olden_Bittermann deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex

Need International Relations Job!

Post 110567 by msk1985 deleted for the following reason: "Is there anyone out there looking to fill a vacancy" is pretty unambiguously asking for a job here, which, I wish you luck in your search, but that's not really an okay thing to use askme for. -- cortex