
Your favorite work of contemporary art and why?

Post 128897 by tusharj deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. -- jessamyn


Ultimate furniture site for pros?

Post 128868 by Kololo deleted for the following reason: This is super broad and feels more like a marketing survey than you trying to solve a specific problem, which generally isn't all that good of a fit for AskMe. -- cortex


How do I keep money that's not mine?

Post 128246 by wastelands deleted for the following reason: nothing personal but if this isn't hypothetical-filter, it's "help me break the law" filter which isn't much better. maybe try big big question? -- jessamyn

Champion Sound

Post 128191 by murtagh deleted for the following reason: Without some sort of clear narrowing criteria or clear purpose for asking, this is just sort of generalized poll-the-audience chatfilter. -- cortex

Time is on my side

Post 128179 by heather-b deleted for the following reason: this is pretty much a "what's your favorite X" chatfilter with the "I'll go first" aspect. -- jessamyn


And I always thought I was at least an 8.5

Post 128144 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: at posters request -- mathowie

Does The Bible Say The Unborn Are Not Members of Mankind?

Post 128128 by Quarter Pincher deleted for the following reason: hypotheticalfitler - if you have a bible question, ask about the bible. making up a set of terms and then having people answer as if they were saying something about the bible isn't really what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn


Post 128105 by nicklauscate399 deleted for the following reason: There really isn't enough detail here to answer this, and you haven't come back to follow up at all. If you want to try this again some time with more info, that'd be okay, but this isn't gonna work. -- cortex


30th Reunion decoration ideas

Post 127984 by Rhaomi deleted for the following reason: poster's mom's request -- jessamyn


A question

Post 127848 by lipsum deleted for the following reason: If you really need to ask this, do so in Metatalk. If you're just taking the piss, please don't. -- cortex

Am I right in thinking that Amazon.com takes too long and charges too much to ship their items?

Post 127827 by gregb1007 deleted for the following reason: "am-i-right" questions that are more of a complaint than an attempt to actively solve a problem fall into no-go chatfilter territory, generally speaking. -- cortex

Should they eat cake! In a pub?

Post 127805 by bendy deleted for the following reason: It is awesome that metafilter is 10, but we're not all actually asleep yet and it would be awesome if you would not make stunt posts in askme. If it's super neat, post about it in metatalk or maybe add it to one of the existing tenth-meetup-related metatalk threads that are already open. -- cortex


If I could potentially live for a thousand years, would I see my thousandth birthday?

Post 127781 by grumblebee deleted for the following reason: "But I am assuming that. It's my fantasy and I can play it however I like it." = hypothetical chatfilter. sorry. -- jessamyn

I'm looking for a

Post 127767 by The Card Cheat deleted for the following reason: at poster's request -- mathowie



Post 127736 by LSK deleted for the following reason: As an explicit "what-if" question this falls pretty squarely in chatfilter territory. -- cortex

How can I dig out of this hole fastest?

Post 127687 by arniec deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


More music appreciation...

Post 127514 by kitcat deleted for the following reason: this is really pretty much a "what is your favorite X" question. -- jessamyn


Post 127505 by archimago deleted for the following reason: Knowingly-subjective "I'm interested in a debate" stuff is really too far into chatfilter territory for comfort. -- cortex

Where did YOU go?

Post 127498 by MD06 deleted for the following reason: poster's request, but this needs to be a whole lot clearer regardless if there's an answerable question. -- cortex


What is it about other people being wrong that makes us mad?

Post 127472 by Diablevert deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much chatfilter. I can't see there being much of an answer. -- mathowie


MetaFilter Games: It was sixcolors, in the living room, with the adderall...

Post 127296 by greekphilosophy deleted for the following reason: take this to metatalk and ditch the sixcolors stuff please, thank you -- jessamyn


Rainbow Beaches Around The World

Post 127271 by digitalfever deleted for the following reason: Ok, I think you're done here. -- mathowie


Am I stupid?

Post 127184 by mrleec deleted for the following reason: this is a confusing question being asked by a shared account. Please stick to one account per person and make an effort to spellcheck and proofread before you post. -- jessamyn


"[A]nd, as I slept, I dreamed a dream."

Post 127132 by litterateur deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is too broad and "now you go" to really work as non-chat. -- cortex

Removing Patient Data - Illegal/Unethical?

Post 127095 by lutzla23 deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Moved out, but not moved out.

Post 127052 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Looking for Fringe performers

Post 126814 by Palmerpoodles deleted for the following reason: You really cannot use askme to canvas for performers. -- cortex

Guerilla Marketing

Post 126787 by jasondigitized deleted for the following reason: This is going kind of going poorly; if you want to try and find a way to ask this again next week with less of a sales-pitch feel to it, that'd be fine, maybe drop me a line if you want to sanity-check a second draft. -- cortex

I'm living in a really boring 24 subplot.

Post 126745 by abcde deleted for the following reason: I'm thinking (and so are others based on the flags) that getting advice on how to deceive other people is not what askme is for. -- vacapinta


How to be the best MeFi member i can be

Post 126576 by ichthuz deleted for the following reason: hey there -- nothing personal but if this is MeFi realted it probably needs to go to metatalk. -- jessamyn


Life is so long. What do you do with your days?

Post 126471 by Sully deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. -- jessamyn


Dog Park Pack

Post 126438 by Harrietsw deleted for the following reason: Ask mefi isn't for personal market research or polling the audience -- mathowie


27, no job, $100,000 - What would you do with it?

Post 126352 by jnnla deleted for the following reason: if this is not hypothetical chatfilter then you're maybe asking it wrong. Either re-ask anonymously with more details or explain why you're asking next week. -- jessamyn

How do I surreptitiously vandalize a bicycle or get over the need for revenge?

Post 126319 by StUdIoGeEk deleted for the following reason: sorry about your bike but this is in no way an okay question for AskMe. -- jessamyn