
What would 6 Page Rank 5 links do for my sites SEO?

Post 131460 by jakubsnm deleted for the following reason: There's not nearly enough info here to even answer your question, even though the answer is probably "write compelling content, format it well, and stop futzing around with cheesy SEO voodoo". -- cortex

Can't access the MeFi podcast

Post 131428 by MajorDundee deleted for the following reason: Yeah, go ahead and post this in Metatalk. Questions about the site itself go over there, not here. -- cortex

So what's up with "so"?

Post 131421 by markcmyers deleted for the following reason: It's not a mefi-specific phenomenon at all, but more to the point it's basically been asked previously. -- cortex



Post 131382 by A189Nut deleted for the following reason: this is a survey not a question. AskMe is not for surveys or quizzes. -- jessamyn


WikkaWiki Numerals

Post 131289 by yegga deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

naming a new different type of social media

Post 131271 by iTristan deleted for the following reason: without knowing anything about what your site does, this is pretty much "what's your favorite x" -- jessamyn

Is it even legal to commission a redraw of an exsisting illustration?

Post 131258 by royalsong deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Flights of Fancy

Post 131209 by Christ, what an asshole deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry we have a no jokes please approach to suicide but we really do have a no jokes please approach to it. Sorry. -- jessamyn

What would you buy again if you lost/stole/destroyed it.

Post 131207 by radsqd deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

What would you choose to live with if you were the only person on the planet?

Post 131169 by tusharj deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. -- jessamyn


sexist college student

Post 131025 by Benzle deleted for the following reason: If this is a question you need answered, please try again a week or more from now and find away to make it about the scheduling you're trying to accomplish and not about how you feel about women in general at OSU. This is totally not going to work like this. -- cortex


BitSeduce - need an invite

Post 130947 by blahtsk deleted for the following reason: not what askme is for. -- jessamyn


Stephen Colbert's character is evolving?

Post 130878 by zeek321 deleted for the following reason: There are probably forums where you can discuss this at your leisure, but this is kinda chatfilter in an askme context. -- cortex

Someone call the insurance company, we've been hit

Post 130827 by Funmonkey1 deleted for the following reason: This is more of a rant than a question. -- vacapinta


What is the Zeitgeist question?

Post 130728 by Sitegeist deleted for the following reason: Mu. -- cortex


why go on??

Post 130488 by armlock deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is chatfilter. -- cortex


Rulers who forbade rape??

Post 130337 by madmamasmith deleted for the following reason: If you realize your question has turned into a rant, please hold off on asking it; that sort of thing is pretty much against the rules. -- cortex

Handling questionable money problems as the president of a study group

Post 130312 by quarantine deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

Quant Skills And Think Tank Jobs

Post 130294 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: didn't notice this before - you can't really use the anonymous feature to ask the same question twice, sorry. -- jessamyn

"I Love Melting in My Car"

Post 130285 by Zambrano deleted for the following reason: This feels very chatty/am-I-right. -- cortex


Need actors to come audition

Post 130185 by irie1972 deleted for the following reason: This is not what Ask MetaFilter is for. At all. -- mathowie -- mathowie

what was the best birthday party you've ever been to?

Post 130171 by roxie110 deleted for the following reason: Without any indication of a problem you're trying to solve, this is chatfilter. -- cortex

I'll turn this thing around

Post 130152 by IanMorr deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


Why the hipster hate?

Post 130132 by setanor deleted for the following reason: This doesn't really belong on Ask Metafilter. -- vacapinta

Won't someone please think of the children?!?!?

Post 130059 by ian1977 deleted for the following reason: It's not really not that okay to use askme as a polling/quant-survey mechanism. -- cortex


Is a spacefaring solution to the global economy possible?

Post 129951 by Biglew deleted for the following reason: This is way too hypothetical/what-if to work as an askme question as presented. -- cortex


CraigsList ads not showing up.

Post 129920 by Unsomnambulist deleted for the following reason: This is a bit too self-promotional. -- vacapinta

Otherwise known as 'raining on my parade'

Post 129848 by bunny hugger deleted for the following reason: Sorry, without a lot more specific info about what you're running into or what specific sort of situations you're trying to resolve and how/why, this is way too broad and falls into the chatfilter bucket. -- cortex


Funny/completely unprofessional ticket resolution codes?

Post 129749 by empath deleted for the following reason: I'd love to see someone round these up on their blog or something, but this is pretty much straight-up chatfilter. -- cortex

wife marrying your best friend...?

Post 129721 by lwclec072 deleted for the following reason: This is a trainwreck right out the door. Its not even very clear what the problem is to be solved here or whether the OP is looking to do anything other than rant. -- vacapinta


Is this wrongful termination? Do I have a lawsuit here?

Post 129705 by secretsecret deleted for the following reason: At posters request -- mathowie

Illegal downloads on a college network?

Post 129704 by nokry56 deleted for the following reason: poster's request, but not a great idea for a question regardless -- cortex

Good Art

Post 129672 by ihavepromisestokeep deleted for the following reason: I think the net has been cast too widely to really work as a question with clearly definiable answers; this is pretty chatfiltery. -- cortex


PLEASE help need photoshop etc. for school work!

Post 129624 by cathec deleted for the following reason: this is not what askme is for. -- jessamyn

At least it's not a car.

Post 129619 by StrikeTheViol deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry you're frustrated with your new computer, but there's not a clear reason for this to be on askme. -- cortex


Technology Transfers between Reseachers and Industry

Post 129465 by jack.bolles deleted for the following reason: "would you mind answering a few research questions?" isn't what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn

How Do People Sneak into Festivals?

Post 129455 by Juliet Banana deleted for the following reason: The way you've framed this is kind pushing a little too hard into "help me do something explicitly not okay" territory, hypothetical or not. -- cortex


What does "community" mean?

Post 129416 by McLir deleted for the following reason: this seems like a well meaning question, but it's not really clear whether you're trying to help your friend answer the question or what the problem is you're solving. AskMe's not real great as far as a place to have surveys. -- jessamyn

Pay for the girl or not?

Post 129367 by jgunsch deleted for the following reason: This here is chatfilter. -- cortex

Inadequate step-by-step instructions in your life

Post 129356 by markcmyers deleted for the following reason: This is broad to the point of being chatty. -- cortex


access denied

Post 129233 by about_time deleted for the following reason: at poster's request -- mathowie

Home Sweet Home

Post 129206 by hadjiboy deleted for the following reason: chatfilter with "I'll go first" bonus. -- jessamyn

Would you quit your job if you had won a $90 million dollar lottery?

Post 129204 by red_rika deleted for the following reason: chatfilter -- vacapinta


Please tell me why

Post 129027 by keame deleted for the following reason: chatfilter -- jessamyn

What would happen if all the money dissapeared?

Post 129026 by jakubsnm deleted for the following reason: hypothetical filter - if you are trying to solve a problem, let us know what it is, otherwise this is just sort of a "let's talk about X" question -- jessamyn


COFFEE - What's so great about it? 8 O'Clock in particular.

Post 129021 by designbyme deleted for the following reason: It's really not okay to use askme for this kind of broad marketing survey sort of question, student work or not. Good luck with the project, but you can't really do this here like this. -- cortex