
Your feelings about Mefi

Post 139461 by cirgue deleted for the following reason: Try MetaTalk.metafilter.com instead -- mathowie


Looking for Grey Cup streaming feeds

Post 139331 by smcniven deleted for the following reason: Yeah, it's really not okay to use askme for this sort of thing. -- cortex

How Does Texting Affect your Relationships?

Post 139297 by dzaz deleted for the following reason: There doesnt appear to be a problem to be solved here, which is what ask metafilter is about. As it stands now, it reads as "Lets chat about texting" -- vacapinta


Are there any real life examples of Julie and Julia where one side WAS as pretty as Amy Adams?

Post 139255 by rileyray3000 deleted for the following reason: If your question is actually just "are there any pretty food bloggers", the answer is kind of obviously yes. If that's not your question, you need to try this again next week in a way that doesn't read like "I defy you to prove that food bloggers aren't all ugly". -- cortex


RIP Cinnabon, We Hardly Knew Ye

Post 139181 by fortunaa deleted for the following reason: This reads more like a "X sucks" rant than an answerable question. If there's some way to ask this in a way that seems less like an excuse to complain and more like a concrete question that can be usefully answered, you can give it a shot next week. -- cortex


What's worse--giving notice before I find a new job, or giving less notice than expected?

Post 139085 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: at poster's request -- mathowie

Feed my brain!

Post 139080 by inoculatedcities deleted for the following reason: Do not use askme to ask for invites. -- cortex


Risk aversion in an online community

Post 138891 by trevyn deleted for the following reason: needs to go to MeTa if it's just about AskMe or the site in general, sorry. -- jessamyn

Arthur Kade conspiracy theories?

Post 138886 by GIMG deleted for the following reason: I don't think people are getting what this post even means much less what you are asking. Try again next week? -- jessamyn


Large daily amount of caffeine -- useful?

Post 138799 by Kalepa deleted for the following reason: as posted this is a little chatfitlery - maybe you need to rephrase and ask again next week? -- jessamyn



Post 138667 by cmoj deleted for the following reason: I'm not sure how practically answerable this is, but in any case it would need to be a Metatalk discussion, not an Askme. -- cortex


Do you never apologize for anything?

Post 138353 by Cool Papa Bell deleted for the following reason: this manages to be chatfilter and insult the people you're trying to question - if you're super serious about this idea, try to find a less loaded way to ask. -- jessamyn


Help me help my wife

Post 138208 by alshain deleted for the following reason: -- jessamyn

Online therapy

Post 138169 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

"The Wonder Boys" redux

Post 138151 by BadgerDoctor deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter; general discussions about whether you like or other folks like a movie (or book or etc) aren't really what Ask Metafilter is for. -- cortex


The lady sleeping next to me at this very moment is having a nightmare. Should I wake her?

Post 138104 by krautland deleted for the following reason: If you'd like to continue using ask metafilter, don't use it for something like this ever again. -- cortex


Fuck fuck fuck...

Post 138078 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: I am sorry that this happened but posting on the internet about the internet is a little too nval gazing and "not a good idea" really. MeMail people if you need more advice, this is a mess. -- jessamyn


Is suing the Chicago Public School system worth it in this case?

Post 137971 by tzikeh deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


When does the (R) start to stand for Rebel?

Post 137779 by DetonatedManiac deleted for the following reason: actually, yeah, you're sort of responsible for the tone of your post and this is a little too argument filter [and gyobfilter] and a little less of a question. Please ask again next week, thanks. -- jessamyn


The Job Came With Fringe Benefits

Post 137604 by 2oh1 deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. -- mathowie

Is Quicken 2010 Any Good?

Post 137599 by psc1860 deleted for the following reason: There is no question or problem to be solved. -- mathowie

Why do some people travel under noms de voyages?

Post 137569 by westerly deleted for the following reason: there are twenty-seven questions in this question ... if you're not just wanting to talk about the ID thing can you please nail down what exactly you're asking and keep your question to one or two questions? Thanks. -- jessamyn


Your Dying Thoughts?

Post 137491 by 7eleven deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


Prison dilemmas

Post 137477 by ttyn deleted for the following reason: this is sort of XYZ sucks AMIRITE and needs to be more of a question and less of a rant. -- jessamyn

get me an 8th or you're fired!

Post 137429 by chlorus deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

Was ever a woman in this humor wooed? Was ever a woman in this humor won?

Post 137400 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: removed at poster's request -- mathowie


What is College life like?

Post 137380 by boatsforshoes deleted for the following reason: Stated as broadly as this is and without any specific clear problem you're trying to solve with the question, this really is chatfilter. -- cortex


When will the Yankees parade be after they win the World Series tonight?

Post 137287 by foreversport deleted for the following reason: asked earlier today. -- jessamyn

Sweet, beautiful, socialist Amerika?

Post 137286 by CommonSense deleted for the following reason: this is a little too ranty and a little too little of a question. maybe re-ask next week without the editorial asides? -- jessamyn


They copied my site, now what's up?

Post 137077 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


What are newtons?

Post 136998 by djduckie deleted for the following reason: Aside from the "fruit and cake" gimme, "I know this isn't concrete, but the answers should be fun" is pretty much chatfilter territory. -- cortex