
How to fix NYC schools?

Post 163820 by misterL deleted for the following reason: I appreciate the good intentions, but this is basically seven complicated questions and if the problem to be solved is "how do we fix NYC schools" that's a little outside of the scope of AskMe -- jessamyn

Who's this guy?

Post 163788 by kbanas deleted for the following reason: this is not okay for AskMe, sorry. -- jessamyn


Yesterday upon the stair / I saw a bra that wasn’t there

Post 163644 by L'Estrange Fruit deleted for the following reason: this is pretty much a chatty "I'll go first" polling question. I get that you're intrigued by the answers but it's not really what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn

... and this happens to EVERYBODY?

Post 163642 by Galaxor Nebulon deleted for the following reason: This is kinda chatty, but you may find some useful stuff in a previous question. -- cortex


milk garden

Post 163541 by madmamasmith deleted for the following reason: this is clearly two questions, not one question and yeah that's not okay. Maybe ask them in two separate questions next time, or ask the always-available mods via the contact form if this sort of thing is kosher. -- jessamyn


the lady with an untold story

Post 163134 by raztaj deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

How can I eliminate all tracking,spyware,etc. from my work computer

Post 163101 by meantime deleted for the following reason: really, if this is all about "how do I keep a stolen laptop" then it's a bit over the line for AskMe, sorry. -- jessamyn


Fixing a brand new Nokia N95

Post 163077 by Bacillus deleted for the following reason: problem seems, um, "solved" -- jessamyn

PhysicsFilter: What would happen if the earth suddenly disappeared?

Post 163052 by Awakened deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


You're fired...?

Post 162965 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: -- jessamyn


Rent Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Hungry Bridesmaid Dress, Yearning to Breathe Free

Post 162727 by enzymatic deleted for the following reason: Good luck with the wedding, but this is absolutely not what askme is for. -- cortex


An academic Land of Opportunity?

Post 162343 by samac deleted for the following reason: "help me find stuff I'm to pay for, only for free" really isn't what AskMe is for and asking for specific things 100% not okay. -- jessamyn


I want to be transformed into a bubbling fountain.

Post 162170 by turtlewithoutashell deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


beautiful theories

Post 162078 by AceRock deleted for the following reason: This seems like pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex

Suing Microsoft as per a dual-contract agreement

Post 162067 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Where does the good go?

Post 161988 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Give Me Your Meaty Recipes

Post 161889 by tejolote deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn


Post 161888 by availablelight deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Plain Text

Post 161820 by page123 deleted for the following reason: You need to be more specific than this. -- cortex


Sexuality diversity

Post 161208 by antgly deleted for the following reason: This is several very broad, very complicated questions about human sexuality; you need to do some googling and maybe hit the journals at your local library for this stuff, and talk to someone in person about the recurring sexuality question. -- cortex

What is the definition of a "secretary dress"?

Post 161177 by Joe Beese deleted for the following reason: at poster's request -- mathowie


Cable TV without a Cable Box? I get some channels and wondering if it is possible to get more.

Post 161103 by stewieandthedude deleted for the following reason: I'm not sure this is something askme can help you with. -- cortex