
What are your inadequacies?

Post 179659 by hubs deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter -- vacapinta


Meyer's Dark Rum--how to drink it?

Post 179501 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: double -- jessamyn

Meyer's Dark Rum--how to drink it?

Post 179503 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: double post accident. -- jessamyn

Meyer's Dark Rum--how to drink it?

Post 179504 by zardoz deleted for the following reason: double post accident -- jessamyn


I need a good laugh

Post 179407 by Jason and Laszlo deleted for the following reason: this is basically a chatfilter/survey question. -- jessamyn

How should Secretary Clinton have responded to the police action re: Ray McGovern?

Post 179378 by garry.smith deleted for the following reason: This isn't really a workable askme question as presented. -- cortex


Suggestions for cleaning ball caps

Post 179272 by dbirchum deleted for the following reason: this is your third question linking to the same website, please check the FAQ to make sure your questions fit within the guidelines. -- jessamyn


English is inferior?

Post 179256 by sanskrtam deleted for the following reason: Yeah, sorry, this is pretty much chatfilter and too ill-defined to answer. -- mathowie

How to deal with a jerk

Post 179193 by kirang deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


How can I overcome my undergrad academic record and get into grad school?

Post 178710 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Humans by Design...

Post 178628 by gypseefire deleted for the following reason: This is way too broad and unanswerable for askme. -- cortex


I am on lithium @ mirtazipine plz help

Post 178501 by kenty123 deleted for the following reason: you can't ask this here, this is not a question. -- jessamyn


How is morality intertwined with maintaining our environment?

Post 178281 by ptsampras14 deleted for the following reason: this is way too "do my homework for me" and less "I need help on an aspect of some of my homework" -- jessamyn


Intellectually nutricious and delicious television?

Post 177982 by Dragonness deleted for the following reason: this is way too braod, you hve to give us something to go on, otherwise it's just "what's your favorite X?" -- jessamyn


Seeking a great therapist in NYC

Post 177809 by asimplemouse deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Toronto newb Needs an Apartment. Got one?

Post 177675 by glambo deleted for the following reason: This isn't really a question for ask mefi -- mathowie

Elusive Boy Meets World torrent?

Post 177664 by assasinatdbeauty deleted for the following reason: can't do this here. -- jessamyn


Knocked Up Time Machine?

Post 177370 by lizifer deleted for the following reason: this is sort of the definitetion of chatfilter if you're not looking for advice. -- jessamyn