
Podiatrist near South Lake Union in Seattle?

Post 189510 by The corpse in the library deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- mathowie

Nonplussed, plz plus me

Post 189496 by NekulturnY deleted for the following reason: This isn't an appropriate use of Ask Metafilter -- vacapinta


How has New York ruined every other place for you?

Post 189493 by msk1985 deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


It just breaks my heart when she cries...

Post 189275 by kitcat deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad


Cass Elliot? No silly, Cass McCombs.

Post 189085 by sully75 deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


Looking to Buy a Treadmill

Post 188850 by bodypowersports deleted for the following reason: Not sure why you are linking to your own website but this is a bad faith post (i.e. spam) -- vacapinta -- cortex


Picture pages picture pages lots of fun with picture pages

Post 188643 by cashman deleted for the following reason: Please stick to one question per post. -- mathowie


Listening for Your Stories of Love

Post 188577 by longing4thewayIN deleted for the following reason: Not at all what askme is for. -- cortex


Needed: Recycled Clay in San Jose for kids with autism!

Post 188515 by luciddream928 deleted for the following reason: This isn't really what Ask MetaFilter is for, sorry. -- mathowie

Inexpensive Audio/Web Conferencing! Inquire Within!

Post 188482 by MiriamSue deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is not really what askme is for. Reach us at the contact form linked in the lower right if you have any questions. -- cortex


WHY do people like to pop things?

Post 188342 by jitterbug perfume deleted for the following reason: People are weird, basically. This is pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex

Where can I buy low carb products in NYC?

Post 188335 by slightly sissy tea hound deleted for the following reason: please talk to us about AskMe and the seven day limit. Thanks. -- jessamyn


Have you ever wanted to return to a universe you've never seen?

Post 188210 by reenka deleted for the following reason: Broad philosophical questions are almost always chatfilter. -- restless_nomad -- restless_nomad

What can I do to make my art career work financially? Or should I ditch it? Or other?

Post 188202 by pmcp deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

What would you change if you went back in time?

Post 188195 by JonesVery deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter. -- restless_nomad


Navigating the Dating Pool

Post 188094 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad -- restless_nomad


How can low to no-income families take advantage of all of the available benefits they're entitled to?

Post 188015 by ValveAnnex deleted for the following reason: Heart in the right place, but this is more a blog post sort of situation than what AskMe is meant for. -- cortex


Paging camera geeks

Post 187905 by babbyʼ); Drop table users; -- deleted for the following reason: at poster's request -- mathowie

The Key to Everything

Post 187858 by foxy_hedgehog deleted for the following reason: Hopefully IKEA customer service can help you out, otherwise maybe try craiglist, but you can't really ask people to hook you up with stuff on askme. -- cortex


impregnate werewolf?

Post 187573 by foodybat deleted for the following reason: This is one of those questions that's unanswerable chatfilter without much more concrete parameters. What is the problem that needs solving here?. -- restless_nomad


Horribly Selfish or Reasonably Concerned?

Post 187435 by JeSuisLibre deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

Troubled By The Lack of Data Rot in My Address Book

Post 187418 by Quisp Lover deleted for the following reason: yeah I think this may need a rewrite with a question and less of a survey. No big deal, drop us a note if you have questions. -- jessamyn


Private Business Investment

Post 187309 by mleigh deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

More tablets = more Foxconn suicides?

Post 187252 by querty deleted for the following reason: This is kind of chatty and starting from a kind of charged premise. -- cortex