
Pass through O'Hare security with marijuana in my butt?

Post 192161 by tunestunes deleted for the following reason: This is maybe above and beyond what we're really okay with you asking here. -- cortex


Post 192154 by mediocre deleted for the following reason: AskMe is not the right place to ask for favors. -- restless_nomad


Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Post 192104 by Bacillus deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


Finding a super high class escort service and how to act?

Post 191702 by johnx deleted for the following reason: Not so much something Ask Metafilter can help you with. Possibly inquire to David Vitter's office. -- cortex

Transcending the self

Post 191661 by provoliminal deleted for the following reason: this is chatfilter. What is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn


How to get off with my boyfriend without fantasizing about other stuff

Post 191405 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


How are so many crazy people able to get significant others?

Post 191215 by cupcake1337 deleted for the following reason: I don't think being intentionally provocative is the best route to getting a question answered. -- vacapinta


Rules for Posting? Why mine deleted?

Post 191157 by naight deleted for the following reason: Hey, you emailed and I wrote back. In any case, askme is not the place to ask about site policy stuff; if something in my email wasn't clear to you or you need a public discussion, take this to Metatalk. -- cortex


Donate your unused MobileMe Family Pack email address to a breast cancer charity

Post 191069 by cltalmond deleted for the following reason: Not what askme is for, sorry. -- cortex


What did I write on my hand while drunk?

Post 190962 by nathancaswell deleted for the following reason: While this is a hilarious question, there's no real way for the commentariat to answer it and it's going in a totally unproductive direction. -- restless_nomad


Pod People in New York

Post 190938 by ferkit deleted for the following reason: I don't see a question here, just a reason to vent. Maybe try again next week? -- mathowie

Do I need a copyeditor, or something else?

Post 190916 by TheLastPsychiatrist deleted for the following reason: AskMe is not an appropriate place for solicitations. -- restless_nomad

Fight the power!

Post 190911 by coffeefilter deleted for the following reason: This is really unspecific and it's not clear why the three cited previously links are inadequate. -- restless_nomad


Post 190899 by shipbreaker deleted for the following reason: That's a whole pile of bad luck and I feel for you and yours, but this is something to check a weather site for, not askme. -- cortex

Can a healthy diet mitigate the side effects of SSRI's?

Post 190828 by DeltaForce deleted for the following reason: please talk to us about the AskMe seven day limit. Thank you. -- jessamyn


Please open up your head for me.

Post 190731 by StoneSpace deleted for the following reason: this is way too broad and all over the place to be answerable here. Maybe try to keep it to a "what is the problem you're trying to solve" without making it look like such an open invitation to chat about the nature of mind and brains next week? -- jessamyn


What is friend-promotion etiquette on MeFi?

Post 190617 by jenniferteeter deleted for the following reason: Hi there -- you can't post about people you know and you can't post questions about metafilter in AskMe. Feel free to email for more info or just post to metatalk or read the faq a little. -- jessamyn


Why on earth should I watch that show?

Post 190500 by holdkris99 deleted for the following reason: this is chatfilter. You may want to eitehr flesh out why you're asking and ask next week or take this to metacooler or metachat which have looser guidelines about this sort of thing. -- jessamyn


Resurrecting the internet

Post 190392 by thisisdrew deleted for the following reason: this needs to be more of a question and less a spec fic looking thing. Try again? -- jessamyn

Why do you love who you love?

Post 190382 by Clotilde deleted for the following reason: Not trying to be a huge bummer here, but this is chatfilter without understanding why you are asking. Maybe get in touch and see if we can fix that? -- jessamyn

High risk/high reward investments?

Post 190369 by Carlo deleted for the following reason: You need to be a lot more specific about what you're trying to accomplish and why for this to work as an askme question. -- cortex


Do yuppy Brisbaners like Asisan grocery?

Post 190276 by evil_esto deleted for the following reason: at poster's request -- mathowie


If he showered every day would that make a difference?

Post 190044 by zombieApoc deleted for the following reason: this seems like a chatfilter question without some explanation of what you are talking about specifically. -- jessamyn

Freelance Battlefield Journalist-filter. How to get my critical Libya front line footage onto Youtube from Malta now that I've survived?

Post 190028 by kpdawes deleted for the following reason: This needs to be more focused on your actual question. There is far too much extraneous information here. Please contact a mod to determine how to rewrite your question. -- vacapinta -- jessamyn


Should I marry my pregnant girlfriend?

Post 189981 by love_your_enemy deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


How did you (or your friends!) find love in New York?

Post 189818 by jessca84 deleted for the following reason: "Tell me stories" is not what AskMe is for. -- restless_nomad