
Emotion and music

Post 197317 by Dmac_rocker deleted for the following reason: This is a nice sentiment but seems like a "let's talk about X" question without a problem to be solved. Chatfilter. -- jessamyn


Unintended consequences filter: repercussions of world peace?

Post 197177 by Ginesthoi deleted for the following reason: This is too broad as to be actually answerable in this venue, maybe you want to narrow things down and re-ask next week? -- jessamyn

Its the Economy Stupid.....

Post 197126 by london302 deleted for the following reason: This is really way too broadly hypothetical for askme; if you've got something more narrow and concretely addressable than "predict the global future, in detail", maybe rework your question along those lines and ask again next week. -- cortex


[PDX filter] Can I borrow your GuruPlug JTAG ?

Post 197101 by pdxpatzer deleted for the following reason: absolutely not what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn

Help me parse the requirements

Post 197037 by a2 deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Steak and cheese sandwich

Post 196868 by boby deleted for the following reason: Sounds like a tasty sandwich, but as presented this is Chatfilter. -- cortex


Post 196861 by tontinreview deleted for the following reason: This is not a question -- mathowie


Keep calm and carry on

Post 196795 by MadMage deleted for the following reason: You can't really do this here. -- jessamyn


Dissociative Episode

Post 196768 by fraac deleted for the following reason: This needs to be framed less like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure and more like a problem to be solved. -- restless_nomad

What are convincing arguments to fight for trans-equality?

Post 196760 by DorothySmith deleted for the following reason: AskMe is really not the right place to pimp your petition either. -- restless_nomad


How does a woman respond to a man who wants to "keep his options open?"

Post 196461 by ottimo deleted for the following reason: This is so full of hypotheticals that it is unclear what the question is here or, more specifically, what the problem is to be solved. If this is an actual human relations question perhaps be clearer as to what it is you are trying to resolve? -- vacapinta


Why should we call everyone in the military a hero???

Post 196392 by iz0rz deleted for the following reason: this seems like a bit of a rant disguised as a question? -- jessamyn


Bike trap fine.

Post 196319 by metafus deleted for the following reason: If you're not actively trying to get personal advice or solve a problem here, this really ought not to be an askme post. It isn't for venting or, good intentions aside, giving people a heads up about a bike trap or such. -- cortex


SmugglingFilter: I want a hedgehog. I live in California. California says "oh no you cant, sucka!" HELP ME GET MY HEDGE ON!

Post 196219 by Senor Cardgage deleted for the following reason: This is seven questions and most of them are chatfilter. Hit us on the contact form if you want to fix this ASAP, otherwise ask again next week. -- jessamyn


Needed: Quiet place to live in Orange County

Post 196146 by mousepad deleted for the following reason: AskMe can help you find resources, but it's not Craigslist and can't really be used for this. Feel free to rephrase and ask next week? -- jessamyn

Please help me find a previous mefi discussion on the non-freakishness of non-use of social media

Post 196140 by terrortubby deleted for the following reason: Yup, this kind of question goes in MetaTalk. -- restless_nomad

What's your type?

Post 196137 by timsneezed deleted for the following reason: This is pretty classic chatfilter. Maybe identify the actual problem to be solved and try next week? -- restless_nomad

Famous- not infamous, but not so good either.

Post 196075 by Fenshwee deleted for the following reason: Perhaps take a shot of rewriting the question so that you get your question across more concisely? -- vacapinta


Plead guilty or not guilty?

Post 195979 by defmute deleted for the following reason: This is way too into the "I need professional advice" category for it to be okay here. It wouldn't be approved as an anon post and its not okay as a non-anon post. I'm sorry. -- jessamyn


So I think my Dad Cheated - ... what happens now?

Post 195889 by Johnkx deleted for the following reason: I am really sorry this thing is happening, but if you already know the answer to your question, you may want to wait until you can formulate a question that you do need or want help with. -- jessamyn


Need help with math

Post 195748 by shywolf91 deleted for the following reason: bare bones "help me do my homework" questions aren't what AskMe is for. -- jessamyn


Up Up and Awayyyyyyyyy

Post 195594 by Bighappyfunhouse deleted for the following reason: posters request -- jessamyn


Post 195587 by shipbreaker deleted for the following reason: Site questions don't go on AskMe. If you really need a public discussion of this stuff, the place to bring it up is Metatalk; otherwise, just drop us a line via the contact form. -- cortex

Will my sexy emails become public in a lawsuit?

Post 195557 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: at poster's request. -- mathowie

Was there recently a post on Metafilter about the US adaptation of the show "Wilfred" on FX?

Post 195504 by lulz deleted for the following reason: if you're looking for something on MeFi, go ask over on Metatalk. -- jessamyn


What are your favorite martial arts YouTube links

Post 195371 by snap_dragon deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. what is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn


Three comics walk into a bar...

Post 195277 by wensink deleted for the following reason: Not what AskMe is for. -- restless_nomad


Understanding, even appreciating low probabilities

Post 195233 by Bradfordian deleted for the following reason: This needs to be framed a bit more rigorously to not be chatfilter. -- cortex


What Does "the Internet" Love?

Post 195048 by probablysteve deleted for the following reason: Without something a lot more concrete as criteria or purpose here than "name some things people on the internet have liked", this is really basically chatfilter. -- cortex

What Does "the Internet" Love?

Post 195048 by probablysteve deleted for the following reason: Without something a lot more concrete as criteria or purpose here than "name some things people on the internet have liked", this is really basically chatfilter. -- cortex