
[worldbuilding filter] What would happen if human gestation took longer?

Post 199768 by Wretch729 deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- mathowie


Looking for LED Professional Review magazine

Post 199590 by sardonyx deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this sort of hook-me-up thing isn't what Ask Metafilter is for. -- cortex

A Doodle-Like Site for Multiple Meeting Times?

Post 199562 by moviehawk deleted for the following reason: Poster request. -- taz

leading the blind

Post 199526 by the noob deleted for the following reason: This is problematic; no direct question, vague, and possibly do-my-homework. -- taz


How do you drink?

Post 199321 by blurker deleted for the following reason: This is sort of a chatfiltery "I'll go first" question. What is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn

Car crash

Post 199310 by lewedswiver deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is way too rambling; you need to narrow down and state your direct question. -- taz


Have there been any studies that have looked at a link between intellectual disabilities and physical strength?

Post 199086 by SouthCNorthNY deleted for the following reason: Yeah... I think the framing here is going to distract from any potentially helpful answers. Maybe a redo without inflammatory terms? -- taz


Invitation to participate: Home Beautiful – Inviting in the Ancestors

Post 198965 by iintheskyy deleted for the following reason: This totally not what Ask Metafilter is for. -- cortex

Location Location Location: Urban Planner and International Politics Analyst/Researcher looking for jobs

Post 198928 by hipersons deleted for the following reason: There is not actually any question here. Is there some specific advice you are looking for? -- taz


My iPhone is stuck in the past!

Post 198805 by brilliantine deleted for the following reason: No, this is really MetaTalk-ish (or feel free to drop us a line via the contact form.) -- restless_nomad


Is it politically incorrect if the red uniform always dies?

Post 198658 by Knigel deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much vague chatfilter with no particular problem to be solved. -- taz


Is something up?

Post 198579 by DTHEASH1 deleted for the following reason: Without some other specific context or reason to expect folks here to have information on this, this is pretty much just raw speculation and isn't really a good fit for askme. -- cortex


Advice to a 27 year old?

Post 198534 by xtine deleted for the following reason: This is kind of broad and chatty; if there's a more specific core kind of advice or guidance you're looking for, maybe give this a shot next week narrowed down to something less wide open than this. -- cortex


What are some entertaining, interesting, weird, or informative subreddits?

Post 198355 by ollyollyoxenfree deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is too chat-filtery, in the "what's your favorite X" sense. -- taz


What is freedom?

Post 198347 by facehugger deleted for the following reason: This is a bit too open ended -- mathowie

Doggie Snacks - hopefully contraband

Post 198340 by YukonQuirm deleted for the following reason: interesting "what's your favorite x" question but it's still basically chatfilter. -- jessamyn

The best dish of [Insert Country Here] is [Insert Name of Dish Here]

Post 198289 by sdis deleted for the following reason: jbickers' recent question is covering pretty similar ground, but in any case once you're in "fill out this spreadsheet" territory this isn't really a good fit for AskMe but could probably be turned into an okay submission for Projects if you want to do sort of mefi-community crowdsourcing. -- cortex


What are the most interesting general subject BLOGS you can't wait to come back to?

Post 198150 by ~Sushma~ deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilterish "what's your favorite X' without more details. -- jessamyn

Is Anonymous going to fuck things up today?

Post 198138 by dchrssyr deleted for the following reason: This is really not the sort of thing that works in AskME -- restless_nomad

Pro bono lawyer in Eugene?

Post 198094 by partner deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is both too vague, and too specific to your situation for Ask Metafilter. -- taz

name of this song?

Post 198084 by yticmic deleted for the following reason: URL not working -- taz


To subpoena...or not to subpoena?

Post 198033 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: Poster's request. -- restless_nomad



Post 197729 by fraac deleted for the following reason: I'd love to believe this was just a poorly-thought-out question, but under the circumstances it's pinging the bullshit meter a little hard. -- cortex


How OK is ApartmentRatings.com?

Post 197601 by tontinreview deleted for the following reason: This has been deleted before, and doesn't seem like a question that is being asked in good faith. -- taz


Know any wicked smaht hockey fans?

Post 197567 by wensink deleted for the following reason: Not what AskMe is for. -- restless_nomad

What drives you?

Post 197558 by cwarmy deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter. -- restless_nomad