
What one question would you ask God?

Post 232210 by msleann deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. What is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn


Post 232190 by juva deleted for the following reason: This really vague as stated; there needs to be a more clear indication of what specifically you are trying to tackle or what context your coming from for this not to be basically chatfilter. -- cortex

Need to great to ignore or no longer worth appeal?

Post 232162 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: This needs to be much more specific about the problem you need to solve, and not just "tell me your stories" -- taz


Please help me identify some music.

Post 232121 by Mr. Justice deleted for the following reason: These questions are too different to be rolled into a single question. Please get in touch with us at the contact form to choose one. -- LobsterMitten

Why do doctors tell women not to douche?

Post 232115 by john123357 deleted for the following reason: This needs to be less of a rant to work on Ask Metafilter. -- LobsterMitten


"Why do we fall, sir? So that we might learn to pick ourselves up."

Post 232050 by xm deleted for the following reason: Too chatfilterish as is, but poster, please get in touch about possibly rephrasing via the contact form, or check your MeMail. -- LobsterMitten


Help me find this FPP about an awesome backpack?

Post 231979 by Mister Moofoo deleted for the following reason: If this is about finding a post on Metafilter, that's Mefi-related and needs to be posted on Metatalk -- so go ahead and post this there, and folks will help you find it. -- taz


Best Year of TV - Ever?

Post 231854 by ericbop deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

Help me put Humpty together again

Post 231851 by Ys deleted for the following reason: Heya, sounds like a pretty bummer situation and I hope thing improve, but this is really reads more like venting than an answerable question for askme. -- cortex


Who can the White House negotiate with?

Post 231690 by rdr deleted for the following reason: This kind of question isn't really going to do anything but turn into a fight about politics. If there's a specific procedural question you have in mind, feel free to hit the contact form in the next little while and let us know. -- restless_nomad


Most enjoyable co-ed sports

Post 231627 by cairdeas deleted for the following reason: Can you please frame this like a problem to be solved and not chatfilter and we can reopen it? -- jessamyn


I can't get over my girlfriend's past. What should I do?

Post 231461 by *lostatsea* deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Help me understand the mindset of someone who commits a mass murder like that in Connecticut.

Post 231133 by c'mon sea legs deleted for the following reason: Maybe either ask this question when it's not such a touchy issue or explain why your current Googling and whatever isn't helping you here? I understand that nerves are raw here, but starting with a shot across the bow at gun control isn't going t get you what you want here. -- jessamyn

It to correct, and eke to rub and scrape

Post 231121 by scribbler deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter. What is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn


What should work but doesn't?

Post 230857 by vega deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter - what is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn


Recourse for destruction of property

Post 230805 by MattMangels deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

What things have people done for you that improved the quality of your life?

Post 230780 by windykites deleted for the following reason: This needs to be a lot more specific to not be chatfilter. -- cortex


confused about relationship

Post 230724 by eternallyinfinite deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry you are going through a hard time, but there really isn't a question here. -- LobsterMitten


Bike locks with mounting brackets that aren't awful?

Post 230536 by Anonymousness deleted for the following reason: Please contact us via the contact for to discuss the seven day limit on AskMe. Thanks. -- jessamyn

let's talk about our feelings

Post 230521 by happyjuice deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but without a specific problem to solve, this is chatfilter. -- taz


Russians on vacation

Post 230493 by grak88 deleted for the following reason: This is a strange "What's the deal with X" question. Without knowing where you are, how you know people are Russian and a bunch of other things this just seems odd and unanswerable. -- jessamyn

men are from mars, women are from venus

Post 230458 by wutangclan deleted for the following reason: Without a clearer think you're trying to accomplish here, this sort of "respond to this quote out of context" thing isn't really workable for Ask Metafilter. -- cortex

How do delete your previous questions?

Post 230450 by daveg02 deleted for the following reason: This ought to go to MetaTalk, or just use the contact form. -- restless_nomad


...and then he leaped into the audience and broke my neck

Post 230397 by AnOrigamiLife deleted for the following reason: This seems like pretty straightforward chatfilter. -- cortex


Storytelling as healing art?

Post 230307 by thisclickableme deleted for the following reason: This needs to have a problem to be solved, otherwise its' just chatfilter. -- jessamyn


downloading books?

Post 230182 by atetrachordofthree deleted for the following reason: Sorry, AskMe can't help you with this; you may be able to use interlibrary loan. -- LobsterMitten


The Dance of the Disabled

Post 230128 by lipsum deleted for the following reason: This needs to be more question and less op-ed - feel free to drop us a line at the contact form (soon) if you want to take another shot. -- restless_nomad

My name is jenni and i am an oversharer

Post 230089 by TestamentToGrace deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is really more of a reaction to another post and bid for conversation / debate / chat and less of a question or request for help on a concrete problem. -- taz


Worst episode etc

Post 229883 by bittermensch deleted for the following reason: You're gonna have to be a bit more specific on your criteria and why you're asking for this not to just be a poll-the-audience sort of thing. -- cortex

Everything put together, sooner or later falls apart.

Post 229860 by MySockyWocky deleted for the following reason: Heya, you really can't double up questions like this. -- cortex


And God said "that shit cray."

Post 229803 by dinosaurprincess deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex


What prevents you for saving for retirement?

Post 229710 by burlsube deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter, what is the problem that YOU are trying to solve? -- jessamyn

A world without jewish people?

Post 229680 by digividal deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter wrapped in nitroglycerine. -- cortex


Family threatens to file me as missing person or use the cops on me

Post 229586 by kopi deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry you're still in this situation, but there isn't an actual question here. -- LobsterMitten

Using a Replicator to Clone

Post 229583 by dinty_moore deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten


How to get through my mental chaos and become a happier person?

Post 229483 by dubious_dude deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this kind of post is a problem because of 1) multiple issues, and we ask that people concentrate on one problem to solve; 2) each of these has been addressed in previous questions at least once, and there's no reason to think the answers will change, and 3) this is really just sort of a mind-dump of stuff that's bugging you, and updates of old problems, and that's not what Ask Metafilter is for. -- taz


What determines which side of the car the gas tank is on?

Post 229355 by waitingtoderail deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- taz

Can I meet some new contacts to add to my network and help me land my dream job?

Post 229327 by chasethecarrot deleted for the following reason: Sorry, you really cannot use AskMe for this sort of thing. -- cortex

"Hey, what's that behind you?"

Post 229322 by brappi deleted for the following reason: Without some clearer focus or problem you're trying to solve, this is pretty much pure grade-A chatfilter. -- cortex

What to do with a small gift card

Post 229299 by Man with Lantern deleted for the following reason: This is really good for Ask MeFi -- mathowie


construction and planning in flood zones

Post 229205 by ebesan deleted for the following reason: This is a GIANT question, if you have done research already maybe put this in here? Otherwise you're asking for someone to write a book for you here unless you can narrow this down pretty specifically. What is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn


What are your best gardening hacks?

Post 229110 by titus-g deleted for the following reason: The way this is phrased it reads more like a joke than a serious question. Drop us a line soon if you want to reword it. -- restless_nomad


Top 10 celebrities - official

Post 229034 by windbox deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex



Post 228993 by corn_bread deleted for the following reason: This does belong in Metatalk, sorry. -- restless_nomad


Get roommate out of house for 2 hrs

Post 228868 by mermaidcafe deleted for the following reason: I get that you are in a bind here but this is feeling like a question that is (a) potentially legally fraught in ways that saying "trust me, this is my only option" can't really ameliorate and (b) asking for suggestions that may themselves be effectively pretty cruel where not outright dangerous or further legally problematic in their own right. -- cortex


How to get Amazon to stop sending out order confirmations?

Post 228516 by Why did I buy a tin gorilla? deleted for the following reason: Heya, this reads more like a request for conversation than a "help me solve my concrete problem" sort of deal: chatfilter, basically. -- cortex


Is my outdate Word software gumming up my computer?

Post 228374 by Corrective_Lenses deleted for the following reason: Please get in touch with us regarding AskMe and the seven day limit. Thanks. -- jessamyn


Why are so many people depressed?

Post 228280 by Dansaman deleted for the following reason: If this is about MetaFilter, it needs to be in MetaTalk. Otherwise I'm not sure why some of these questions aren't ones you can do a little googling for and then ask the community what you have questions about? -- jessamyn


Is there a benefit that outweighs the potential for misuse and malfunction?

Post 228255 by radiosilents deleted for the following reason: This is just a night before election fight. We know nothing about your position and this topic is huge and people have been fighting about it for decades. Maybe refine and ask again, chat with one of us to make this a real question? -- jessamyn

Golden Age of the Internet

Post 228231 by thisisdrew deleted for the following reason: This needs to be more of a question and less of a dare to argue against a hypothetical if it's gonna work. -- cortex

What happens when Turing Completeness, The Simulation Argument and The Many Worlds Hypothesis collide?

Post 228194 by 0bvious deleted for the following reason: This feels more like a Mefi post with a sort of hyperspecific chatfilter question attached than a workable Ask Metafilter question. -- cortex

Savage Love and the Price of Admission

Post 228189 by 3491again deleted for the following reason: The video which explains your point has been removed and this question is chat/survey - what is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn

Why doesn't anyone say thanks to all these answers?

Post 228168 by inkypinky deleted for the following reason: Sorry but questions related to the site belong in Metatalk. -- taz


the absurd

Post 228061 by leibniz deleted for the following reason: If you're asking for examples of just things people think are funny or ridiculous about the world, this is too open-ended; it is chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten


French Films with Ephebopilia and Age-Discrepant Relationships

Post 228009 by lrnarabic deleted for the following reason: Hey, you've asked repeated questions about this general topic and this feels like more of a pitch for your book than anything. Feel free to use the contact form if you have questions. -- restless_nomad

Putt Putt Puttu

Post 227999 by glibhamdreck deleted for the following reason: This seems kind of vague and chatty as presented. If you can be a lot more specific about what design goals you're trying to accomplish this might work as something to revise and try again on. -- cortex


Is it unreasonable to want to know the duration of your house guest’s visit?

Post 227893 by synapse2512 deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Wikipedia – Experts getting bounced. Your experiences?

Post 227864 by Razorinthewind deleted for the following reason: There isn't really a question here to answer, borderline chatfilter as well -- mathowie


Create the perfect lawyer name.

Post 227649 by labandita deleted for the following reason: This is a little too chatty and poll-y to work here, sorry. -- restless_nomad


A local paper currency for Portland?

Post 227527 by pdxlocalcurrency deleted for the following reason: This is completely against the rules. -- cortex

Almost Drowing?

Post 227519 by Xurando deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry you're behind with your class but if you're looking for study partners or homework help Ask really isn't the place for it. -- cortex

Who will be US president? Mr. Obama or Mr. Romney?

Post 227511 by onkyo deleted for the following reason: You are now the President of the Republic of Chatistan. -- cortex

Superficiality and Remote Insincerity - What's Wrong with my Sibling?

Post 227502 by watercarrier deleted for the following reason: Sorry your sister's driving you up the wall, but this seems to be a whole lot of "my sister is terrible" with only a nominal question attached. If you want to try and rework this as some sort of concrete request for help on something more specific with less venting, maybe try again next week. -- cortex


Mormon history?

Post 227410 by mmf deleted for the following reason: This is a badly timed complaint about Mormonism posing as a question. If you have a real question here that can't be answered by Googling, please feel free to ask again next week. -- jessamyn


French Teen Amateur Porn

Post 227318 by lrnarabic deleted for the following reason: I think you need to ask this again next week with a tamer above-the-fold question and no links to amateur porn sites. It's attracting a ton of flags and needs to be phrased differently to be okay here on MetaFilter. -- jessamyn


Stats question?

Post 227248 by 1inabillionmistake deleted for the following reason: Hi, this isn't really for homework questions. -- jessamyn

Diets to help the grieving?

Post 227176 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: Poster's request. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Crack a zip file password

Post 227126 by stbalbach deleted for the following reason: Sorry, "help me break into this file" is something AskMe can't help with. -- LobsterMitten


The Begat

Post 227069 by Enchanting Grasshopper deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this doesn't seem like a concrete problem as much as a rant or a challenge. If you have an actual question that people might be able to help you with, perhaps you can reword/reframe to more accurately reflect that? -- taz


Waging Heavy Peace

Post 227031 by mr. digits deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter. -- cortex


Can men (or women) really be influenced by peer pressure to break up with a significant other?

Post 226853 by Butterflye1010 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, Ask Metafilter is for actual questions you want help with, not venting. -- taz


systemic abuse

Post 226827 by xcasex deleted for the following reason: Heya, I appreciate that you were aiming for brevity but this really needs a rewrite that makes it a lot clearer what your specific context and goal is if folks are going to be able to help you with a concrete situation. -- cortex


Post 226789 by marienbad deleted for the following reason: maybe try re-asking without the personal distaste angle? As it stands it reads like a rant and less like a question in search of an answer. -- mathowie


suicidal ideation & hospitalization

Post 226679 by lisakitty deleted for the following reason: I'm afraid Ask Metafilter is not able to give accurate information on a question like this, which could actually do more harm than good. Please contact us for more information. -- taz


Time off for no reason

Post 226389 by Paquda deleted for the following reason: Heya, it's really not clear what you're actually wanting to know here. Maybe reframe this as a specific question or dilemma you need help with and give it another shot? -- cortex


Where are the bananas in the break room?

Post 226224 by noonday deleted for the following reason: Can you toss this over in metatalk which is where questions about the site go? -- jessamyn


My best and only friend at utd just dumped me. Please help.

Post 226166 by bookman117 deleted for the following reason: Sorry you are having a hard time, but there's no actual question here. -- restless_nomad

How do you get your blog added to news aggregators

Post 226154 by Chris Doran deleted for the following reason: Pretending to be a disinterested third party to ask how to get your blog added to a site you actually run? That's a bannin'. -- cortex


wanting to get more info on being an ASL interpreter

Post 226071 by carlypennylane deleted for the following reason: This sort of direct appeal isn't really right for AskMe. -- restless_nomad

To shame or not to shame?

Post 226041 by spooky car deleted for the following reason: "Hey, should I engage in a revenge scheme" is really kind of not something we even want people asking about on here. -- cortex

SciFi Who??

Post 226028 by jbenben deleted for the following reason: Please talk to us about the 7-day limit on Ask Metafilter questions. -- taz


Teach us your favorite poetry shorts

Post 225940 by Cogentesque deleted for the following reason: This is not what Ask Metafilter is for. Without more detail, this is just chatfilter. -- vacapinta


Arguments against reincarnation

Post 225888 by Asian_Hunnie deleted for the following reason: This is such a huge topic and so inherently unanswerable at a concrete level that a question that's taking the "convince me of this metaphysical premise" approach is really basically chatfilter and not workable for askme. If you want to rework this as a far more focused request for specific philosophical/metaphysical resources or something next week, that might work. -- cortex


No uTorrent

Post 225854 by pH Indicating Socks deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


I feel like I'm not well liked at my job. Should I care?

Post 225738 by MeaninglessMisfortune deleted for the following reason: please see us about the seven day limit between questions. -- jessamyn

I am right, right?

Post 225737 by Che boludo! deleted for the following reason: This needs to be dramatically rephrased to be a question that AskMe can help you with. -- jessamyn


Cannabis knowledge

Post 225559 by SarcasticSeraph deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but casual Rx like this is really outside of Ask Metafilter's wheelhouse, and falls pretty squarely in "See a doctor" territory. -- taz


Tell me more about Dignitas

Post 225470 by SPA deleted for the following reason: This is "get off the internet and contact a professional" time. I am sorry you are going through this but this is not something AskMe can or should be helping you with. -- jessamyn


How should I protect myself?

Post 225387 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn

Evilspork's jacket, Evilspork's jacket, Evilspork's jacket, is falling apart.

Post 225346 by Evilspork deleted for the following reason: Hey there -- if you want to hire a MeFite you need to do it through Jobs not here. If you want to rewrite this to be not a jobs posting, hit us up on the contact form. -- jessamyn

Making x-ray visible t-shirts/stickers; design ideas wanted

Post 225332 by saizai deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but give me free ideas for my business + follow me + notifications + upcoming Kickstarter = not at all what Ask Metafilter is for. -- taz


Relationships, am I right?

Post 225215 by horizonseeker deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is way way too broad as stated to be workable as an Ask Metafilter question. Try and narrow this down to more of a request for guidance or advice on whatever your specific situation next week if there's a concrete problem you're looking for help with. -- cortex

Breaking one law of nature should allow you to break all the others, right?

Post 225167 by 256 deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry but this is hypothetical chatfilter, and not really what Ask Metafilter is for. -- taz


Visited by Deceased Loved Ones

Post 225018 by Asian_Hunnie deleted for the following reason: This is kind of a grabbag of really subjective stuff that there isn't some concrete scientific position on; I don't think this is going to work at all as an askme question. -- cortex

The nuclear family undermined

Post 224997 by jago25_98 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this more chatfilter or "debatefilter" rather than a concrete problem to be solved, and not what Ask Metafilter is for. -- taz


Shamoo that bitch

Post 224962 by Belle O'Cosity deleted for the following reason: This is really really not what AskMe is for. I am really sorry for your loss. -- jessamyn

Is it possible to create ethical heterosexual porn?

Post 224917 by deeper red deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter without significantly more "what do you mean by your definitions" discussion. Please ask this question again with more information about what you are specifically seeking. Thank you. -- jessamyn


How the weird turn pro.

Post 224765 by evil holiday magic deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- taz


What is a great day bag or tote for a tourist?

Post 224613 by mintchip deleted for the following reason: Please contact us about the 7-day limit. Thanks. -- taz

How to pick a wedding date & everything that goes along with it?

Post 224552 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- taz


A Little Bit of Beauty?

Post 224505 by Michele in California deleted for the following reason: Heya, I'm sorry stuff is getting you down but this is vague to the point of being chatfilter. -- cortex


Ambassadorships. Today only! 20% off

Post 224454 by 2manyusernames deleted for the following reason: This is a rant disguised as a question - if you have a real question, please rephrase and ask with out all the pre-GRARing. Thank you. -- jessamyn


Looking for a sire for my dog

Post 224138 by millerizer deleted for the following reason: This is not what AskMetaFilter is for. -- jessamyn


Not complaining... A click's a click

Post 224023 by Bathtub Bobsled deleted for the following reason: at poster's request -- mathowie

US Flags for Election Day

Post 223975 by Mike Mongo deleted for the following reason: Please see us about the seven day limit. Thanks. -- jessamyn


Daddy Issues can only explain so much

Post 223641 by Leezie deleted for the following reason: sorry, this is really chatfilter, there's not really a problem to be solved or any one answer that is better than another. -- mathowie


You never walk alone

Post 223556 by vozworth deleted for the following reason: The question as stated is pretty vague, and without any actual problem to solve, this is basically chatfilter. -- taz


Time for Electronic Direct Democracy

Post 223545 by raphael19 deleted for the following reason: Heya, this needs to be more of a concrete request for resources and less of a "here is my opinion" sort of thing to be at all workable as an Ask Metafilter question. -- cortex


What's going to happen to the Galaxy XIII?

Post 223466 by holdenjordahl deleted for the following reason: This is just asking for total speculation. If you are trying to get help making a consumer choice, you need to be a little more clear about what your focus is, otherwise this is sort of "let's talk about a partway done court case" thing. -- jessamyn


Can you help me translate this old hand-written land grant from Spanish to English?

Post 223219 by joshuamcginnis deleted for the following reason: You can't do this here. Please use MeFi jobs if this is something you need to hire someone to do. -- jessamyn


I thought we agreed upon Humanism long time ago

Post 223035 by arhammer deleted for the following reason: You need to post this again when you are not as depressed and angry and can focus on a concrete problem AskMe can help you with. -- jessamyn


Trying to find an AskMe answer about what to do if you're swamped by the press/paparazzi.

Post 222963 by facehugger deleted for the following reason: Can you toss this over on metatalk? Thanks! -- jessamyn


Is is always darkest before the dawn?

Post 222870 by Ylajali deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- jessamyn



Post 222802 by pullayup deleted for the following reason: Use your words. -- jessamyn


What to do about a landlord who doesn't like my pets?

Post 222559 by pink_mint deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad


please help restore my faith in humanity

Post 222487 by headnsouth deleted for the following reason: Heya, I know you're going for something nice here but this pretty much "tell me anecdotes" chatfilter stuff more than it's an answerable question. -- cortex


How do I get my lithium level up in a day safely?

Post 222422 by defmute deleted for the following reason: This appears to be a question asking directly how to violate a court order, which we're not super ok with. -- restless_nomad

Favourite character in Game of Thrones

Post 222416 by Heifa78 deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter and as such not ok for AskMe. -- restless_nomad

How important is a homepage - a social experiment

Post 222378 by stevew1987 deleted for the following reason: Wait, that crappy metafilter post the other day was actually a self-link to your own site? Completely not okay. If we'd established that at the time you would have been banned immediately. You are, now, banned. -- cortex


Help me correct an Email written in German?

Post 222293 by naskar deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, but you really can't use askme to ask for off-site volunteer help. -- cortex


Test Post

Post 222148 by pb deleted for the following reason: Test complete! -- pb

London 2012: What did you make of it?

Post 222118 by 0bvious deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter. -- taz

Ex sent me a lengthy message on FB after 3 years. Why?

Post 222113 by HiphopAnonymous deleted for the following reason: I'm sure you didn't realize the slip, but posting private communications isn't great, and if it happens to include identifying info about others, it's very, very ungreat. -- taz


Babies and Afterlife

Post 222013 by Asian_Hunnie deleted for the following reason: This is classic chatfilter. -- restless_nomad


So, I was wondering.

Post 221990 by vozworth deleted for the following reason: MetaTalk plz. -- jessamyn

Devolve into sexless partnership, or get brave and be broke?

Post 221933 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: please talk to us about the seven day question-asking limit. -- jessamyn


Short task that represents your line of work?

Post 221752 by shivohum deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter. -- cortex


Homebound and Friendless III: My brother is dead

Post 221516 by Sara Bellum deleted for the following reason: Heya, I'm sorry you're in such a rough place right now, but this isn't really what Ask Metafilter's intended for and if you're expressing suicidal thoughts on the site you need to talk to a trained crisis person, not askme. There may be local resources here, and you are welcome to reach us at the contact form as well. -- cortex

emotional affairs are still cheating

Post 221500 by shesaysgo deleted for the following reason: I have no idea what's going on here, but Ask Metafilter is not for posting falsified information, whatever your purposes were. Please do not abuse the good will of the community this way again. -- taz


MS unemployed housing

Post 221438 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: Hey, some problems with this post. Please contact us for more details. -- taz


How to prevent lost customers in business?

Post 221308 by mcynar deleted for the following reason: Boy oh gosh, this seems to be a misguided attempt to drum up link love by spamming Ask Metafilter. -- cortex

Do you know this family?

Post 221297 by feelinglistless deleted for the following reason: I hope they get their camera back but this isn't really a good use of the green. -- cortex


So we went out for lunch and came back and everything we owned was gone

Post 221255 by Damienmce deleted for the following reason: At the level of a friend of a friend of a friend and relaying inferred info second or third hand, this is really feeling like not really a good idea for an askme. -- cortex


Zero friends & family, in my forties. I can't be the only one, right?

Post 221104 by philly_cheesesteak deleted for the following reason: Poll-the-audience questions fall into the realm of chatfilter, sorry. -- restless_nomad


music you would like if you ever heard it

Post 220835 by compound eye deleted for the following reason: if this is looking for a post on the site itself it needs to go over to MetaTalk. If you want music suggestions you may need to make a more coherent post about it. -- jessamyn


Has the world changed much since the 1980s?

Post 220727 by suburbanbeatnik deleted for the following reason: Yeah, sorry but this is chatfilter, polling the audience, and there isn't really a problem to be solved here. -- mathowie


Adrenalin rush

Post 220556 by prunes deleted for the following reason: We need more details for this to not be a chat filter question. Hit us up on the contact form if you want to add more info. -- jessamyn


A post on living in a bombed city

Post 220466 by cr_joe deleted for the following reason: If this hasn't been answered already it needs to go to MetaTalk. -- jessamyn

Is there a script that organizes most favorited mefi comments from highest to lowest?

Post 220424 by acyeager deleted for the following reason: Hey there -- if you still need an answer this needs to be in metatalk not AskMe. -- jessamyn


So, what's a guy like you doing in a job like this?

Post 220324 by DisreputableDog deleted for the following reason: This sounds like a frustrating situation, but it's sort of murky territory for Ask Metafilter. Please contact us if you have any questions. -- taz

This isn't the advice you're looking for

Post 220312 by peppermintfreddo deleted for the following reason: This needs to go in MetaTalk because it's about the site. -- jessamyn


video editing as a new tool of psycho...

Post 220113 by sergio1667 deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, this does not seem like something Ask Metafilter can help with. Please reach us at the contact form if you need to discuss this post with us. -- cortex


Why do people accept DUI checkpoints and airport body scanners?

Post 220043 by phoeniciansailor deleted for the following reason: This needs to be more of an answerable question and less of a complaint about TSA. Asking why there isn't open revolt is a pretty loaded starting point. -- jessamyn


Anyone feel like translating (a lot of) English lyrics into Spanish?

Post 219920 by DMelanogaster deleted for the following reason: Yeah, a full-fledged "translate this large body of text from scratch" sort of thing is more of a Jobs sort of deal than what Ask is really intended for. Feel free to put this up as a volunteer gig over there if you like. -- cortex

igoogle replacement?

Post 219896 by dougiedd deleted for the following reason: Yep, it's a double! -- taz

Art/design/fabrication job in Minneapolis area?

Post 219869 by AutoPilot83 deleted for the following reason: Try out Jobs subsite instead? This isn't really a question for Ask MetaFilter. -- mathowie

The Difference Between Dumb and Stupid

Post 219864 by willie11 deleted for the following reason: Without some more specific framework to go on this is basically chatfilter. -- cortex

Help me pick a tiki name!

Post 219858 by DavidNYC deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

A house divided... but why?

Post 219818 by ThisKindNepenthe deleted for the following reason: Inviting guesses and there being no right answer makes this chatfilter. -- vacapinta

no longer commited

Post 219806 by brittaincrowe deleted for the following reason: This needs a question, otherwise it's just ... I'm not sure what it is. -- jessamyn

Perception of school-based PE

Post 219765 by jeffmac deleted for the following reason: As presented this is getting too far into sort of "poll the audience" territory to really work for Ask Metafilter. -- cortex

What did you learn in prison? say something interesting please

Post 219647 by Bacillus deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter. -- taz

Need help with public health education decisions

Post 219567 by schleef deleted for the following reason: This is a super-spammy looking question. Possible that this is just a random oversight but not likely. Please contact us if you want to find a way to make this question not look like you are trying to spam us. -- jessamyn

Ebay as storage library metafilter comment hunt

Post 219554 by srboisvert deleted for the following reason: Very glad you got your answer, but for future reference, please use Metatalk for Mefilter-specific questions. Thanks. -- taz

Prepping for the Prodigal Son

Post 219491 by Rykey deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Where does a start-up team come together?

Post 219476 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: This needs to be a lot clearer in terms of what the question is -- if it belongs here at all -- and requests for private communication is not what we do here. Perhaps Jobs is a better fit for this. -- taz

Felt like my soul was being hacked

Post 219474 by Mach3avelli deleted for the following reason: This appears to be a situation that you need either police or medical help for, or both - AskMe isn't the right place for you right now. -- restless_nomad

Put these on.

Post 219467 by laconic skeuomorph deleted for the following reason: This isn't super answerable and the framing is more of a rant than a question. -- restless_nomad

Casals fingers for bach

Post 219429 by jonathan young deleted for the following reason: You can't ask people to provide you with items; if you want to re-word this question and repost, please contact us ASAP. -- taz

Love when the first passed

Post 219138 by Asian_Hunnie deleted for the following reason: It's really unclear what your concrete question here is, if any; this is pretty much chatfilter. -- cortex


Oil rig work/ Job

Post 218779 by flipmiester99 deleted for the following reason: Heya, offering people rewards for leads is totally not an okay use of Ask Metafilter. If you want to rework this a little, please reach us at the contact form. -- cortex

Channel131 - What is it and is it legal?

Post 218774 by RevRob330 deleted for the following reason: Nothing personal but these sites are almost certainly not legit and also do their best to spam the heck out of sites like us, so while this may have been posted with the best of intentions, it looks too sketchy. -- jessamyn


We finally went on our date

Post 218587 by soooo deleted for the following reason: This is really more of a chatty discussion of your date sort of thing rather than a problem to be solved. -- taz

Make nice please.

Post 218575 by spbmp deleted for the following reason: You can't do this here. Questions are available to the community forever, not okay to have a self-destructing part of this one. Feel free to re-ask with something specific. -- jessamyn

Revenge is a dish best served cold, and interofficed in a manila envelope.

Post 218540 by Admiral Haddock deleted for the following reason: I know that this is a really rarely-used "you can't do this on AskMe" clause, but revenge questions aren't okay. They spin out of control too quickly and go sideways. If you can find a way to phrase this in a way that isn't so revenge-y we could maybe work with you, let us know. -- jessamyn

What should I do with this account information?

Post 218498 by bbqturtle deleted for the following reason: If this is going to be an actual question about possible ID problems or how to handle accidental access issues, it needs to be a whole lot clearer in the wording of your question that you are not trying to profit from or exploit this situation. Please contact us if this unclear at all. -- taz


Follow-up: How to talk with my 8-yr old about suicide?

Post 218471 by ValveAnnex deleted for the following reason: Heya, thanks so much for the followup but this doesn't really belong in a new question. Go ahead and post this as a comment in the original Ask Metafilter post; it's still open and people who commented will see it there. -- cortex


Because I knew you, I have been changed for good.

Post 218371 by Madamina deleted for the following reason: double -- vacapinta


How much magnetism is required to disrupt a stereo speaker?

Post 218172 by Shane deleted for the following reason: It wasn't really initially clear how not-so-hypothetically not-cool the idea here was, but to be clear this is pretty much not an okay sort of thing to ask for help with from Ask Metafilter. -- cortex

Help me find a post that helped someone find a painting

Post 218168 by Archibald Edmund Binns deleted for the following reason: Hey there, please go ahead and ask this at Metatalk, since it's specifically about the site. -- taz


MefiMiraclesFilter: Anyone flying from SFO to Kiev this week that can hand carry a document?

Post 218091 by metaseeker deleted for the following reason: Heya, good luck but this is really not something that you can use Ask Metafilter for. -- cortex


There's always *something* to do.

Post 217992 by TomMelee deleted for the following reason: Heya, this seems pretty chatty. -- cortex


How much does a lucky day cost? $7.77

Post 217879 by hillabeans deleted for the following reason: This is very much chatfilter. -- restless_nomad

How to take business further?

Post 217833 by Asian_Hunnie deleted for the following reason: Please email us about the seven day limit and/or check your email at your primary email address for this account. Thanks. -- jessamyn

Is there such a thing as being too good? (A question about Denis Johnson)

Post 217816 by Cwell deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter. -- taz


grow up

Post 217643 by peters shop deleted for the following reason: This is not the place for this. -- taz


Looking for people who were involved in the Students for a Democratic Society.

Post 217633 by Runes deleted for the following reason: Hey there -- you can't use AskMe for this, if you want to rephrase it to make it okay [looking for sources okay, looking for people to interview, less okay] hit us up on the contact form. -- jessamyn


Estate Law: removing a malicious exectuor/trustee?

Post 217531 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

Hardware help, anyone?

Post 217496 by dolce_voce deleted for the following reason: The guideline is really one question per week. Sticking three unrelated questions together is sort of against the spirit of AskMe. Contact us via the form and we can narrow this down to one. -- jessamyn


Can you ship to a storage facility?

Post 217402 by michelezz deleted for the following reason: Spammer; banned -- taz


Why is there a rule against X? Y is far worse...

Post 217233 by teg4rvn deleted for the following reason: This is a bit too open-ended as stated to really work. Maybe try and rework this as something a bit more concrete in problem-to-be-solved terms and try again next week? -- cortex


Turns out, if you ignore the IRS they don't go away

Post 217162 by Estragon deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Post 217123 by Darrylcwc deleted for the following reason: This isn't going to work out. OP, you probably need to find a different sort of forum to have the sort of discussion you want to have. -- taz


Various Android Questions...

Post 217048 by You Should See the Other Guy deleted for the following reason: This is at least five questions in one and maybe more, this isn't okay. Contact us via the contact form and maybe we can pare this down to one or two and re=open it? -- jessamyn

Why do people have serious relationships so young nowadays?

Post 217035 by major_tom deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter -- taz


Uncool older soccer mom seeks to turn on...

Post 216808 by primate moon deleted for the following reason: Come on, you can't do this here. -- jessamyn


can't post yet

Post 216729 by lewingcn deleted for the following reason: Questions about the site go to MetaTalk. Please contact us if you have questions about site policies and we'll be happy to help -- jessamyn

Should I apply for *this* particular job? And how to follow up on job enquiry emails?

Post 216721 by glache deleted for the following reason: You've sort of predisposed people to really really dislike this question. Can you maybe pick one question and do a rewrite and email us via the contact form and we can fix? Otherwise this is sort of a mess and not a cool use of AskMe. -- jessamyn


Life is short, people.

Post 216648 by Diablevert deleted for the following reason: Without some more concrete problem-to-be-solved here this feels like it's a bit into "beef about things you don't like or think other folks shouldn't like" chatfilter complete with I'll Go First. -- cortex

Out of love.

Post 216606 by DoubleLune deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Why was he rude to me

Post 216224 by nassep deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but you're correct that we can't read minds, and this just doesn't look like something we can answer. We can't divine someone's feelings from a tiny snippet of conversation that annoyed you. (Also, please try to be more careful with the construction of your posts; errors don't help efforts to try to make sense of the problem.) -- taz

How do I prepare for a child sexual abuse investigation as the children's caretaker?

Post 216222 by hic sunt dracones deleted for the following reason: This sounds like a very difficult situation that you don't want to make worse by posting information that might be used against you. Please contact us ASAP if you would like to edit this to be less specific. -- taz


Anyone remember this?

Post 216070 by leotrotsky deleted for the following reason: metatalk. -- jessamyn


Reading HTM files on a Kindle Fire?

Post 215887 by Chocolate Pickle deleted for the following reason: Poster's request. -- restless_nomad


Can China Change?

Post 215741 by espada0 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter. -- taz


Picture this... a rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire, my little wife massaging my feet...

Post 215720 by chocolatemilkshakes deleted for the following reason: I feel like this is just "tell me a bunch of male stereotypes" and it's unclear why you can't find this on your own without MetaFilter's assistance and equally unclear what problem you are trying to solve. Sorry,maybe try again next week with something clearer? -- jessamyn


Help my only child cat adjust to new siblings

Post 215557 by Modica deleted for the following reason: Please only ask one question at a time. -- vacapinta


Startup Weekend questions

Post 215326 by zeek321 deleted for the following reason: I'm not sure what is going on here but AskMe is not for getting people to MeMail you privately. Feel free to re-ask this later in a different way but not like this. -- jessamyn


Should I honor a potential employee's astrological beliefs?

Post 215213 by picklebird deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- mathowie


How do i best do a background check on a suspicious person?

Post 215040 by hitchcockblonde deleted for the following reason: This seems much more like a complaint about a company/person and less like a problem to be solved. If you want tips on how to find background info on someone that doesn't involve Google, you can try another question asking that. -- taz


50% homosexuality isn't a strong correlation?

Post 214996 by Peregrin5 deleted for the following reason: This is a dicey question which has a lot of different things going on. You linked to a really problematic article about gay people and mental illness and then want someone to explain a completely other issue to you. Please consider making this a much shorter more succinct question without all the baggage. Thank you. Use the contact form if you have questions. -- jessamyn

Helpless Doorknob Scans needed

Post 214984 by moonroof deleted for the following reason: This is really not something that is okay to use AskMe for. Help finding the scans okay. "Please send me the scans" not okay. Drop us a note via the contact form if you'd like us to edit this. -- jessamyn


Are tricks permissible when getting someone to sign a contract?

Post 214868 by starkraven deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is really chatfilter instead of an actual problem to be solved. -- taz


Sway Me

Post 214735 by thinkpiece deleted for the following reason: This seems like a kind of hyper-specific bit of chatfilter. -- cortex


Your version of Lloyd Dobler's boombox.

Post 214686 by mittenbex deleted for the following reason: chatfilter, what is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn


Looking for an article that connects bike riding to female pelvic pain

Post 214458 by Cpt. The Mango deleted for the following reason: Heya, no biggie but if this is basically a "where was this thing on Metafilter" question it needs to go over on Metatalk. Feel free to repost over there. -- cortex

Facebook Fan Page Help Required

Post 214443 by arniec deleted for the following reason: looks like it's fixed now. -- taz


Longterm relationship, facebook acknowledgements and relationship with parents

Post 214408 by WhatrightdoIhave2happiness deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but the hypothetical nature of the problem here when neither of the two people central to the question is actually involved in the conversation makes it impossible for us to do anything but guess, and that effectively makes this chatfilter. If your friend has questions, maybe get her an account so she can post them here, and we can try to help. -- taz


Why did you start smoking? Why did you quit?

Post 214302 by amodelcitizen deleted for the following reason: chatfilter -- can you spell out what the problem is that you're trying to solve? -- jessamyn


bird & me

Post 213885 by Paquda deleted for the following reason: Heya, if you're trying to learn about e.g. how birds of prey or scavengers identify food or the specific risks of human/bird interactions, maybe ask again next week with a question that's more clearly about that; as phrased this comes off as kind of like you're goofing around with some chatfilter. -- cortex


UK polling query

Post 213856 by wilful deleted for the following reason: Sorry, the question as asked is pretty much chatfilter; if you want to update this to ask for explanatory links or something more concrete, please contact us right away; otherwise, you can wait and repost a different version next week. -- taz


Post 213786 by amostafa10 deleted for the following reason: This really needs more detail to work. If you can get back to us really quickly via the contact form we can talk about putting a clearer draft of this in place, otherwise take your time and write this out in more detail and ask next week. -- cortex


Thinking about suicide.

Post 213746 by shywolf91 deleted for the following reason: I'm really sorry you are having a hard time, but this is not a place you can ask about suicide. If you need to talk to someone urgently, please look at this page of resources; please reach us at the contact form if you need to talk about this. -- cortex

What are the most illogical things people say to each other?

Post 213696 by st starseed deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. -- jessamyn


What can I do to get the icons on my Metafilter Profile to go to specific sites I belong to?

Post 213672 by brittaincrowe deleted for the following reason: Hi, questions about the site should be posted in Metatalk, so go ahead and post this over there. -- taz


Post 213657 by unSane deleted for the following reason: Come on, make an effort please. -- jessamyn

Heavy girl or flesh light?

Post 213581 by dkleinst deleted for the following reason: Hey, a sort of interesting, but broad, poll-the-readers question here that doesn't really have a definitive answer... plus weird, apparently offensive title. Maybe you can do a better job with this? Contact us if you need more info. -- taz


How can I help a suicidal twitter contact I don't know in real life?

Post 213450 by Canageek deleted for the following reason: This is a terrible situation but not one we can really handle on askme. -- restless_nomad


Saturday is Record Store Day 2012

Post 213373 by pelican deleted for the following reason: this is pure chatfilter. -- jessamyn

Help me grow my business.

Post 213339 by misformiche deleted for the following reason: Hey, if you want to rewrite this to be more "here's a description of my etsy biz" and less "here is a link to my biz", that'd be okay, but as is this is too close to being directly self-promotional in presentation. -- cortex

Draw Something - post on my behalf?

Post 213335 by rude.boy deleted for the following reason: If feel you, but this isn't really an answerable askme question so much as a statement of frustration. -- cortex


Is there shame in wealth, and nobility in poverty? Or Vice Versa?

Post 213309 by nickhb deleted for the following reason: This is too chatfiltery to be answerable here. Books/articles fine, the personal stories angle, eh not so much. -- jessamyn

Fun Games

Post 213294 by gadget_gal deleted for the following reason: We're really pretty touchy about people linking to unknown sites for unknown resons. Can you ask this again next week and maybe describe the type of game you like instead of linking to a site that's mostly in russian? Thanks. -- jessamyn


Will she be the one that gets away?

Post 213075 by masters2010 deleted for the following reason: Heya, if there's not a clear answerable question you need help with this is pretty much chatfilter. Maybe find a way to tighten this up and try again next week if there's a core question you want specific, concrete help with? -- cortex

Trying to find a comment about gender performativity

Post 213055 by vckeating deleted for the following reason: If this is about MetaFilter, it needs to be in MetaTalk. -- jessamyn

Shareholders Agreement concerning family business and cousins

Post 213033 by Danithegirl deleted for the following reason: This is specific enough a request that this is probably something you need to contact an actual lawyer for; there's not really an askme-answerable question here. -- cortex


P.I. needed for family matter- Ca.

Post 212977 by Tullyogallaghan deleted for the following reason: -- restless_nomad


Suggestions for good creativity essays and blogs?

Post 212803 by shipbreaker deleted for the following reason: This is a combination of a totally fine Ask Metafilter question, and a Metatalk issue that doesn't belong here. Contact us if you want to edit and repost. -- taz


CEO: Cruel, Evil Oppressor.

Post 212729 by ditto75 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, there isn't a problem to be solved here, it's just chatfilter -- mathowie

Which active users have been here the longest?

Post 212643 by jcterminal deleted for the following reason: Should be in metatalk -- mathowie


Chinese to English translation?

Post 212630 by AArtaud deleted for the following reason: Heya, you can't really use askme to shop out jobs. If you've got more of a "how do I find these resources" question, maybe rephrase this next week, otherwise this is maybe something for Jobs or just not really a good fit for Metafilter. -- cortex

Where to barter proofreading a text for an Indiegogo campaign?

Post 212599 by vladimirfrolov deleted for the following reason: This isn't what Ask MetaFilter is for, sorry -- mathowie


From here it looks like a superhero power.

Post 212294 by lover deleted for the following reason: This is way too open ended and unclear what you're looking for here. Maybe put together a "this is the problem I am trying to solve" sentence and ask again next week? -- jessamyn

More Felt Please

Post 212245 by silsurf deleted for the following reason: I'm not sure what your problem to be solved is but you can't use AskMe to promote your own blog. Try again next week if there's a specifi problem that you have. Ask us if you have questions. -- jessamyn


Have you stolen things from restaurants?

Post 212182 by aoleary deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter and illegalfilter as well. This is not the good place to ask this. -- jessamyn

Who polices the traffic courts?

Post 212148 by trivia genius deleted for the following reason: This is kind of far into "why does this not work the way I want it to" territory rather than a concrete problem askme can help you solve. If you can pare this down to a more answerable core question it'd be fine to give it another shot next week. -- cortex


Why are appliances so crummy these days?

Post 212104 by PJSibling deleted for the following reason: This is sort of an "XYZ sucks AMIRITE?" question. I'm sorry you've bought two bad appliances, but this seems more like a rant/complaint disguised as a question -- jessamyn

Why are appliances so crummy these days?

Post 212104 by PJSibling deleted for the following reason: This is sort of an "XYZ sucks AMIRITE?" question. I'm sorry you've bought two bad appliances, but this seems more like a rant/complaint disguised as a question -- jessamyn

Help me rewrite Biz Markie's Just A Friend to be a Catholic Parody

Post 212030 by PetiePal deleted for the following reason: Sorry, Ask Metafilter is not meant as a project collaboration space, but perhaps you can get some help with this in Metafilter Music. -- taz


How is it that nasty people get ahead in this life.

Post 212023 by YukonQuirm deleted for the following reason: This is pretty single-situation specific for a situation/person we know nothing about, plus opening with an offensive slur is kind of a non-starter. Maybe repost this question in a way that is more answerable. (Contact us if you need more info.) -- taz

How do I find a good lawyer/start the ball rolling for a medical malpractice lawsuit (possible military implications)?

Post 211984 by killerinsideme deleted for the following reason: This is really messy and legally messy and is turning into a thing where maybe you want to re-ask with many fewer details? We're safely in "you need a lawyer not AskMe" territory -- jessamyn


Nook, face. Face, Nook.

Post 211920 by eddydamascene deleted for the following reason: This seems like more of a lulzy question than a problem to be solved. -- jessamyn

Help me generate more career possibilities...

Post 211916 by sawyerrrr deleted for the following reason: You've asked this question repeatedly - in order for a new version to go better you really need to explain why the previous ones didn't work for you. If you're just looking for additional brainstorming, that's really not how AskMe works. -- restless_nomad