
This is so amazing... why doesn't everyone else do this?

Post 211791 by MesoFilter deleted for the following reason: This is a nice idea but without some "why are you asking" it's chatfilter. -- jessamyn


Post 211747 by kalapierson deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but polling the membership is not really what Ask Metafilter is for. -- taz


Can this be fixed?

Post 211573 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Google IO Giveaway

Post 211503 by sizzil34 deleted for the following reason: This is not a good AskMe question for MetaFilter. It's chatty and winky and basically has no problem to be solved. -- jessamyn


Enhancing a photo, CSI-style

Post 211412 by chumptastic deleted for the following reason: Heya, if you want to rephrase this more explicitly as a "help me find resources for doing this thing myself" request instead of a "can you do this thing for me" thing, that'd be fine, but as is this really isn't quite on the mark for Ask Metafilter. -- cortex

Help me find that funny video of a terrible husband / wife video team

Post 211400 by bjork24 deleted for the following reason: Hey there if this is about the site or something you found on the site it needs to go to metatalk. -- jessamyn


A whole list of favorites, and I don't recognize any

Post 211315 by Gilbert deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is basically poll-the-audience chatfilter. -- taz


Where is my maturity and mentality at?

Post 211188 by Bacillus deleted for the following reason: This is too short of a question to be meaningfully answered. Can you let us know what the problem is that you are trying to solve and ask again next week? -- jessamyn


Love in the latter half of life

Post 211181 by looli deleted for the following reason: Without knowing what the problem to be solved is, this is chatfilter. i can guess why you might be asking but that needs to be in the question somewhere. -- jessamyn

Help needed: french chat partner

Post 211171 by sparkle55 deleted for the following reason: Very best of luck with this, but you really can't use Ask Metafilter to try and find chat partners. -- cortex


Care to Have An Exciting French-themed Film and Food Experience

Post 211062 by goalyeehah deleted for the following reason: Yeah sorry, this isn't what Ask MeFi is for. -- mathowie

I'm a Desperate Grad Student who Will Do Anything for Data

Post 211044 by petiteviolette deleted for the following reason: You can't do "help me with my survey" stuff here. Try Jobs or a place like Craigslist. -- jessamyn

FoodFilter: Better diet, better life?

Post 211014 by nickrussell deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is chatfilter, and against the guidelines for Ask Metafilter. -- taz


How do I sleep on my back?

Post 210846 by avalou deleted for the following reason: This seems spammy, maybe wait til you have a real question. -- jessamyn

Loving, doting words from a parent

Post 210793 by page123 deleted for the following reason: There is no question here. Please contact us if you have any confusion about how to use the site. Thanks. -- taz

How can I meet my favorite actress?

Post 210787 by Socky McSockersons deleted for the following reason: Poster's request. -- taz


Who is Derrick Rose?

Post 210779 by defmute deleted for the following reason: This is one of those rare cases where you really need to establish that you've done some basic googling before moving on to askme. -- cortex

Life With a Dog You Hate

Post 210745 by DWRoelands deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad

Unreliable friend, at my wit's end. What to do?

Post 210730 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is basically just complaining about your friend. This would not be okayed as an anon question, and deciding if you've had enough is something you need to figure out for yourself. -- taz


How not to think about dying to end the pain of life

Post 210719 by ITravelMontana deleted for the following reason: Questions about suicide are not OK for AskMe - this really needs to be handled by a professional. -- restless_nomad


Ego strokling=sales job, and I'm awfully good at sales

Post 210623 by provoliminal deleted for the following reason: This is a little all-over-the-place without a super clear answerable question. Maybe whittle it down to something a little more workable and give it another shot next week. -- cortex


Need Help from Los Angelenos for Second Date Idea

Post 210539 by askmefiguy deleted for the following reason: At poster's request -- mathowie


Is my Laudunum still safe?

Post 210276 by jjmoney deleted for the following reason: This doesn't seem like a good use of Ask MetaFilter. -- mathowie

Why can't I favorite you?

Post 210269 by BlueHorse deleted for the following reason: This probably belongs on Metatalk. -- vacapinta


Insights Needed Re: Facebook Posts

Post 210217 by goalyeehah deleted for the following reason: Removed at poster's request -- mathowie


Has anyone tried Xtend Life multivitamins?

Post 210124 by blunt_eastwood deleted for the following reason: Hey, this is a little more promotional-seeming than we are really comfortable with, but we'd be happy to discuss this with you further. -- taz

RIP Meemee

Post 210118 by mattoxic deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- taz


"In a sense, living alone represents the self let loose"

Post 209974 by xicana63 deleted for the following reason: This needs to be framed pretty differently if it's not basically chatfilter. Maybe redraft it and give it a clearer "here is the problem I'm trying to solve" go next week. -- cortex


Why do I have to make this so difficult? Because it is an important decision.

Post 209795 by B(oYo)BIES deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

which gloves warmest

Post 209780 by starstern deleted for the following reason: As we said last week, you need to phrase this in understandable sentences for it to work as a question here. -- jessamyn


One shirt for the price of two!

Post 209755 by gracedissolved deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter. -- taz


Bonding and ppd

Post 209669 by mtsskgs deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry that this is happening, but it's not clear what the question is here. -- restless_nomad