
bird & me

Post 213885 by Paquda deleted for the following reason: Heya, if you're trying to learn about e.g. how birds of prey or scavengers identify food or the specific risks of human/bird interactions, maybe ask again next week with a question that's more clearly about that; as phrased this comes off as kind of like you're goofing around with some chatfilter. -- cortex


UK polling query

Post 213856 by wilful deleted for the following reason: Sorry, the question as asked is pretty much chatfilter; if you want to update this to ask for explanatory links or something more concrete, please contact us right away; otherwise, you can wait and repost a different version next week. -- taz


Post 213786 by amostafa10 deleted for the following reason: This really needs more detail to work. If you can get back to us really quickly via the contact form we can talk about putting a clearer draft of this in place, otherwise take your time and write this out in more detail and ask next week. -- cortex


Thinking about suicide.

Post 213746 by shywolf91 deleted for the following reason: I'm really sorry you are having a hard time, but this is not a place you can ask about suicide. If you need to talk to someone urgently, please look at this page of resources; please reach us at the contact form if you need to talk about this. -- cortex

What are the most illogical things people say to each other?

Post 213696 by st starseed deleted for the following reason: chatfilter. -- jessamyn


What can I do to get the icons on my Metafilter Profile to go to specific sites I belong to?

Post 213672 by brittaincrowe deleted for the following reason: Hi, questions about the site should be posted in Metatalk, so go ahead and post this over there. -- taz


Post 213657 by unSane deleted for the following reason: Come on, make an effort please. -- jessamyn

Heavy girl or flesh light?

Post 213581 by dkleinst deleted for the following reason: Hey, a sort of interesting, but broad, poll-the-readers question here that doesn't really have a definitive answer... plus weird, apparently offensive title. Maybe you can do a better job with this? Contact us if you need more info. -- taz


How can I help a suicidal twitter contact I don't know in real life?

Post 213450 by Canageek deleted for the following reason: This is a terrible situation but not one we can really handle on askme. -- restless_nomad


Saturday is Record Store Day 2012

Post 213373 by pelican deleted for the following reason: this is pure chatfilter. -- jessamyn

Help me grow my business.

Post 213339 by misformiche deleted for the following reason: Hey, if you want to rewrite this to be more "here's a description of my etsy biz" and less "here is a link to my biz", that'd be okay, but as is this is too close to being directly self-promotional in presentation. -- cortex

Draw Something - post on my behalf?

Post 213335 by rude.boy deleted for the following reason: If feel you, but this isn't really an answerable askme question so much as a statement of frustration. -- cortex


Is there shame in wealth, and nobility in poverty? Or Vice Versa?

Post 213309 by nickhb deleted for the following reason: This is too chatfiltery to be answerable here. Books/articles fine, the personal stories angle, eh not so much. -- jessamyn

Fun Games

Post 213294 by gadget_gal deleted for the following reason: We're really pretty touchy about people linking to unknown sites for unknown resons. Can you ask this again next week and maybe describe the type of game you like instead of linking to a site that's mostly in russian? Thanks. -- jessamyn


Will she be the one that gets away?

Post 213075 by masters2010 deleted for the following reason: Heya, if there's not a clear answerable question you need help with this is pretty much chatfilter. Maybe find a way to tighten this up and try again next week if there's a core question you want specific, concrete help with? -- cortex

Trying to find a comment about gender performativity

Post 213055 by vckeating deleted for the following reason: If this is about MetaFilter, it needs to be in MetaTalk. -- jessamyn

Shareholders Agreement concerning family business and cousins

Post 213033 by Danithegirl deleted for the following reason: This is specific enough a request that this is probably something you need to contact an actual lawyer for; there's not really an askme-answerable question here. -- cortex


P.I. needed for family matter- Ca.

Post 212977 by Tullyogallaghan deleted for the following reason: -- restless_nomad


Suggestions for good creativity essays and blogs?

Post 212803 by shipbreaker deleted for the following reason: This is a combination of a totally fine Ask Metafilter question, and a Metatalk issue that doesn't belong here. Contact us if you want to edit and repost. -- taz


CEO: Cruel, Evil Oppressor.

Post 212729 by ditto75 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, there isn't a problem to be solved here, it's just chatfilter -- mathowie

Which active users have been here the longest?

Post 212643 by jcterminal deleted for the following reason: Should be in metatalk -- mathowie


Chinese to English translation?

Post 212630 by AArtaud deleted for the following reason: Heya, you can't really use askme to shop out jobs. If you've got more of a "how do I find these resources" question, maybe rephrase this next week, otherwise this is maybe something for Jobs or just not really a good fit for Metafilter. -- cortex

Where to barter proofreading a text for an Indiegogo campaign?

Post 212599 by vladimirfrolov deleted for the following reason: This isn't what Ask MetaFilter is for, sorry -- mathowie


From here it looks like a superhero power.

Post 212294 by lover deleted for the following reason: This is way too open ended and unclear what you're looking for here. Maybe put together a "this is the problem I am trying to solve" sentence and ask again next week? -- jessamyn

More Felt Please

Post 212245 by silsurf deleted for the following reason: I'm not sure what your problem to be solved is but you can't use AskMe to promote your own blog. Try again next week if there's a specifi problem that you have. Ask us if you have questions. -- jessamyn


Have you stolen things from restaurants?

Post 212182 by aoleary deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter and illegalfilter as well. This is not the good place to ask this. -- jessamyn

Who polices the traffic courts?

Post 212148 by trivia genius deleted for the following reason: This is kind of far into "why does this not work the way I want it to" territory rather than a concrete problem askme can help you solve. If you can pare this down to a more answerable core question it'd be fine to give it another shot next week. -- cortex


Why are appliances so crummy these days?

Post 212104 by PJSibling deleted for the following reason: This is sort of an "XYZ sucks AMIRITE?" question. I'm sorry you've bought two bad appliances, but this seems more like a rant/complaint disguised as a question -- jessamyn

Why are appliances so crummy these days?

Post 212104 by PJSibling deleted for the following reason: This is sort of an "XYZ sucks AMIRITE?" question. I'm sorry you've bought two bad appliances, but this seems more like a rant/complaint disguised as a question -- jessamyn

Help me rewrite Biz Markie's Just A Friend to be a Catholic Parody

Post 212030 by PetiePal deleted for the following reason: Sorry, Ask Metafilter is not meant as a project collaboration space, but perhaps you can get some help with this in Metafilter Music. -- taz


How is it that nasty people get ahead in this life.

Post 212023 by YukonQuirm deleted for the following reason: This is pretty single-situation specific for a situation/person we know nothing about, plus opening with an offensive slur is kind of a non-starter. Maybe repost this question in a way that is more answerable. (Contact us if you need more info.) -- taz

How do I find a good lawyer/start the ball rolling for a medical malpractice lawsuit (possible military implications)?

Post 211984 by killerinsideme deleted for the following reason: This is really messy and legally messy and is turning into a thing where maybe you want to re-ask with many fewer details? We're safely in "you need a lawyer not AskMe" territory -- jessamyn


Nook, face. Face, Nook.

Post 211920 by eddydamascene deleted for the following reason: This seems like more of a lulzy question than a problem to be solved. -- jessamyn

Help me generate more career possibilities...

Post 211916 by sawyerrrr deleted for the following reason: You've asked this question repeatedly - in order for a new version to go better you really need to explain why the previous ones didn't work for you. If you're just looking for additional brainstorming, that's really not how AskMe works. -- restless_nomad