
Oil rig work/ Job

Post 218779 by flipmiester99 deleted for the following reason: Heya, offering people rewards for leads is totally not an okay use of Ask Metafilter. If you want to rework this a little, please reach us at the contact form. -- cortex

Channel131 - What is it and is it legal?

Post 218774 by RevRob330 deleted for the following reason: Nothing personal but these sites are almost certainly not legit and also do their best to spam the heck out of sites like us, so while this may have been posted with the best of intentions, it looks too sketchy. -- jessamyn


We finally went on our date

Post 218587 by soooo deleted for the following reason: This is really more of a chatty discussion of your date sort of thing rather than a problem to be solved. -- taz

Make nice please.

Post 218575 by spbmp deleted for the following reason: You can't do this here. Questions are available to the community forever, not okay to have a self-destructing part of this one. Feel free to re-ask with something specific. -- jessamyn

Revenge is a dish best served cold, and interofficed in a manila envelope.

Post 218540 by Admiral Haddock deleted for the following reason: I know that this is a really rarely-used "you can't do this on AskMe" clause, but revenge questions aren't okay. They spin out of control too quickly and go sideways. If you can find a way to phrase this in a way that isn't so revenge-y we could maybe work with you, let us know. -- jessamyn

What should I do with this account information?

Post 218498 by bbqturtle deleted for the following reason: If this is going to be an actual question about possible ID problems or how to handle accidental access issues, it needs to be a whole lot clearer in the wording of your question that you are not trying to profit from or exploit this situation. Please contact us if this unclear at all. -- taz


Follow-up: How to talk with my 8-yr old about suicide?

Post 218471 by ValveAnnex deleted for the following reason: Heya, thanks so much for the followup but this doesn't really belong in a new question. Go ahead and post this as a comment in the original Ask Metafilter post; it's still open and people who commented will see it there. -- cortex


Because I knew you, I have been changed for good.

Post 218371 by Madamina deleted for the following reason: double -- vacapinta


How much magnetism is required to disrupt a stereo speaker?

Post 218172 by Shane deleted for the following reason: It wasn't really initially clear how not-so-hypothetically not-cool the idea here was, but to be clear this is pretty much not an okay sort of thing to ask for help with from Ask Metafilter. -- cortex

Help me find a post that helped someone find a painting

Post 218168 by Archibald Edmund Binns deleted for the following reason: Hey there, please go ahead and ask this at Metatalk, since it's specifically about the site. -- taz


MefiMiraclesFilter: Anyone flying from SFO to Kiev this week that can hand carry a document?

Post 218091 by metaseeker deleted for the following reason: Heya, good luck but this is really not something that you can use Ask Metafilter for. -- cortex


There's always *something* to do.

Post 217992 by TomMelee deleted for the following reason: Heya, this seems pretty chatty. -- cortex


How much does a lucky day cost? $7.77

Post 217879 by hillabeans deleted for the following reason: This is very much chatfilter. -- restless_nomad

How to take business further?

Post 217833 by Asian_Hunnie deleted for the following reason: Please email us about the seven day limit and/or check your email at your primary email address for this account. Thanks. -- jessamyn

Is there such a thing as being too good? (A question about Denis Johnson)

Post 217816 by Cwell deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter. -- taz


grow up

Post 217643 by peters shop deleted for the following reason: This is not the place for this. -- taz


Looking for people who were involved in the Students for a Democratic Society.

Post 217633 by Runes deleted for the following reason: Hey there -- you can't use AskMe for this, if you want to rephrase it to make it okay [looking for sources okay, looking for people to interview, less okay] hit us up on the contact form. -- jessamyn


Estate Law: removing a malicious exectuor/trustee?

Post 217531 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn

Hardware help, anyone?

Post 217496 by dolce_voce deleted for the following reason: The guideline is really one question per week. Sticking three unrelated questions together is sort of against the spirit of AskMe. Contact us via the form and we can narrow this down to one. -- jessamyn


Can you ship to a storage facility?

Post 217402 by michelezz deleted for the following reason: Spammer; banned -- taz


Why is there a rule against X? Y is far worse...

Post 217233 by teg4rvn deleted for the following reason: This is a bit too open-ended as stated to really work. Maybe try and rework this as something a bit more concrete in problem-to-be-solved terms and try again next week? -- cortex


Turns out, if you ignore the IRS they don't go away

Post 217162 by Estragon deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Post 217123 by Darrylcwc deleted for the following reason: This isn't going to work out. OP, you probably need to find a different sort of forum to have the sort of discussion you want to have. -- taz


Various Android Questions...

Post 217048 by You Should See the Other Guy deleted for the following reason: This is at least five questions in one and maybe more, this isn't okay. Contact us via the contact form and maybe we can pare this down to one or two and re=open it? -- jessamyn

Why do people have serious relationships so young nowadays?

Post 217035 by major_tom deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter -- taz


Uncool older soccer mom seeks to turn on...

Post 216808 by primate moon deleted for the following reason: Come on, you can't do this here. -- jessamyn