
Wikipedia – Experts getting bounced. Your experiences?

Post 227864 by Razorinthewind deleted for the following reason: There isn't really a question here to answer, borderline chatfilter as well -- mathowie


Create the perfect lawyer name.

Post 227649 by labandita deleted for the following reason: This is a little too chatty and poll-y to work here, sorry. -- restless_nomad


A local paper currency for Portland?

Post 227527 by pdxlocalcurrency deleted for the following reason: This is completely against the rules. -- cortex

Almost Drowing?

Post 227519 by Xurando deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry you're behind with your class but if you're looking for study partners or homework help Ask really isn't the place for it. -- cortex

Who will be US president? Mr. Obama or Mr. Romney?

Post 227511 by onkyo deleted for the following reason: You are now the President of the Republic of Chatistan. -- cortex

Superficiality and Remote Insincerity - What's Wrong with my Sibling?

Post 227502 by watercarrier deleted for the following reason: Sorry your sister's driving you up the wall, but this seems to be a whole lot of "my sister is terrible" with only a nominal question attached. If you want to try and rework this as some sort of concrete request for help on something more specific with less venting, maybe try again next week. -- cortex


Mormon history?

Post 227410 by mmf deleted for the following reason: This is a badly timed complaint about Mormonism posing as a question. If you have a real question here that can't be answered by Googling, please feel free to ask again next week. -- jessamyn


French Teen Amateur Porn

Post 227318 by lrnarabic deleted for the following reason: I think you need to ask this again next week with a tamer above-the-fold question and no links to amateur porn sites. It's attracting a ton of flags and needs to be phrased differently to be okay here on MetaFilter. -- jessamyn


Stats question?

Post 227248 by 1inabillionmistake deleted for the following reason: Hi, this isn't really for homework questions. -- jessamyn

Diets to help the grieving?

Post 227176 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: Poster's request. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Crack a zip file password

Post 227126 by stbalbach deleted for the following reason: Sorry, "help me break into this file" is something AskMe can't help with. -- LobsterMitten


The Begat

Post 227069 by Enchanting Grasshopper deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this doesn't seem like a concrete problem as much as a rant or a challenge. If you have an actual question that people might be able to help you with, perhaps you can reword/reframe to more accurately reflect that? -- taz


Waging Heavy Peace

Post 227031 by mr. digits deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter. -- cortex


Can men (or women) really be influenced by peer pressure to break up with a significant other?

Post 226853 by Butterflye1010 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, Ask Metafilter is for actual questions you want help with, not venting. -- taz


systemic abuse

Post 226827 by xcasex deleted for the following reason: Heya, I appreciate that you were aiming for brevity but this really needs a rewrite that makes it a lot clearer what your specific context and goal is if folks are going to be able to help you with a concrete situation. -- cortex


Post 226789 by marienbad deleted for the following reason: maybe try re-asking without the personal distaste angle? As it stands it reads like a rant and less like a question in search of an answer. -- mathowie


suicidal ideation & hospitalization

Post 226679 by lisakitty deleted for the following reason: I'm afraid Ask Metafilter is not able to give accurate information on a question like this, which could actually do more harm than good. Please contact us for more information. -- taz


Time off for no reason

Post 226389 by Paquda deleted for the following reason: Heya, it's really not clear what you're actually wanting to know here. Maybe reframe this as a specific question or dilemma you need help with and give it another shot? -- cortex


Where are the bananas in the break room?

Post 226224 by noonday deleted for the following reason: Can you toss this over in metatalk which is where questions about the site go? -- jessamyn


My best and only friend at utd just dumped me. Please help.

Post 226166 by bookman117 deleted for the following reason: Sorry you are having a hard time, but there's no actual question here. -- restless_nomad

How do you get your blog added to news aggregators

Post 226154 by Chris Doran deleted for the following reason: Pretending to be a disinterested third party to ask how to get your blog added to a site you actually run? That's a bannin'. -- cortex


wanting to get more info on being an ASL interpreter

Post 226071 by carlypennylane deleted for the following reason: This sort of direct appeal isn't really right for AskMe. -- restless_nomad

To shame or not to shame?

Post 226041 by spooky car deleted for the following reason: "Hey, should I engage in a revenge scheme" is really kind of not something we even want people asking about on here. -- cortex

SciFi Who??

Post 226028 by jbenben deleted for the following reason: Please talk to us about the 7-day limit on Ask Metafilter questions. -- taz


Teach us your favorite poetry shorts

Post 225940 by Cogentesque deleted for the following reason: This is not what Ask Metafilter is for. Without more detail, this is just chatfilter. -- vacapinta


Arguments against reincarnation

Post 225888 by Asian_Hunnie deleted for the following reason: This is such a huge topic and so inherently unanswerable at a concrete level that a question that's taking the "convince me of this metaphysical premise" approach is really basically chatfilter and not workable for askme. If you want to rework this as a far more focused request for specific philosophical/metaphysical resources or something next week, that might work. -- cortex


No uTorrent

Post 225854 by pH Indicating Socks deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


I feel like I'm not well liked at my job. Should I care?

Post 225738 by MeaninglessMisfortune deleted for the following reason: please see us about the seven day limit between questions. -- jessamyn

I am right, right?

Post 225737 by Che boludo! deleted for the following reason: This needs to be dramatically rephrased to be a question that AskMe can help you with. -- jessamyn