

Post 238300 by Edwardb deleted for the following reason: If this is about an AskMe question, it needs to go in MetaTalk. If not, there's not really an appropriate place here, sorry. -- restless_nomad


What does society get out of keeping Bernie Madoff in prison?

Post 238232 by SMPA deleted for the following reason: This is too broad and essay-like to be a good fit here, sorry. -- restless_nomad


Why do the enlish and french want to arm the syrian rebels?

Post 238121 by john123357 deleted for the following reason: This needs to be more of a "what is the problem you are trying to solve" question and less an open referendum on a complicated political topic. -- jessamyn

Should my mom get a lawyer for my traffic violation?

Post 238107 by crawltopslow deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


What is the stereotype about Arabs (Palestinians specifically)?

Post 238018 by omar.a deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but asking for examples of stereotypes of X gender, race or nationality is not a good use for Ask Metafilter; they are stereotypes, and thus imminently searchable online. -- taz

fafsa for idiots

Post 237992 by headnsouth deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Why do people do crowdsourcing?

Post 237871 by MrMerlot deleted for the following reason: This might be a better post for Jobs? You can't really do survey questions here. -- jessamyn


How can I reconcile acceptance with this new opportunity?

Post 237774 by telegraph deleted for the following reason: This is kind of impossible to answer using the metaphor. It would need more specifics for people to really help. -- mathowie


My friend is missing in Providence. Please help us find him!

Post 237719 by fonzie deleted for the following reason: I'm so sorry to hear about this, but this isn't something you can use Ask Metafilter for. -- cortex


Shakespeare in Brief

Post 237667 by kalapierson deleted for the following reason: This is a what's your favorite X question. What is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn

Current Me wishes Past Me had at least taken a screen shot.

Post 237623 by Sara C. deleted for the following reason: Poster request; photo found. -- taz


What will be the next paradigm to fall?

Post 237521 by mearls deleted for the following reason: This is kind of vague and chatty as stated. -- cortex

Male Fertility Test

Post 237504 by daveg02 deleted for the following reason: please contact us at the contact form regarding the AskMe seven day limit. -- jessamyn

stop me from putting her on a pedestal

Post 237499 by PeaPod deleted for the following reason: Since this isn't time sensitive can you come back when you can spell out entire words and use punctuation/caps/&c;? -- jessamyn


My former employer refuses to pay me. What do I do now?

Post 237448 by HiphopAnonymous deleted for the following reason: Heya, it looks like you asked this same question already just a couple weeks ago. -- cortex


Up for reading a reworked Irish folktale, just in time for St. Paddy's?!

Post 237378 by markkraft deleted for the following reason: Sorry, AskMe does not do writing critiques. Some info on possible Mefi writing group here and here. -- LobsterMitten

Genre name for the glitch/repition video art involving spongebob/sonic

Post 237366 by aychedee deleted for the following reason: Hey, questions about Metafilter need to be posted in Metatalk, so go ahead and repost there. -- taz


Looking for details of car crash from 4/8/05

Post 237252 by Exchequer deleted for the following reason: Heya, unless you make fairly clear the good reasons why you're asking for details about, and sort of creating an extra bit of paper trail for, a specific non-famous contemporary person, this sort of thing probably isn't a good idea for Ask Metafilter. -- cortex


Day in The Life of a professor or research scientist

Post 237206 by marsbar77 deleted for the following reason: Hi -- if I am reading you correctly this is a homework assignment? You can't just use AskMe to find a group of people to informationally interview. -- jessamyn

Help me understand how a non-racist could be a Mormon pre-1978?

Post 237197 by hworth deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter. -- taz


why can't i find the mefi podcast on stitcher?

Post 236902 by karl88 deleted for the following reason: Oops, Mefi-related questions belong on Metatalk, so you can go ahead and post this over there. -- taz


What database do you use?

Post 236661 by usermac deleted for the following reason: Sorry, without any kind of specificity or direction this is basically just a "go do a google search" situation more than it is a good use of Ask Metafilter. -- cortex

Journalist on a seven-year walk needs a hand with solar panels

Post 236641 by obruni deleted for the following reason: Heya, I know you're trying to help but this needs to read more like just a question and a lot less like a plug for a thing that you're involved in to work as an askme question. Ping me at the contact form real quick if you want to try and talk about a rewrite. -- cortex


I'm missing a major pre-req for transfer to a UC, among other things.

Post 236609 by squirtle deleted for the following reason: OP, please check your Mefi Mail and get back to me as soon as possible. -- LobsterMitten


What is the purpose of life? (There's lots to read inside for this one.)

Post 236375 by sockpim deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is much too broad and chatfiltery a question for Ask Metafilter. -- LobsterMitten