
The More Rules The Better?

Post 245592 by CollectiveMind deleted for the following reason: As written, this is pretty much just asking people their opinion on a super general question, which is chatfilter; please contact us if there is a more concrete problem you'd like to present. -- taz


Dumber than a bag of hammers

Post 245575 by 1066 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten

Who's playing in the next world war?

Post 245553 by doub1ejack deleted for the following reason: Sorry, chatfilter hypotheticals are not allowed on AskMe. -- LobsterMitten


Question for mature members on Relationship

Post 245512 by Nicholas Geary deleted for the following reason: It's not clear what your question is, and the description of the situation is unclear too. -- LobsterMitten


Life Lessons

Post 245479 by nidora deleted for the following reason: This is too broad to be anything but chatfilter. -- restless_nomad

True or false?

Post 245466 by BillyAnne deleted for the following reason: A question about an oversimplified racist talking point asked in these terms is really beyond the scope of what AskMe can handle. -- restless_nomad

How do religious believers study sociology?

Post 245434 by mary8nne deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but as written, this is basically chatfilter; if you want to narrow this down to a concrete question/problem please contact us ASAP. -- taz

The breakup that wasn't, and the drama to come

Post 245428 by six sided sock deleted for the following reason: Some problems here; please contact us for more info. -- taz


In-laws excluding spouse/partner

Post 245424 by Asian_Hunnie deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but "how do feel about this" poll-the-readers is chatfilter. If there is a problem to be solved, please contact us to edit the post. -- taz


A new way of dealing with IBS/GI Problems?

Post 245347 by Jack V deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter. -- jessamyn

Favorite Music Recommendation Communities/Blogs

Post 245280 by Kombucha3452 deleted for the following reason: Hi, sorry about this but "what's your favorite" questions without a specific motivation for asking are seldom a good fit for Ask Metafilter. More info in the relevant FAQ entry. Please contact us if you want to talk about a possible rewrite! We'd be happy to help compose a question that works. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

What was the bike book?

Post 245277 by sorrel deleted for the following reason: Hi, not a big deal but if your question concerns Metafilter itself it should be posted to MetaTalk, sorry. Also, maybe Sheldon Brown? The Bridgestone Catalogue? -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Grace of God

Post 245217 by anon81 deleted for the following reason: This is not a good question for Ask Metafilter. Contact us if you have any questions. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Dean Graziosi Video Interview

Post 245135 by deangraziosi deleted for the following reason: Yeah no. -- restless_nomad


What is the future of radio

Post 244868 by kaizen deleted for the following reason: Heya, no biggie but this reads a little more like poll-the-audience market research than a concrete "help me solve my problem" Ask Metafilter sort of thing. -- cortex


What does this texts means?

Post 244824 by Jasna88 deleted for the following reason: Heya, there's really not a clear answerable question here, and you can't just keep using Ask Metafilter to keep asking for folks to chat about what this specific guy might mean by the things he says to you or recapping your texted conversations. -- cortex


To be or not to be? (The feral cat and human edition)

Post 244756 by R2WeTwo deleted for the following reason: Heya, if you're not really asking for guidance on this but mostly just trying to start a discussion, this isn't really right for Ask Metafilter. -- cortex


Best way to generate CO

Post 244652 by MattMangels deleted for the following reason: Poster's request. -- restless_nomad


Please share with me your experiences with Adderall XR for ADD!

Post 244440 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: Accidental double. -- cortex


Lost Everything

Post 244384 by nidora deleted for the following reason: Hey, you need to ask this in a much shorter and direct way, there's no real question here that people can help with. Also, you've posted a handful of similar previous questions like this, so be clear in future questions what new problem you are needing help solving. -- mathowie


What would happen if Chinese workers went on strike en masse?

Post 244341 by raphael19 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, AskMefi is not for speculative debates -- as posed, this is pretty much chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten

How many people could realistically survive a planet-wise apocalypse?

Post 244317 by JoannaC deleted for the following reason: This needs to be at least a lot more pinned down and specific to start to be workable and not chatfilter. -- cortex


Feminism = evil?

Post 244236 by I have no idea deleted for the following reason: The way this question is set up, you're not going to get the kind of responses you're looking for. Please contact us to talk about a rewrite. -- restless_nomad


Lest they become traitors

Post 244013 by Dansaman deleted for the following reason: As presented this is a little more of a personal blog post or a rant than an answerable Ask Metafilter question. -- cortex


Looking for Info on Various Types of Apartment Scams

Post 243903 by rockinitoldskool deleted for the following reason: We have already banned you multiple times for trying to use Metafilter to leverage your obsession with this guy. We cannot be any more clearer: you cannot use Metafilter for this. You are banned, again. Do not continue to sign up. -- cortex