
Cocktail party - manners language

Post 249400 by wandering_not_lost deleted for the following reason: Needs to be more concrete and specific, not just "here's a thing that happened". -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Forgotten quotation about marriage, in a comment on the Green - quotations vague

Post 249155 by Knicke deleted for the following reason: Heya, questions about the site itself (including "where was this thing I remember?") need to go on Metatalk, not here in Ask Metafilter. Feel free to repost over there. -- cortex

Trapped - Big mistake Eternity

Post 249140 by nidora deleted for the following reason: I'm really sorry you're dealing with such a hard time, but we really can't have you just keep asking substantially the same question again and again on the site and declining to give any details about it doesn't change that any. You have gotten a bunch of answers about this previously. -- cortex


How to get Emory to Rescind Award to Anti-gay Activist? - university candler methodist

Post 248941 by andoatnp deleted for the following reason: This isn't a format that works on the green, sorry. Drop us a line if you want to rework it. -- restless_nomad


Painters of Nymphets Like Balthus? - artists MET nubile

Post 248909 by lrnarabic deleted for the following reason: We've talked about this; this is not an acceptable pattern of questions. -- restless_nomad

How cute am I, on a scale of 1-10? Please rate my looks - rating handsome picture

Post 248893 by Willpower deleted for the following reason: This is not a suitable post for AskMetafilter. We do not do "hot or not" here. -- LobsterMitten

What happens to phrases that were, till now, known only heterosexually? - lgbt homosexuality marriage

Post 248876 by amar deleted for the following reason: As presented, this is chatfilter. Contact us if you need help. -- taz


I will graduate from college with a 2.5 GPA. - suicide education employment

Post 248818 by annanyc deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry you're in a rough place, but suicide questions aren't something we can handle. Please check out this list of resources and take care of yourself. -- restless_nomad

Any Morton Feldman experts in the house? - mortonfeldman music classicalmusic

Post 248813 by mermaidcafe deleted for the following reason: This is beyond the scope of AskMe. Contact us if you want to try to narrow it down. -- restless_nomad

Why do lazy people exist? - evolution lazypeople

Post 248790 by pandabearjohnson deleted for the following reason: This is pretty chatfilterish as posed; if you're serious, might tighten up your definitions and try again? -- LobsterMitten

Tell me about friendship and betrayal

Post 248757 by avoision deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry but drumming up participants/collecting experiences as raw material for a project isn't an okay use of Ask Metafilter. -- taz


Too fond of the blue (and green)

Post 248708 by kythuen deleted for the following reason: Heya, glad this got you your answer and no big deal or anything, but for future reference questions about how the site work really are more appropriate for Metatalk rather than Ask Metafilter. -- cortex


Would anyone like to practice language with me?

Post 248657 by kbennett289 deleted for the following reason: Hi -- you can't ask for one-on-one help here. You might want to post this to jobs. -- jessamyn


Should I take this personal computing/art project to the next level?

Post 248516 by serif deleted for the following reason: Sorry, in the current version, this reads more like a way to promote your site than a genuine question - contact us using the contact form if you can rephrase in a non-promotional way. -- LobsterMitten


Latest News.

Post 248248 by Kilovolt deleted for the following reason: This is not a suitable AskMetafilter post. -- LobsterMitten

How would you win Richard Bachman's "The Long Walk"?

Post 248162 by Mo' Money Moe Bandy deleted for the following reason: This is pretty much classic chatfilter. -- cortex

Academic librarian worries: will this new job be too stressful?

Post 248068 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad


Rise of the Middle Class and Nullification of Corporatism

Post 247841 by raphael19 deleted for the following reason: It's unclear what you're asking, but AskMetafilter is not for discussing speculative predictions. -- LobsterMitten


Why is this considered so beautiful and precious?

Post 247753 by babybowrain deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is kind of chatfilter and kind of a processing exercise, thus not really a suitable question for AskMetafilter. -- LobsterMitten

Some questions about joining the U.S. Army...

Post 247748 by sawyerrrr deleted for the following reason: This needs to be more focused and have a clear question above the fold in order to work for Ask Metafilter. Please contact us if you have questions. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

a free web service I've come to rely on shuts down, part 47

Post 247734 by intermod deleted for the following reason: The whole "and also here's a rant" thing is basically dooming this question. If you want to reach us at the contact form to talk about excising that and bringing just the question part back up, that'd be doable. -- cortex


Opinion, Reputation, Integrity

Post 247690 by nidora deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is fundamentally the same question you've asked several times before. Please check back with those earlier threads and consider the advice there. -- taz