
Don't Buy Meat From Walmart, Please! Animals Can Feel Pain. - mercyforanimals pigs animalcruelty

Post 251173 by rhythm_queen deleted for the following reason: If you want to ask this without the video and the drama, it could maybe be reposted, but as-is isn't a good fit for Ask MeFi. -- mathowie


When can babies or children be taught bad eating habits? - food

Post 251119 by juliagulia deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter - what is the problem you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn


Special Education high school - depression behavior emotional

Post 251046 by 3dd deleted for the following reason: Hey - this question is overly broad and it's unclear why you are asking. If you can hit us up on the contact form and we can help you make it into more of an answerable question please do. -- jessamyn

How do you change iTunes account name?

Post 251044 by trandolph deleted for the following reason: Please contact us about the AskMe seven day limit. -- jessamyn

Basic human assumptions?

Post 251029 by curuinor deleted for the following reason: I'm not sure the answer you're looking for exists: who's doing the assuming, etc.? As it stands this veers toward chatfilter, contact us if you want to talk about how to rework this question. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Ghosts...... The neverending debate

Post 250982 by JenThePro deleted for the following reason: Heya, this seems awfully chatty. -- cortex


Gandalf is coming to town! - fun hangouts hanging

Post 250934 by dinosaurprincess deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- restless_nomad


How is memory like a filing cabinet? - psychology education

Post 250866 by Musashi Daryl deleted for the following reason: This isn't really an answerable question. -- restless_nomad


How did you know they were The One? - love relationships dating

Post 250792 by thank you silence deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter. Can you get back to us with some "why you're asking" part to it, otherwise this is just a poll the audience thread. -- jessamyn

How would you promote a new Kindle book for JavaScript beginners? - learning publishing promotion

Post 250774 by markcmyers deleted for the following reason: Sorry this is way too much like promoting your book. -- taz


College professor... doesn't know our test answers? What to do? - class

Post 250668 by kettleoffish deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- LobsterMitten



What "community standards" does Facebook really have?

Post 250561 by orange swan deleted for the following reason: Hey, drop us a line if you want to make this workable. Thanks. -- restless_nomad


Sex Info Books and probably therapist needed. - virgin

Post 250342 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: Sorry, OP, but on review it seems that there may be privacy issues here. Please contact us to work out a solution. -- taz


Lymphocele on penis - urology dermatology pain

Post 250311 by john123357 deleted for the following reason: Ask Metafilter is not qualified to answer your medical questions. I suggest you ask a doctor. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

Dart, map and a blindfold - add travel restlessness

Post 250305 by molloy deleted for the following reason: This is too broadly worded to work for Ask Metafilter. Being more specific will probably help you get better answers. Contact us if you can get a rewrite done within the hour or so and we'll swap the text. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Uncomfortable (or not?) "situation" #... I don't even know.. - etiquette friends relationships

Post 250135 by MiuMiu deleted for the following reason: There's no real question to answer here. Hit the contact form if you'd like to edit this to something more concrete that you're seeking advice on. -- mathowie


Advice, Change, Decisions - Life

Post 250087 by nidora deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is chatfilter; AskMetafilter questions need to pose a concrete problem to be solved. -- LobsterMitten


A Horrible Proposal - cannibalism math

Post 249997 by tehloki deleted for the following reason: Nope. -- jessamyn

what happened to my post? - football posting

Post 249978 by eggtooth deleted for the following reason: AskMe is not where you ask these questions, Go to metatalk.metafilter.com for that. -- jessamyn

How do I get out of this rut and get back to succeeding at life? - depression anxiety career

Post 249971 by Driven deleted for the following reason: Heya, I feel you on the need to vent/purge but that's not really something Ask Metafilter's meant for. If you want to talk about possibly reworking this as more of a concrete question, please reach us at the contact form. -- cortex

This One. This is the one you're looking for. - definitive version guide

Post 249920 by brappi deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is pretty much chatfilter. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Stanley Kubrick: EYES WIDE - WTF?? - EyesWideShut

Post 249845 by jbenben deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry but "convince me of the value of this work" isn't a practical enough question for Ask Metafilter. Feel free to repost next week asking specifically for online discussions and not for people's opinions. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Help me sell Joseph Conrad's "Victory" to my book club. - books didion bookclub

Post 249843 by kensington314 deleted for the following reason: This is too subjective for Ask Metafilter, sorry. -- goodnewsfortheinsane

Play pretend historian - modernhistory 2013 trends

Post 249840 by treehorn+bunny deleted for the following reason: Without any constraints this is fairly chatty - is there any info about your book/project that would help people focus their answers? Drop me a note at the contact form in the next hour or so if you want to talk about rephrasing. -- LobsterMitten


A quick thanks ... - genealogy family tree

Post 249570 by pandini deleted for the following reason: Hey there -- this needs to go in MetaTalk and not in this part of the site. -- jessamyn


I-I-I love you... At least I think I do - heartbreaking heartbreaker attractive

Post 249517 by dinosaurprincess deleted for the following reason: Heya, as presented this is pretty darned chatty. -- cortex


Please describe to me your all-time-favorite vacation! - best travel

Post 249478 by BuddyBoo deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is way too broad and poll-the-audience to work, it's pretty straightforward chatfilter. -- cortex

Wee want to know. - boxershorts

Post 249451 by superfish deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is chatfilter; if you have an actual problem to be solved, please contact us soonish to discuss. -- taz