
What would you say is the culture of AskMefi? - community

Post 254443 by lacedcoffee deleted for the following reason: Sorry, questions about AskMe don't go here, they go in MetaTalk. -- LobsterMitten


team contribution question - lazy worker resolved

Post 254417 by ribboncake deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad


Help me get started on planning my trip to Machu Picchu - travel peru

Post 254280 by MeaninglessMisfortune deleted for the following reason: please see us about the seven day limit on AskMe questions -- jessamyn

Tell me funny "magic word" variations of "please" when you were a kid - magicword childhood regionallanguage

Post 254264 by shortyJBot deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry but this just seems like chat fodder.if you have a problem you need help with, let us know via the contact form in the next hour or so, and we can rephrase this to reflect that, -- taz


Meta-Ask Metafilter - AskMe

Post 254234 by kaseijin deleted for the following reason: Heya, "where was this thing on Metafilter" is really a Metatalk question, feel free to repost this over there instead. -- cortex


Little Printer and you - littleprinter berg

Post 254167 by jgwong deleted for the following reason: We need a bit more "why you're asking" in this question otherwise it's just a survey which is not what AskMe is for. Hit us up on the contact form to correct? -- jessamyn


Help ! My little fundraising is going too well ! - charity refugee brussels

Post 254126 by Baud deleted for the following reason: As is stands, this looks a little too much like publicizing your fundraiser. Please contact us at the contact form for a quick rewrite. -- LobsterMitten


Is gluten-free the way to be? - glutenfree food health

Post 254087 by horizonseeker deleted for the following reason: Hey, as it's phrased this is sort of chatfilter; hit me up at the contact form in the next little while if you'd like to lightly edit to include what problem you're trying to solve. -- LobsterMitten


Paying "discrepancy" to the seller of our house - help! - realestate

Post 253918 by slyboots421 deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Boyfriend took something from me, then returned it where I would find it - didn't tell

Post 253900 by elizanh deleted for the following reason: I feel bad deleting this but I'm not sure there's really a question here we can help with until you talk to him about this? I don't think we can really tell what went down from your description either, sorry. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Medical billers and coders- am I making the right decision? - psychology bachelors billingandcoding

Post 253819 by marsbar77 deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry you don't feel you got enough answers the first time, but it's not really ok to ask the same question over again. -- LobsterMitten


What were your favorite albums of 2013? - Music

Post 253711 by rahulrg deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter. -- taz


Metafilter Youtube Rolling Playlist

Post 253658 by joecacti deleted for the following reason: Go ahead and post this in MetaTalk instead. Thanks. -- restless_nomad


Zombie vs. Ninja: Sleep Edition - alertness wakingup heavysleeper

Post 253470 by catatethebird deleted for the following reason: Heya, there's not any clear problem to be solved here and this seems like it's pretty aggressively just "let's chat about sleep". -- cortex


How do I find an out-of-print print or assuage hurt feelings? - wedding presents artist

Post 253403 by melisande deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Can/Should I rebuild trust in an LDR? How difficult might that be? - long distance relationship

Post 253398 by sciolisticfelix deleted for the following reason: This is way too much to address in a single question; contact us within the next hour or so if you'd like to try to rewrite. -- LobsterMitten


Cost of a New York City misdemeanor prosecution? - nyc newyork money

Post 253357 by Haere deleted for the following reason: This needs to be framed more as a question and less as a thesis. Hit us up at the contact form in the near future if you want to reframe it. -- restless_nomad


Spirituality, Mental Illness, Medications - Health

Post 253319 by nidora deleted for the following reason: This is chat filter, sorry. -- restless_nomad

What forums to ask my "What camera with video to buy" question? BLIZZARD - videocamera

Post 253300 by Fuzzy Dog deleted for the following reason: Hey, this really isn't the way this works. If you want to ask the question here, just ask it, don't point people offsite to the text. Use the contact form if you want to restructure. -- restless_nomad


Single Parent Dating Dynamics

Post 253277 by OneHermit deleted for the following reason: Hey, as presented this is sort of a poll-the-audience chatfilter conversation starter. If you have a specific problem you'd like advice about, please contact us soonish and we can edit the question to reflect that. Thanks. -- taz


Test Question

Post 253203 by pb deleted for the following reason: test complete -- pb

Russian Cursive - cyrillic cyrillic

Post 253197 by slowlikemolasses deleted for the following reason: whoops, looks like this got duplicated somehow -- cortex


One Music Library to Rule Them All - mp3 itunes itunes

Post 253021 by aarondesk deleted for the following reason: Question was published twice somehow; let's keep the first one. I'll spare you the "sync finished - duplicates found" joke. -- goodnewsfortheinsane