
Do you live in CT? If so, can you help Amanda reunite with her dogs? - lostdog connecticut

Post 257934 by RUPure deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry to here this but there is no place on Metafilter where this is an appropriate thing to post. -- cortex

Help me deal with my narcissistic ex - divorce selfish custody

Post 257901 by Spice_and_Ice deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


My girlfriend used to be a prostitute - relationship stripper

Post 257830 by anawesomeguy deleted for the following reason: Sorry for the delay in closing, but this is sort of a big mess, and the aspects you say you want help with -- determining which things the GF is lying about -- cannot be determined by Ask Me readers. If you'd like to rework this into a question the site might be able to offer useful, more practical help with, please contact us, and we can assist. -- taz

Reduced to oatmeal and bare steamed veg - food allergy grief

Post 257815 by parmanparman deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Books before I'm 30 - bestbooks thingstodobeforeturning30

Post 257779 by Cannon Fodder deleted for the following reason: Sorry to be a spoilsport, but this is so broad it skirts the line of chatfilter. Can we make it slightly more specific? Please check your MeMail, thanks. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Does height matter a lot to some guys? - confidence

Post 257769 by 1270AEH deleted for the following reason: Heya, it looks like you're using multiple accounts to get around the week wait between questions. Please check your email. -- cortex

Do open relationships work?

Post 257743 by pando11 deleted for the following reason: This is a really touchy topic and a sort of chatfilter "let's talk about this" way to phrase an unanswerable question. Maybe rephrase and try again.... -- jessamyn

The Tech Industry’s Darkest Secret? - programming jobs age

Post 257740 by toastchee deleted for the following reason: This needs to be different. Either a post for MeFi with less editorializing, or an AskMe question that does not look like a MeFi post and has more of a question attached to it. -- jessamyn


Cyber sex and teenagers -- what are the effects?

Post 257713 by Tulip deleted for the following reason: without more concrete "why are you asking" this is chatfilter. Hit us up via the contact form if you want to try to rephrase. -- jessamyn

How to rip Blu-ray 3D disc to SBS 3D video with DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper? - 9Blu-ray RipperBlu-ray

Post 257709 by dvdfabbookmark deleted for the following reason: It looks like this is your own company; it is against site rules to use the site for self-promotion. -- LobsterMitten

I've Gotta Tell You What I'm Feeling Inside - connection expression personalconnection

Post 257656 by little_dog_laughing deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is way more like "I'd like to have a discussion about this topic" than "here is my problem I need help solving," and "I'd just love to hear other people's thoughts on the matter" is pretty much the definition of chatfilter. -- taz


Living with estrangement.

Post 257632 by squirtle deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry that you are going through some rough stuff. This needs to me more of a question to work here, though - contact us soon if you want to try to rework it. -- restless_nomad

Somebody working at Durham University? - We can't always

Post 257617 by yoyo_nyc deleted for the following reason: Sorry, one-off favors like this are not something you can use AskMetafilter for. -- LobsterMitten

Friction be gone

Post 257606 by devnull deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is hypothetical chatfilter -- taz

Am I A Facebook Whiner? - misogyny

Post 257604 by alltomorrowsparties deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but since people can only respond with their own opinions regarding humor vs. offensiveness here, there's no way for this to be anything other than chatfilter. -- taz


Dating the 'Divorced Dad' - resolved

Post 257563 by OneHermit deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- taz


what can be done against the rise of populisms in Europe ? - fascism grassroot movement

Post 257469 by Baud deleted for the following reason: This reads too much like a personal blog post than asking for help for a problem that can be solved or made clearer. -- mathowie

Put the world to rights in five words - protest creativewriting collaborativeart

Post 257447 by the latin mouse deleted for the following reason: hey, sorry, but this is sort of an art project, poll-the-readers, chatfilter hybrid, and not the sort of thing that Ask Metafilter is for. -- taz


Dealing with a rapist, 20 years later - socialanxiety rape dealingwithrape

Post 257330 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Wish upon a car - cars

Post 257296 by Dansaman deleted for the following reason: Heya, as framed this sort of seems more like a general brainstorming poll-the-audience thing than a specific problem you have that needs to be solved. -- cortex

Rejected For A Year, Now She's Attracted To Me? - friends dating rejection

Post 257258 by christiehawk deleted for the following reason: Hey, there doesn't seem to actually be a question here. Please contact us (soonish, in the next hour or so), if you'd like to edit to make clear what sort of help you are looking for. -- taz


How can I help my friend with depression? - suicide suicidal

Post 257244 by switcheroo deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry you're in this rough situation, but questions about suicide aren't ones AskMe is equipped to handle. Check out this list of resources the community has put together. -- restless_nomad

"The Gernsbruck Continuum", or How Do We Get Competitive Gurning... - silly TV modern

Post 257222 by Musashi Daryl deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter. -- taz


What are some phrases to eliminate from your vocabulary? - conversation words

Post 256940 by casebash deleted for the following reason: Sorry about the late delete, but upon reflection this really does need to be more concrete/specific to work here. Contact us if you have any questions. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Need a copy of Mac OS 9 in the SF Bay Area - apple macintosh powerbook

Post 256909 by EatenByAGrue deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is more of a local craigslist thing than something that you can use Ask Metafilter for. -- cortex


Supergirlfriend - wife boyfriend husband

Post 256848 by dinosaurprincess deleted for the following reason: This is pure chatfilter. -- restless_nomad

Reporting Equinox for deceptive practices - gym

Post 256831 by User7 deleted for the following reason: Hey there, as phrased, this looks like an effort to publicize their bad behavior, and only secondarily a question, which is not ok for AskMe. Reach us at the contact form if you'd like to rephrase and repost in the next hour or so. -- LobsterMitten


Need help solving some puzzles for geocaching. - Fairy Tales Math

Post 256755 by lobsters9494 deleted for the following reason: This is kind of an uninterpretable mess; reach us at the contact form if you want to re-edit quickly. -- LobsterMitten


How much self-introspection was done before cutting people out of life? - estrangement family emotional

Post 256572 by speedoavenger deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this reads as more of a discussion-starter/survey, aka chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten


Does your partner read your blog? - blogs relationships attachment

Post 256500 by macinchik deleted for the following reason: To keep this from just being a survey question can you explain what the problem is you are trying to solve? -- jessamyn

Box spring vs. bed frame

Post 256490 by caek deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Questionable, yet LEGAL ways to rid myself of student loans? - studentloans debt

Post 256414 by NYC-BB deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is running close enough to "help me do something unethical/fraudulent" that it's not going to work well on AskMe. -- LobsterMitten


Long-term side effects from a single course of antibiotics? - health medicine

Post 256397 by shrimpsmalls deleted for the following reason: This needs to have an actual question, sorry. -- restless_nomad

US Civil War Historian? - history

Post 256370 by DickStock deleted for the following reason: Hey there - it's unclear exactly what you're asking, please reach us at the contact form if you'd like to clarify. -- LobsterMitten