Post 269264 by TRUELOTUS deleted for the following reason: Asking exactly the same question twice isn't likely to be productive, nor is it really ok. -- restless_nomad
Adderall + sugar = ? - ADHD sucrose dextrose
Post 269191 by rbw deleted for the following reason: This needs not not be presented as a "participate in my experiment!" situation to work here. Hit us up at the contact form if you have questions. -- restless_nomad
6:57 PM
need help with summation and multiplication loops in python - programming question math
Post 269182 by Rickjames59 deleted for the following reason: This is a classic "do my homework" question and as such not appropriate for here. -- restless_nomad
3:12 PM
Passionate men and attractiveness - confidence hobby interest
Post 269064 by speedoavenger deleted for the following reason: This needs to be significantly more concrete and narrowly worded to work here. Right now it's too much of a survey or "chatfilter", sorry. Here's the FAQ on what things can help make an AskMe question go well. -- goodnewsfortheinsane
4:47 AM
Dealing with PTSD in the wake of Robin Williams' Death - suicide suicidalideations suicidalthoughts
Post 268835 by Forensic_taco deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry you're dealing with these suicidal thoughts, the There Is Help page should offer more resources than what we can do here. -- mathowie
6:05 PM
What is your favorite Wuthering Heights movie? - film DVD TV
Post 268716 by lynnie-the-pooh deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry, but this is pretty much textbook chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten
8:43 AM
The Psychology of Homelessness - Psychological/Spiritual Factors - origins
Post 268708 by watercarrier deleted for the following reason: This might not be the best way to frame this question if you want to get useful answers. Contact us if you have any questions about this. -- goodnewsfortheinsane
3:42 AM
Is it too late to claim PPI? - misoldppi
Post 268655 by pkogn77 deleted for the following reason: Your attempts at Astroturfing will not work here. You are not welcome back. -- goodnewsfortheinsane
3:54 AM
Career change in mid-30's - Follow your heart or your head? - Careerchange parachute ageism
Post 268449 by emma33UK deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is framed in a way that's too long and little too much "here's my thoughts about some stuff" vs. just a concrete question to really work for Ask. Redrafting it more focused and asking again would be fine; feel free to check with us at the contact form if you want more info. -- cortex
9:50 AM
There's a first time for everything, what was yours? - FirstTime FirstTimeForEverything
Post 268442 by Nanukthedog deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is chatfilter; if you have a specific problem to solve, please contact us soonish, so we can edit the question to reflect that. -- taz
6:20 AM
Why do cats knock over glasses? - catbehavior catpsychology
Post 268222 by Captain Cardanthian! deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this isn't really answerable as formulated, and is just going to get a lot of cats-are-weird or chatfilter whimsical answers (cute but not what the site is for). Please contact us soonish if you'd like to edit to make this workable. Thanks. -- taz
11:29 PM
Why is asking for money ; not gifts at weddings considered faux pax ? - cash weddinggifts
Post 268124 by harisund deleted for the following reason: AskMe isn't intended as the starting point for debates, sorry. -- restless_nomad
8:39 AM
How do I avoid paying taxes on an international purchase?
Post 268084 by AngryTypingGuy deleted for the following reason: This doesn't really feel like a good idea for Ask. -- cortex
1:22 PM
Which is more reliable - gut reaction or reflection? - intutition
Post 267988 by WinterSolstice deleted for the following reason: Sorry this is so vague to be fairly unanswerable. -- mathowie
7:30 PM
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