
Everyone thinks they can write a book, is this excerpt good enough? - writing

Post 270855 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: accidental approval -- cortex

Love being a decision

Post 270821 by Asian_Hunnie deleted for the following reason: This isn't really an answerable question, or specific enough to get good answers. -- mathowie


How do I better cope with being ignored? - Friends socialrelations

Post 270802 by thoughtful_analyst deleted for the following reason: Hey, thoughtful_analyst, there's way too much stuff in here for one question and maybe an account issue here as well; please check your email. -- cortex

What can I do with the rest of my life? - advice academics arts

Post 270789 by PHINC deleted for the following reason: Hey, there way too much "here's links to my stuff" in this; if you want to reframe this as a question without all the outbound links, that's fine, but as written this isn't gonna work. -- cortex


the fragile surface tension of heterosexual groups? - gender sexuality gay

Post 270755 by neil pierce deleted for the following reason: This isn't really a question and doesn't make too much sense, maybe rewrite/try again next week? -- mathowie


It's not Metafilter, it's me. - HTML pagelayout theinternetisaconfusingplace

Post 270366 by Time To Sharpen Our Knives deleted for the following reason: Questions about the site itself need to go to Metatalk; you can go ahead and post this there if you'd like. -- taz


Can men really love women in a way that doesn't involve lying to them? - honesty trust respect

Post 270195 by Chrysalis deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this isn't the sort of thing Ask Metafilter is for. -- taz


Feeling like I have no love left to give - marriage depression suicidal

Post 270181 by The Biggest Dreamer deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry you're having a rough time, but questions relating to suicide aren't ones AskMe is equipped to handle. Please do contact us if you want to tweak this. Thanks. -- restless_nomad


What was that thread: Story about obscure deceased Mexican folk artist - mexico death posthumous

Post 270150 by 2N2222 deleted for the following reason: Post this in MetaTalk please! -- mathowie

Clip from old (1940s?) kid's TV show? - kids creepy

Post 270123 by malphigian deleted for the following reason: Hey, considering this is Metafilter-related, please post it to MetaTalk, thanks! -- goodnewsfortheinsane


I don't have to pee on a stick - Pregnancy coping notpregnant

Post 270101 by Suffocating Kitty deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


So, I've got this Modernist & Postmodernist Art and Theory class...

Post 270058 by ourt deleted for the following reason: We can't really help you with your homework, doubly so when it is based on class lectures no one here saw. -- mathowie


Who can help me to choose a coffee substitute brand name? - beverage fava beans

Post 270006 by Paul4455 deleted for the following reason: This is not what Ask MetaFilter is for at all. -- mathowie


Can you just recommend me a book? Oh God! - bookdecisions booksforthelazy

Post 269937 by turbid dahlia deleted for the following reason: Sorry, without a little more constraint than Literally Any Book this is too chatty to make sense here. -- cortex


I just finished a screenplay and I need help to actualize it - writing movie moviemaking

Post 269860 by sunslice deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but "Any general advice would be welcome but a me-mail with some real contact information is what I'm really after" is basically immediate disqualification for this as a good use of Ask Metafilter. -- cortex

Can bald, (slightly) overweight men ever be considered attractive? - self image fat

Post 269858 by cyrusw8 deleted for the following reason: This is kind of loosely goosed and chatty for Ask Mefi. -- cortex


What is your favorite science fiction novel and why? - books recommendations sciencefiction

Post 269646 by Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is a bit too much of chatfilter -- mathowie


Looking to dig up an old question about relationship experiences... - relationships

Post 269595 by incolorinred deleted for the following reason: Heya, questions about the site itself go in Metatalk, not here; feel free to repost this over there. -- cortex


1st redesign of my blog's logo in 7 years! What do you think? - logos blogs

Post 269498 by jshare deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but Ask Mefi isn't for voting / surveys, etc. -- taz


Do house-cats get high? - and Weed

Post 269408 by Kilovolt deleted for the following reason: This is kind of loosy-goosy as presented; if you've got a specific question about what's know about different species' reaction to marijuana, you need to rewrite accordingly, but if you're just asking about anecdotal weed+cats opinions that's pretty much chatfilter and not gonna work. -- cortex


What helped you improve socially?

Post 269381 by markbao deleted for the following reason: This is chat filter, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Who knows Ruby or Ruby on Rails and wants a job? - computerprogamming softwaredeveloping rubyonrails

Post 269378 by nerdia12 deleted for the following reason: This needs to either be a general question or go directly in Jobs. Hit us up at the contact form to sort it out. -- restless_nomad