
Does SFG southpaw Madison Bumgarner ever mouth off at Caucasian players? - baseball sanfranciscogiants madisonbumgarner

Post 283740 by Joseph Gurl deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is really sort of more a twitter-like discussion prompt or complaint/rant, esp with the "hatethatguy..." tag, and doesn't really work here -- taz


Letter from ex shrink - transference countertransference therapy

Post 283614 by Jaspersen145 deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but there's a problem with sharing the private correspondence of other people on the site, and this is probably something better to review with new, trusted therapist. -- taz

Remember place on web page after reload/restart? - firefox

Post 283612 by at home in my head deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry questions about the site go on Metatalk! -- taz


How do you keep doing something you know is going to end poorly? - low vision

Post 283594 by Aranquis deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad

How does this dating thing work? - romance waiting

Post 283591 by bearette deleted for the following reason: Posters request. -- restless_nomad


Will My On-Screen Keyboard Work in Windows 10?

Post 283527 by wintermute2_0 deleted for the following reason: Heya, this isn't really something you can use Ask for, sorry. You might check in on Chat? -- cortex

How do you date someone awesome without feeling unworthy? - dating relationships

Post 283521 by queenofthenight deleted for the following reason: queenofthenight, there's an issue here with multiple Metafilter accounts; please contact us. -- cortex


How often do you visit with your parents?

Post 283463 by bimbam deleted for the following reason: Hey sorry, but as presented, this is more "just curious"/"polling the readers" chatfilter than a concrete question. If you are actually looking for specific advice, contact us within the next hour or so to rework the question. -- taz


Am I right to feel angry at being judged a flake here?

Post 283426 by six sided sock deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is basically a "vote-on-who's-right" in this situation rather than a specific concrete problem Ask Me can help with. -- taz


Free swim

Post 283375 by nologo deleted for the following reason: This does not seem like a good use of Ask Metafilter. -- cortex


Seriously? How is Donald Trump leading in the polls?

Post 283308 by harrietthespy deleted for the following reason: While I completely understand the impulse, this is not going to work here as framed, sorry. -- restless_nomad


I'm ok w/marriages, but uncomfortable w/ wedding ceremonies. Who else?

Post 283154 by jacobnayar deleted for the following reason: Heya, this has a lot of personal thoughts on the subject and not much in the way of a clear, answerable question of the sort that would really work for Ask Metafilter. -- cortex

How private are you online and why?

Post 283145 by stellathon deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is too sort of broad and just-curious to really work as framed; if there's a more specific concrete concern that would make this directly answerable rather than sort of chatfilter, that'd be okay. -- cortex


How do I respond constructively to my partner's anger, and to my own?

Post 283013 by lesemajesty deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- taz


How is relationship formed?

Post 282853 by topoisomerase deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is way too vague to be anything other than Chatfilter. If you want to revisit this with more detail about what you are specifically dealing with and why you're asking, that'd be fine. -- cortex

Is this paragraph a good description?

Post 282842 by joer deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but text proofing or editing (beyond maybe a short phrase or individual word usage) isn't a good use of Ask Metafilter -- taz

Is this how a relationship should end?

Post 282840 by blokefromipanema deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is basically a repeat of earlier questions. -- taz


Should I live my life as if I am entitled to privacy?

Post 282744 by gt2 deleted for the following reason: Heya, I'm sorry you're dealing with this, but as framed here this isn't really something that's going to work as a "just give me advice about lifestyle" sort of query. If you want to drop us a line at the contact form and talk about potentially reworking it in away that will be more useful, that's fine. -- cortex


When Both People are Emotionally Unavailable

Post 282631 by minoraltercation deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Negative co-worker causing stress.

Post 282505 by MeaninglessMisfortune deleted for the following reason: Please check your email about the rules regarding sockpuppet accounts and the 7-day limit between questions. -- LobsterMitten


Conflict in Law firm office

Post 282448 by falsedmitri deleted for the following reason: Sorry, I know you're writing a story here, but this is unavoidably chatfilter. -- restless_nomad


Who Needs a Face When You Have a Username!

Post 282439 by fritillary deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry but this is chatfilter -- taz