
Giving feedback to defensive boss - career

Post 292717 by Tamien deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- LobsterMitten

Foolish decision led me to a world of pain - flatmates friendship

Post 292696 by sockiety deleted for the following reason: This is a problematic use of a spare account based on previous conversations we've had with you about such stuff. -- cortex


Does the National Security Agency (NSA) really care about me, really? - NSAspying computersecurity personalphonerecords

Post 292632 by BostonTerrier deleted for the following reason: This isn't really a clearly answerable question as framed. -- cortex


I need a little help with a school assignment on Twitter (short survey)

Post 292588 by Bridymurphy deleted for the following reason: Heya, directly soliciting survey responses isn't what Ask Metafilter is for. -- cortex


An apple a day something something - apples teeth health

Post 292533 by notned deleted for the following reason: Not clear what you're actually asking here - get in touch in the next hour and I can edit. -- LobsterMitten


What Is Love - unexplainable

Post 292421 by jennyage deleted for the following reason: sorry, this is chatfilter -- LobsterMitten


At what age is a man too old to have never been kissed or have had sex? - sexualinexperience

Post 292247 by Dynamo05 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, you've asked basically this same question before. -- LobsterMitten


What private transportation do you use? - services shuttles taxis

Post 292224 by ErickClifford deleted for the following reason: This is blatant spam, you are banned. -- restless_nomad


True Love? - unexplainable

Post 292123 by jennyage deleted for the following reason: Hey sorry, but this is chatfilter (and a bit of do-my-homework, also against guidelines) -- taz


BetterParentFilter - parents parenting relationship

Post 291999 by barrakuda deleted for the following reason: This is pretty chatty to begin with, but it looks like there's an additional rule-bending thing going on here that isn't okay. -- cortex


I'm not sorry, but thank you? - apologies gratitude resolved

Post 291949 by Toddles deleted for the following reason: This is borderline chatfilter - if you want to email us in the next hour or so with a rewrite that gives it a clear question to answer, please do. -- restless_nomad


I want to know if this is reliable - medical supplies help

Post 291861 by brontaylor614 deleted for the following reason: This is spam and you are banned. -- LobsterMitten
