
Moving in together: Sword of Damacles style

Post 293977 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- LobsterMitten


Portland photographers: Any knowledge of PICR or Vitaliy Rizhkov? - PDX photography middleman

Post 293870 by Strudel deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is waaaaay too much like "I want to have a discussion about this" rather than "here's my concrete problem I need help with." If you have questions, please contact us -- taz


How fast would the boat need to go? - Weirdpossiblytotallyirrelevantquestionaboutaboat

Post 293821 by persona au gratin deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this falls into the category of hypothetical "what if" chatfilter questions we ask folks to avoid -- taz




Measuring heights of people - human measure inch

Post 293685 by Otto Franz Joseph Leopold von Soxen-Puppetten deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is like chatfilter and a half... -- LobsterMitten

Can you help me translate a paragraph into languages other than English? - translation medicalbooklet

Post 293698 by city_park deleted for the following reason: Hey, it looks like what you really want to do is post this in Jobs (which is fine even if you need a volunteer) - AskMe isn't the spot for translation requests of this scope. -- restless_nomad



Hiring Help to Script HTML -> DOCX -> InDesign - layout import

Post 293607 by Quisp Lover deleted for the following reason: Please check your Mefimail about a minor edit within the next hour -- LobsterMitten


Mea culpa? - argument blame relationships

Post 293431 by LoonyLovegood deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten


Penny-wise, pound-foolish actions by businesses? - marketing

Post 293338 by jbickers deleted for the following reason: Without a reason or context for it, this is chatfilter, sorry. -- restless_nomad


Girl Fight - friends friendship stress

Post 293269 by rhythm_queen deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Can You Answer a Few Questions About Your Dog? - personality survey

Post 293208 by mulcahy deleted for the following reason: This is not what AskMe is for. -- Eyebrows McGee


Do I need a lawyer, and how do I get one? - BritishColumbia BC Help

Post 293094 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


I have only so much sisterly love to give. - selfcare emotionalabuse siblings

Post 293035 by Kitteh deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- LobsterMitten


how metafilter works?? - question similar users

Post 292911 by msmryh deleted for the following reason: Sorry, questions about Metafilter belong on the Metatalk part of the site - you can post this over there. -- LobsterMitten


a catalogue of regrets - mistakes failures

Post 292894 by a knot unknown deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter -- taz

What does the judge say? (Child support when the guidelines don't apply) - childsupport massachusetts

Post 292870 by cogitron deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


What's wrong with Obama? - trump politics election

Post 292802 by shaqlvaney deleted for the following reason: Sorry, I can see you tried to narrow this down, but the question is still so broad as to constitute chatfilter. -- restless_nomad


Do Americans want a multiple party system? - politics elections us

Post 292743 by tirta-yana deleted for the following reason: Hey sorry, this is chatfilter. There are a bunch of past Metafilter threads about the two party system and alternatives that might be of interest to you, though. -- LobsterMitten

Praying for the Return of Tom and Ray - scionxb 2008 rearbumper

Post 292761 by 4ster deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad