
Men remember ... Women remember ... - gender

Post 296377 by John Borrowman deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter -- taz


Was I right to end relationship with no sex - Break up menopause

Post 296320 by blokefromipanema deleted for the following reason: Hey there, I'm sorry you're still feeling conflicted about this, but we've talked about this a number of times, and you can no longer post about this relationship here. -- LobsterMitten


What specific damage could President Trump do? - uspolitics apocalypse2016 stumpyhandedlunatic

Post 296167 by zeri deleted for the following reason: Sorry but this is chatfilter / debatefilter and not a good post for Ask Metafilter -- taz

How to Unlock iPhone 6 locked on iCloud ID Lock?

Post 296191 by kyletoress deleted for the following reason: This does not appear to be posted in good faith. -- restless_nomad


Talking sex when in a relationship? - friendsofoppositesex boundaries relationships

Post 296010 by bengalibelle deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is pretty much chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten


Give me your favourite cover songs! - music covers

Post 295967 by Nightman deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry, this is broad enough that it's basically chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten


My boss is a bully and treated me very cruelly/unfairly - How to deal? - mentalhealth work schooladministration

Post 295908 by chocolatespaghetti deleted for the following reason: Hey there, I'm so very sorry this is happening, but Ask Metafilter isn't able to provide competent care for your situation. Please check the "There is Help" section of the Wiki, talk to your therapist, close friends and family, and feel free to contact us if you need to talk. -- taz


Could these anti-social sex strategies actually work? - courtship romance insults

Post 295869 by Borborygmus deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is pretty much chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten



best book any library catalog number one cent amazon - amazonbooksonecent

Post 295618 by bukvich deleted for the following reason: Heya, if there's not something a little more specific to this than just literally "go search through Amazon for this weird pricing constraint and say what you like" it's not really a great fit for Ask. -- cortex


Getting over inexplicable behavior from someone you loved - break up dating

Post 295484 by minoraltercation deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is more of a discussion prompt ("tell me your stories") and processing exercise than a concrete question. See here for more info. -- taz

Notate 16 seconds of piano please! - notation

Post 295479 by nologo deleted for the following reason: Hey, AskMe isn't really for asking people to do things FOR you. Hit the contact form in the next hour or so if you'd like to change this to asking for help in how to find the song's sheet music or how to learn to notate it. -- Eyebrows McGee


Children of returned expats: Does the US seem foreign to you? - cultureshock

Post 295322 by A. Davey deleted for the following reason: Heya, this needs to more clearly framed around an direct answerable question—more "help me solve/understand/research x" and less "just tell me about yourself"—for it not be chatfilter. -- cortex


Referral code for Hanna Andersson - clothing

Post 295213 by tangomija deleted for the following reason: This isn't a good use of AskMe. -- restless_nomad