
Help me stand and sit the right way. - posture back exercises

Post 298714 by MeaninglessMisfortune deleted for the following reason: Violating the rules on the 7-day limit. -- restless_nomad


How long would you wait for love, or the hopes of love for a family? - relationships baby

Post 298657 by MamaBee223 deleted for the following reason: Hey there, I'm sorry you're in this very hard situation, but this is essentially the same question as you've asked before, and that one is still open if folks want to offer thoughts in there. -- LobsterMitten


I care about what you think of me. - superficial depression friends

Post 298573 by morning_television deleted for the following reason: Heya, I'm sorry this is frustrating for you, but it's in the same vein as other questions you've asked, and is basically yeah, more of a question for therapy than something folks here can tell you. -- LobsterMitten


Will these political domains be worth anything? - domainames politics

Post 298516 by bdk3clash deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, this is sort of an imponderable question, where nobody has any better basis to speculate than you do. Also, I'm sure unintentionally, it ends up coming across a bit as an advertisement for your having these domains, which is something we want to draw a bright line against. -- LobsterMitten


Former new parents, lend me your anecdata! - parenting baby family

Post 298474 by dissolvedgirl22 deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but there doesn't seem to be a concrete question here, and asking for stories is considered "chatfilter" (see here), and against guidelines. -- taz


Help me resolve this cognitive dissonance/find closure! - student faculty relation

Post 298415 by redwaterman deleted for the following reason: Heya, I'm sorry this happened, but we don't allow revenge questions on AskMe and this is uncomfortably in that range. -- LobsterMitten

Cat Breeder Switched Kitten - show registry resolved

Post 298414 by scarbo deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Hearing loss and alcohol - deafness

Post 298403 by Jason and Laszlo deleted for the following reason: There's possibly an answerable question here, but it needs to be set up differently. Please drop us a line if you want to rework it. -- restless_nomad



Starting a new life. Los Angeles. $300.

Post 298204 by frenchfryfrenzy deleted for the following reason: Heya, it needs to be a lot clearer whether this is "I'm actually in this position and need some guidance ASAP" (in which case it needs a bit of a rewrite before it's going to work well as an Ask) or "here's a hypothetical, go!" in which case it's unworkable as chatfilter. -- cortex


Life Lost - death family purpose

Post 298067 by daveg02 deleted for the following reason: Hey there, I'm sorry; this question is chatfilter, as framed. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Be kind to yourself; grief is hard but it gets less painful with time. Let us know if you need to talk. -- LobsterMitten



Husband resents my personality when it comes to his family - In laws

Post 297962 by tangomija deleted for the following reason: Hey there, I'm sorry you're in this very difficult situation, but AskMe isn't for venting or asking the same question over and over. -- LobsterMitten


Multi Effects or Boutique Guitar Pedals All the Way? - effectpedals

Post 297909 by Fierce deleted for the following reason: This is spam, and not very subtle spam. -- restless_nomad


Lack of curiosity in a relationship - breaking up

Post 297855 by Jaspersen145 deleted for the following reason: Heya, there's not really a clear answerable question here. -- cortex


Was the wrestling real to you? - professionalwrestling kayfabe

Post 297814 by clawsoon deleted for the following reason: Sorry, as framed this is pretty much chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten


gif of a Mexican in a sombrero, psychedelic flashing colours? - image effect photoshop

Post 297776 by Meatbomb deleted for the following reason: Sorry, it seems like an unfortunate likely outcome here is for a lot of racist memes to be posted, which I'm sure is not what you want, and definitely is not what Ask Me is for -- taz

How to reconciliation with my fiancée? - Engagement Dating Relationships

Post 297774 by easilyconfused deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this isn't really a concrete question we can help with, but more like your own processing of the situation. -- taz

Why do I keep attracting lame friends??? - crazy

Post 297792 by rancher deleted for the following reason: This is an awful lot of "here's details about how I think my friends suck" and not a very clear answerable question; maybe try to trim this down to something more focused and try again next week. -- cortex


Does previous experience with another girl means she is bisexual? - female relationshps

Post 297759 by mbn1455 deleted for the following reason: I don't think Ask can help you with these questions about your relationships any longer. -- Eyebrows McGee


Orthotic Sandal - Sandals

Post 297727 by Norm B deleted for the following reason: If you're trying to get feedback on a business idea or something like that this needs to have a lot more detail to work. -- cortex