
'ancient boundaries of Yorkshire quiz' questions - cryptic trivia

Post 302061 by kelster1 deleted for the following reason: Heya, it looks like this is a newspaper puzzle or something, which isn't a huge deal but it does need to be clearer why exactly you need to bring it to Ask MetaFilter for this not to seem a little weird and perfunctory as a question. -- cortex


I acted like a heel on a web forum. How can I make amends? - writing webforums shamelessselfpromotion

Post 302045 by staggering termagant deleted for the following reason: Heya, if this is about Mefi you can post it in Metatalk or talk to us at the contact form. If it's not Mefi, that needs to be clearer, drop us a note and we can edit. -- LobsterMitten


Best impersonation of Woody Allen? - movies woodyallen impersonations

Post 302028 by Mesaverdian deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is chatfilter! -- taz


What went wrong here? - relationships dating romance

Post 301964 by schroedingersgirl deleted for the following reason: Sorry, asking others to read his mind or just generally riff on breakup texts is pretty much chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten


Words for the dying - Death

Post 301846 by procrastination deleted for the following reason: So sorry to hear about this; asking is fine, but since it's a question about tracking something down on the site, it should go in MetaTalk. Feel free to repost over there, and let me know if you have any questions. -- cortex


Weight loss clinic with phentermine and b12 shots - phentermineb12

Post 301795 by barexamfreak deleted for the following reason: This isn't really a question for AskMe -- LobsterMitten



Confidential Confidence - conversation

Post 301514 by miles1972 deleted for the following reason: This is too vague to be concretely answerable: if this is an actual legal question, that needs to be clearer (and kinda just needs to be a Talk To A Lawyer First situation if so), if it's a more general etiquette/ethics thing it still needs to be clearer what the reason for asking and context is. -- cortex


Child privacy and online documents - confidentiality youth

Post 301435 by kanewai deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

In what language do you talk to cat? - feline speech

Post 301398 by sacchan deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is chatfilter -- taz


Losing attraction to my wife - relationship overweight weightloss

Post 301363 by Omnicron deleted for the following reason: A couple of problems with this, please contact us to discuss -- taz

I can't see Metafilter comments on my iPhone - iOS

Post 301395 by Mei's lost sandal deleted for the following reason: Hey, questions about Metafilter go to Metatalk; please go ahead and ask over there! -- taz


What would you have done differently if you'd known you'd never marry? - lifeplanning singledom

Post 301163 by ziggly deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, this is pretty much chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten

A Viking helmet, maybe? - sleep sleeping bed

Post 301162 by Evilspork deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, this is just a bit too far over the chatfilter line. -- LobsterMitten

Looking for advice, found out my girlfriend has transphobic views - feminism relationshipadvice

Post 301127 by fallingleaves deleted for the following reason: A few problems here; please contact us if you'd like to discuss -- taz


589 is your favorite number. - numbers

Post 301102 by allelopath deleted for the following reason: This isn't an appropriate use of Ask MetaFilter. -- cortex

Please tell me this wasn't a kidnapping.... - news notasinterestingasI'mimagining

Post 301101 by Jacen deleted for the following reason: Gonna agree with the thoughts below: call non-emergency if you want to report something worrying, but there's not really anything Ask can do here besides idly speculate about road-side scenarios we weren't there to see. -- cortex