
Your Go-to Doodle

Post 308539 by klausman deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but this is chatfilter -- taz


Moving in together part-time, in a new city, with new telecommuting

Post 308480 by gemutlichkeit deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- taz


Why did the UK's Labour party support a snap general election? - politics generalelection

Post 308271 by katrielalex deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is more of a chat/discussion framing, with "here are my thoughts"; if you want to have a conversation, it would be better to do it over here, where the discussion is underway and you can ask people what they think and engage the answers. -- taz



Hearing someone at work saying racial slurs when he is alone - coworker lunch

Post 308117 by pieceofcake deleted for the following reason: You've already asked this question, and without hearing why none of that advice worked for you, asking it again isn't going to get you different answers. -- restless_nomad


Crowdsourcing Cupid, and Stupid Dating Problems, Part 2. - attraction compatibility relationships

Post 308033 by actionpotential deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is very long and substantially rehashing your question from last week; if you have a specific and much more focused followup question, give that a shot next week maybe. -- cortex


How do I target the right consumer for high-end furniture? - modern marketing audience

Post 307985 by andrewsa deleted for the following reason: As framed this comes across almost as an ad, which is a no-go on AskMetafilter. If you just want to ask about where to place ads for high-end furniture, hit the contact form in the next hour or so for a quick edit. -- LobsterMitten


Should we move to Australia? - Illinois moving majorlifechoice

Post 307925 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- taz


Can I go back to being blonde after a too dark toner made me brunette? - hair

Post 307867 by bearam deleted for the following reason: Sorry, you just asked this same question recently; you can try updating in there, or just call your colorist and ask them. -- LobsterMitten

Getting stuff done when dealing with anxiety and apathy - gettingthingsdone mentalhealth

Post 307862 by sock of ages deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- taz


A world without steel or iron - fiction writing apocalypse

Post 307834 by sandraregina deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry, but this is chatfilter -- taz

Career setbacks: seeking stories - lessons

Post 307850 by thesockpuppet deleted for the following reason: Heya, without some clear direction on the why and what this is pretty unstructured chatfilter. -- cortex


Need help with a legal research experiment - work visa

Post 307812 by Amalie-Suzette deleted for the following reason: This isn't an appropriate use of Ask MetaFilter. -- cortex


Help us address unpaid labor in our household - chores childcare

Post 307763 by bimbam deleted for the following reason: Presenting a "thought experiment" as if it's a real situation about your household is misleading and an abuse of AskMetafilter. Don't do this again. -- LobsterMitten


Looking for professional academic proofreading - editing humanities publishing

Post 307708 by washburn deleted for the following reason: Heya - it's fine to ask for recommendations. But this reads like a job ad (seeking a Mefite to do the job), which should actually go over on Jobs instead. If you'd like to revise this into a briefer, more askme-suitable version let me know in the next hour or so. -- LobsterMitten

Is it common for HR to lay everyone off in a department reorganization? - job standards cruel

Post 307715 by bitslayer deleted for the following reason: This is more a rant than a question, sorry -- restless_nomad