Post 316206 by Flowerpower deleted for the following reason: Heya, I think you're looking MeFiMail (you can write to someone from their profile page after clicking on their username) but in any case this sort of how-to-use-the-site thing isn't what Ask MetaFilter is for. You'd want to either write to the contact form or make a MetaTalk post. -- cortex
Should We Pull The Plug? - medical death
Post 316231 by shew deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this kind of hypothetical debatefilter isn't suitable for Askme. -- LobsterMitten
8:19 AM
Dealing with local harassment. Would like to implement legal boundaries. - privacy invasion libel
Post 315944 by thewolfandewe deleted for the following reason: I don't think this is something AskMe can help you with, and taking answers to DM isn't an appropriate way to engage with the forum. -- Eyebrows McGee
4:07 AM
Ever done anything ethically questionable for Work? - ethics
Post 315897 by Spiderwoman deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is a type of question that's called chatfilter, and which is generally not allowed on AskMe. It's also not okay to survey the audience here for article-fodder or to use their answers as a writing prompt or that kind of thing, just in case that's what's going on. -- LobsterMitten
6:58 AM
an Israeli point of view - palestine
Post 315820 by stevedawg deleted for the following reason: This might work better if you narrow down what you're looking for as much as possible: is it books, articles, something else? It's worth revisiting the FAQ on this and make it more specific if you want to have a do-over. -- goodnewsfortheinsane
6:16 AM
Wiping with bare hands? - sanitary habits feces
Post 315775 by red_alert_3 deleted for the following reason: Seems like you've already found your answers to this and are either just noting your findings, or looking for discussion -- taz
10:53 AM
Why a cake is "the best one you ever tasted"? - cooking
Post 315512 by cakecrumbs deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter, sorry. -- restless_nomad
5:04 AM
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