
Wollen Sie ins Museum gehen?

Post 319627 by wintersonata9 deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, this is a nice thought, but there isn't really a good place on Mefi to give away tickets. -- LobsterMitten

When do you know if a relationship isnt worth saving *URGENT*

Post 319639 by Deal deleted for the following reason: Sorry, AskMetafilter is not for open-ended processing/ongoing updates on relationships.... this is basically the same thing as your question last week. -- LobsterMitten


What do you think has the biggest influence on public opinion?

Post 319584 by rageagainsttherobots deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is more of a discussion starter (chatfilter) than really works on AskMetafilter. -- LobsterMitten


Visit from someone who has feelings for the SO

Post 319570 by miaow deleted for the following reason: OP says it turned out to be a misunderstanding -- taz


Is the MetaFilter code available for public use?

Post 319504 by Clementines4ever deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is fine to ask but you need to do so on MetaTalk or at the contact form; AskMe isn’t for sure-related questions. -- cortex


He left me (blindsided). I am heartbroken, how can I move through this?

Post 319365 by Willow251 deleted for the following reason: Hey, this sounds really hard, but there isn't a question here, and AskMe is not for this kind of ongoing relationship processing. -- restless_nomad


How do I have MS project users let me know when they've made updates?

Post 319298 by shoesietart deleted for the following reason: doubled -- taz


Can cats commit sexual assault? #MeowToo?

Post 319280 by mikeand1 deleted for the following reason: Heya, I think it's totally fine to ask the site whether and how to deal with some cat interaction problems, but winky framing about #MeowToo etc. is a hard pass. Rewrite and try again. -- cortex


Is it okay that Tea Forte sells defective cups? - product policy regulation

Post 319052 by daisyace deleted for the following reason: sorry, but as written, this looks like you are using Ask Me to punish the company / give negative publicity, and that's not what the site is for. Contact us if you'd like to edit. -- taz


Barefoot in dorm shower stalls? - higher education hygiene

Post 318888 by red_alert_3 deleted for the following reason: Hey, I'm not sure if you missed it, but we deleted this when you posted it yesterday - we don't do re-asks of questions like this. -- restless_nomad


Re-ask : Bare foot in dorm room showers - Hygiene higher education

Post 318828 by red_alert_3 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, we don't do re-asks. -- LobsterMitten


Please tell me if you identify with this statement. - social relationships deviceaddiction

Post 318794 by falcon42 deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, this is pretty much chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten


Celebrity-Lite likes me, but I have a new BF. Checking in feelings? - dating relationships celebrities

Post 318724 by sam3cat deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- taz

How to get Scottish or Irish Citizenship without ancestory or marriage? - scotland

Post 318721 by RearWindow deleted for the following reason: This seems the same as your question from August; you'll need to explain why the answers there didn't work or what you tried from them. -- Eyebrows McGee


Tell me your serious-relationship breakup stories.

Post 318654 by MiraK deleted for the following reason: Heya, there's not really any kind of "problem I'm trying to solve" here as this is framed. -- cortex

How would you interpret the phrase "lesbian subaru porn?"

Post 318662 by sciatrix deleted for the following reason: Totally get that this was really not the intention, but the non-specific chatfilter-y framing of the post, plus expanding it to "now consider it this way sort of opens this up to a) disparaging characterizations, and b) graphic descriptions of porn, both of which are a problem here -- taz


Poop Milkshake Duck

Post 318596 by womb of things to be and tomb of things that were deleted for the following reason: I agree with folks saying that asking for positive recommendations might be better. It seems this way leads to more debate than answers, sorry. -- goodnewsfortheinsane