
Bubblegum from around the world! - chewinggum favors help

Post 325941 by sammyabdu deleted for the following reason: Hey there, sorry, but asking for favors is against guidelines for Ask Metafilter. -- taz


Did you ally with emotionally abusive parent against the other parent? - abuse parents children

Post 325854 by Jenny'sCricket deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is more discussion fodder than "help solve a problem" (more info) -- taz


God said to dump you. - frienddumping religion

Post 325801 by fingersandtoes deleted for the following reason: I am sorry this happened to you but there isn't a question in here. -- jessamyn


Online Custom Writing Services

Post 325791 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: Spaaaaaaam -- restless_nomad


What can cause trouble in shallow water? - swimming

Post 325697 by rockyraccoon deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- taz


No closure..why aren't I over this yet? - break up move

Post 325527 by blokefromipanema deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry but I can't help but feel we've deleted this question before. -- goodnewsfortheinsane


Living is horrifying for me now. How do I live?

Post 325481 by Wildernessy deleted for the following reason: Hey, I'm sorry you're having a rough time, but you have asked essentially this question several times and we're past AskMe being useful on this issue. Check out the ThereIsHelp page for resources that are better-suited to this kind of issue. -- restless_nomad



Police being called on Black people - racism

Post 325305 by Keith Talent deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is too broad and “here’s some guesses, now you” for an Ask on such a charged topic. -- cortex


Moving in with an ex - got a feeling he is just using me for money - relationship love

Post 325264 by Salicornia deleted for the following reason: I'm sorry you're in such a difficult spot, but this isn't a question, and this isn't how AskMe is meant to be used. -- LobsterMitten


Worm ID - va hammerhead

Post 325034 by one4themoment deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Would this be a frivolous use of GoFundMe?

Post 325031 by BostonTerrier deleted for the following reason: Sorry, I'm sure not your intent but this is uncomfortably close to just posting the request here. -- LobsterMitten