
Help me be compassionate - Baby loss bereavement

Post 327919 by EatMyHat deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this is less a request for education than an argument for your point of view, posted in a really offensive way, and will not go well at all. -- taz

Can an eastern european with 20000 euros settle in Canada? - movetocanada salaries homeownership

Post 327887 by ide deleted for the following reason: Spammer; banned -- taz



Did my friend get pregnant to trap a guy? Also should I get a post nup? - family husband nuptial

Post 327786 by direct1 deleted for the following reason: There's not really any way folks here could answer the main question here; it's really not at all workable for Ask. -- cortex


Bulimia and Anorexia - Illness

Post 327673 by Kilovolt deleted for the following reason: This is not a good way to frame a question on this topic. -- LobsterMitten


Why do men suck at flirting? - dating

Post 327565 by Sterros deleted for the following reason: Heya, if this really is mostly just a "thoughts?" thing and not looking to try and work out a solution to a specific problem, it's pretty far into chatfilter territory. -- cortex


Should I change my username? - metafilter

Post 327389 by fatfrank deleted for the following reason: Hi there, for questions related to Metafilter itself, please post at Metatalk. Thanks! -- taz


Like Duolingo but with travel phrases? - French language apps

Post 327360 by rednikki deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- taz

Christmas arts n' crafts - present crazy ambitious

Post 327381 by shapes that haunt the dusk deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- Eyebrows McGee


The Rise of Populism

Post 327349 by TruthfulCalling deleted for the following reason: This is not how the site works -- restless_nomad


What do you think of Dale Carnegie training?

Post 327210 by metamonday deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is chatfilter. Also, please check that you're familiar with the rules about multiple accounts; abusing the multiple account rules is potentially bannable. -- LobsterMitten

Avoiding a Homeless Foop - mustmove sanluisobispo disabled

Post 327202 by oneswellfoop deleted for the following reason: Heya, I'm sorry you're in this situation! But "if you can't offer direct assistance" suggests this is posted as a request for direct assistance, which isn't workable. Get in touch if you'd like to edit to emphasize what kind of informational help you want. -- LobsterMitten

People are good, right? - Violence

Post 327201 by pH Indicating Socks deleted for the following reason: Drop us a line and we can try to get this somewhere workable. -- restless_nomad

Reckon my date is ghosting but we share a friend group, how to deal? - relationships friendsawkward

Post 327196 by Willow251 deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad


I don't want to live, but suicide is out of the question. What can I do? - death

Post 327135 by anonymousy deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this question as framed isn't going to work for AskMe. Contact us if you want to discuss. -- LobsterMitten


A Week in Maine

Post 326987 by freshwater deleted for the following reason: Double -- taz