
Gmail not receiving emails after downloading a virus - computer

Post 332760 by cozenedindigo deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Why is reddit such an awful place/community? - Online communities

Post 332757 by Braxis deleted for the following reason: This is not a question. -- cortex

How does calling emotional/romantic dibs work, exactly? - Relationships

Post 332756 by Cosine deleted for the following reason: This is framed so coyly as to be chatfilter. -- restless_nomad


How do I get my Mojo back. - motivation break up

Post 332626 by blokefromipanema deleted for the following reason: This isn't answerable as framed. You should get a professional opinion about depression, check your past questions about the breakup, and/or ask a concrete question about resources for increasing motivation. -- taz



Spaces for Rent in Philadelphia under $500?

Post 332353 by dancer4life deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but Ask Metafilter is not for classified ads type postings -- taz


Is it possible to block someone via text ONLY- and not calls?

Post 332266 by fantasticness deleted for the following reason: You already asked this here -- Eyebrows McGee

What are some options for senior mobility?

Post 332240 by Justincase deleted for the following reason: Whatever you're trying to do here is not okay; banned. -- taz

What are some options for senior mobility?

Post 332239 by Justincase deleted for the following reason: Whatever you're trying to do here is not okay; banned. -- taz


Test Question 2

Post 332223 by frimbletest deleted for the following reason: Test Question -- frimble

Test Question

Post 332222 by frimbletest deleted for the following reason: Test question -- frimble

Boss Retaliation: Nursing Mother Edition

Post 332206 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad

Test question

Post 332224 by frimble deleted for the following reason: test question -- frimble


Advice on collaborating to manufacture a novel dietary supplement

Post 332155 by MD_yeahright deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, this isn't really something AskMe can help with. If you want to hire a consultant who can get into more detail with you, you could post on Jobs. -- LobsterMitten

Has anyone used DCAcar in Los Angeles or DC?

Post 332147 by Melanie818 deleted for the following reason: Hey, this is a pretty transparent attempt at spamming you're banned now! -- cortex


What do Americans agree on?

Post 332136 by TEA deleted for the following reason: Sorry, this is way too general to get useful answers, so is just devolving into chatfilter / jokefilter -- taz

Where can I find relatively cheap and reliable mobility scooters?

Post 332102 by Justincase deleted for the following reason: Since you sell mobility scooters, it's obvious that this isn't a question asked in good faith. -- taz

User-friendly DBT

Post 332127 by cotton dress sock deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- restless_nomad


Any way to explain this creepy house?

Post 332089 by FirstMateKate deleted for the following reason: Sorry, not a great idea to publish a personal address in a public question -- taz


I need a sanity check on my expectations.

Post 332064 by crunchy potato deleted for the following reason: Heya, I'm sorry this is happening, but this is really more of an "amirite" question that falls under chatfilter. -- LobsterMitten


How has social media impacted the role and landscape of documentaries?

Post 331884 by rageagainsttherobots deleted for the following reason: Heya, sorry, this is more of a discussion-starter than a concrete answerable question. This is called chatfilter and isn't allowed on AskMetafilter. -- LobsterMitten


Temporary workers at NPR

Post 331842 by CollectiveMind deleted for the following reason: This needs to be clearer about what your question is, especially since an NPR Public Editor response shows up on the first page of a simple google search. If you are looking for a different sort of reaction, please explain what it is. -- taz