


How do I go about getting a mortgage loan? - Mortgages

Post 333312 by Dragonness deleted for the following reason: Oop, doubled up! -- cortex


What Steel Building options are there in Houston, Texas? - Buildings

Post 333282 by AWSteel deleted for the following reason: this is spam and you are banned -- LobsterMitten


what is this thing? - mystery item identification

Post 333164 by some loser deleted for the following reason: Hey, this link doesn't work -- if you can fix it, I can reopen this! -- Eyebrows McGee



Pdf to word and back again (w/o losing formatting) - InDesign

Post 333015 by CollectiveMind deleted for the following reason: Double -- taz


Morbid question below the fold - Bullet speed reaction

Post 332992 by Iteki deleted for the following reason: This is a little too gruesome a hypothetical to work here, sorry. -- restless_nomad

Please help me populate a list of inspirational films. - movie movies inspirationalfilm

Post 332986 by captainsohler deleted for the following reason: This is way too vague to work, sorry. Drop us a line at the contact form in the next few hours if you want to try to rework it. -- restless_nomad