
College Essay on Current Gaza Conflict: HELP!!!

Post 115429 by JoeXIII007 deleted for the following reason: while it's okay to have people give you ideas on how to write a paper, this is really over the "please help me do my homework" line right over into "please do my homework" -- jessamyn

cheapest thing in the world?

Post 115423 by emhutchinson deleted for the following reason: Chatfilter. -- cortex

Do women like each other?

Post 115404 by AuntieRuth deleted for the following reason: this is sort of chatty nd strange and not open to any answers other than "yeah they do" or "no they don't" and might be better suited to BBQ or elsewhere. -- jessamyn

Cheap CD sleeves

Post 115394 by cameronfromedinburgh deleted for the following reason: This is more rant/chatfilter than a question. -- cortex



Post 115323 by plexi deleted for the following reason: if you have a real question and/or problem to be solved, please make it more focussed and less chatty, thanks. -- jessamyn


Aggregate the alcohol advice, please. Thank you?

Post 115302 by christhelongtimelurker deleted for the following reason: move this over to metatalk please. -- jessamyn

I'm losing my friend to guilt trips and defensiveness...

Post 115246 by Hwaet deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn


Help me find someone?

Post 115194 by hadjiboy deleted for the following reason: this is not what mefi is for. If you don't know whether something is appropriate ASK, don't do this sort of thing here. -- jessamyn

Food Service Nightmares

Post 115192 by empath deleted for the following reason: chatfilter -- waht is the problem you're trying to solve here? -- jessamyn

If this was legal...wouldn't every business owner do it?

Post 115145 by inoculatedcities deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex


Picky eater support group?

Post 114981 by fishtacos deleted for the following reason: a little on the chatty side, maybe refine as a real question? -- jessamyn

Need a social networking site developer

Post 114977 by rainy deleted for the following reason: post this in jobs, thanks! -- jessamyn

I could tell you how to get to Thornfield Manor, but then I'd have to kill you.

Post 114906 by katyggls deleted for the following reason: Man, we should put this one in the FAQ or something. -- cortex


Alternative Living

Post 114832 by brynnwood deleted for the following reason: Askme isn't really a place where it's okay to solicit or farm for interview subjects/responses. -- cortex


Auditorium or Theater Rental NYC

Post 114748 by JPar deleted for the following reason: Oh, you did not just use two accounts to do bullshit astroturfing for AXA. -- cortex

When to give up on someone you care about

Post 114738 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- cortex

Will history butt out?

Post 114726 by newpotato deleted for the following reason: This is ranty chatfilter dressed up with a perfunctory question. Do not do this here. -- cortex


How do you feel about your first name?

Post 114656 by ClarissaWAM deleted for the following reason: This is more in chatfiltery "I'm doing a poll" than we're generally okay with for askme. -- cortex


Your second marriage: did you marry someone who's better looking (trophy wife / Mr. TDH) than the one from your first marriage? . . .

Post 114508 by querty deleted for the following reason: I dont see a specific question/problem to be solved here. looks like chatfilter -- vacapinta


What makes life worth living?

Post 114310 by Curry deleted for the following reason: chatfilter -- vacapinta

I love you--but you aren't there!

Post 114245 by hadjiboy deleted for the following reason: hadjiboy, I'm not in a position to say what is and is not a good use of metachat, but this is really way too coversational and chatty for askme, and I think you mostly know that at this point too. Please don't use this as a place to just kind of dump your state of mind and tack on a nominal "what now" to dress it up as a question. -- cortex



Post 114213 by boby deleted for the following reason: This is pretty general and chatfiltery, with shades of amirite to it. -- cortex


What exact number(s) do you think of when someone says "a couple"?

Post 114090 by gmm deleted for the following reason: this is the very definition of chatfilter: the idle curiosities and polling of the audience. Also? It's two. It's always two. -- mathowie


Does anyone have a Ffffound invitation?

Post 113889 by FuckingAwesome deleted for the following reason: not really what AskMe is for, sorry. -- jessamyn

What metafilter posts caused a change in your life?

Post 113873 by jcwilliams deleted for the following reason: Questions about metafilter should go in Metatalk, not Ask. You can post this there. -- cortex


Paul McCartney's backup band?

Post 113795 by andreap deleted for the following reason: earlier today -- cortex


Neigh Bores

Post 113591 by strawberryviagra deleted for the following reason: Ask Metafilter is not for indulging in hypothetical revenge fantasies. Do not do this here. -- cortex

MidEastFilter: Why is the UN allowed to halt aid in response to theft?

Post 113559 by brenton deleted for the following reason: there is no decent way to answer this question without bringing everyone's biases and GRARing to the table. -- jessamyn


“Imma need y’all to shut that window, I don’t want to catch pneumonia!”

Post 113475 by sixcolors deleted for the following reason: This seems like a terrible question, sorry. -- mathowie


I am tired of smelling your butthole?

Post 113358 by Anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- jessamyn


Help me give more helpful answers on AskMefi

Post 113293 by giggleknickers deleted for the following reason: hey there -- this pretty much should be in MeTa since it's pretty MeFi specific. -- jessamyn


iTunes sign-in trouble!

Post 113213 by Quidam deleted for the following reason: yay it's fixed! -- jessamyn

Is physics empty?

Post 113164 by Eiwalker deleted for the following reason: This is darned foggy as answerables go -- it reads more like you're trying to start a philosophy-of-science debate than get a clear answer questioned. Maybe try again with a clearer statement of your actual question next week? -- cortex


Writers to emulate

Post 113101 by AceRock deleted for the following reason: Without a lot more information, this is a pretty hopelessly vague and chatfilter. -- cortex